
wú xínɡ shì zé rèn nénɡ lì
  • criminal incapacity
  1. 无刑事责任能力精神病人的司法处遇预防犯罪和刑事司法司

    Judicial Penalties to the Criminal Incapacity of Psychosis ; Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division

  2. 方法采用邮寄调查问卷、电话问讯办案人员的方式对90例无刑事责任能力案例进行调查,并统计分析有关资料。

    Methods : Data about 90 cases with irresponsibility was collected by mail or telephone questionnaire , and statistically analyzed .

  3. 强制医疗是指对无刑事责任能力的精神病人所适用的,旨在消除其危险状态、保障社会安全的强制隔离和治疗的刑事实体措施。

    Compulsory medical treatment refers to the ability of non-criminal mentally ill applied , aimed at eliminating the dangers of state , to protect social security mandatory isolation and treatment measures for criminal entities .

  4. 刑法的原因自由行为,又名自陷行为,是指行为人由于自身罪过致使自己陷于意识不清或行为失控的状态,并且在此无刑事责任能力或限制责任能力的状态下实施了犯罪构成要件。

    Action libera in causa , refers to acts because of their own sin result in a sense of unclear or act out of control state , and no criminal liability in this capacity or limiting the liability of the state of implementation capacity of the crime Elements of composition .

  5. 有身份者教唆、利用无身份而有刑事责任能力的人实施真正身份犯,有身份者和无身份者均构成直接正犯;

    If people with the crime status instigating or exploiting those who do not have the crime status but have the capacity to perpetrate a status crime , both are direct guilt .