
  • 网络special obligation;special duty
  1. 海上危险货物运输托运人的一项特殊义务是危险货物的通知义务。

    The particular duty of the shipper in contract of carriage of dangerous goods by sea is the duty of notice .

  2. 翻译工作者作为“再创造”的作者,对原作者负有特殊义务。

    Being a " secondary " author , the translator is required to accept special obligations with respect to the author of the original work .

  3. 告知是侦查机关的一种法定特殊义务,告知的内容不仅包括嫌疑人享有的诉讼权利,同时也包括与其相关的一些重要信息。

    Inform be one kind of legal peculiar duty . Informs the content not only includes the lawsuit right which the suspect enjoys , simultaneously also includes with its related some important information .

  4. 评委:大学生对于社会的特殊义务,你回答的其中之一就是父母期望子女成才。

    Judge : Um , one of the things that you replied in response to special obligations that university students owe society is that , um , parents want their children to be successful .

  5. 医疗说明义务分为一般说明义务和特殊说明义务。

    The duty of disclosure of medial information is divided into general disclosure and special disclosure .

  6. 可表现为一般注意义务的过失和特殊注意义务的过失。(2)总论;

    There are two kinds of forms , which are negligence of general duty of care and negligence of special duty of care .

  7. 正是这种独一无二的自我定义,赋予了我们非同寻常的号召力,但同时也加之于我们一项特殊的义务,

    It is that unique self-definition which has given us an exceptional appeal , but it also imposes on us a special obligation ,

  8. 我认为专业学者和无党派企业家们有着特殊的义务,因为他们和政府部门工作人员或者那些有商业压力的公司雇员们相比有着更大的自由度。

    And I think academics and independent entrepreneurs have a special obligation because they have more freedom than those in government service , or company employees subject to commercial pressure .

  9. 而业务过失违反的是特殊注意义务,即国家为维护社会正常的生活秩序、生产秩序以及发展的需要,对从事某些特别业务活动的人,提出的特殊注意义务。

    While vocational negligence violates a special attentive obligation , which is an obligation for a person who takes up some special professional work demanded by countries to keep social order .

  10. 让患者知情同意义务是近些年来在医疗诉讼过程中逐步从一般注意义务中分化出来的特殊注意义务。

    The obligation of informed consent is a special attention obligation that has been gradually separated from the general attention obligation in the course of medical lawsuit in the past few years .

  11. 违反特殊说明义务,没有造成患者人身损害,医院也可能会承担物质性损害赔偿责任。

    Although no personal damage of the patient arises from the violation of the duty of special disclosure of medial information , the hospital may bear the liability for the material damage compensation .

  12. 所以研讨行政决议计划中的政治义务题目特殊是政治义务系列题目具有主要的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore research for political responsibility especially series question in administrative decision has the important theory and the practical significance .

  13. 高校教师的权利与义务可分为基础权利与义务、普通权利与义务以及特殊权利与义务。

    Their rights and duties can be classified into basic rights and obligation , common rights and obligation and special rights and obligation .

  14. 为了每一个残障学生的发展&关于三类特殊教育学校义务教育课程设置实验方案的述评

    For the Development of Every Disabled Student : An Analysis of Experimental Program of Compulsory Education Curriculum in Three Types of Special Education Schools

  15. 受国际融合教育思潮的影响,我国的随班就读经过20年的发展,已成为我国特殊儿童接受义务教育的主要形式,但社交技巧的教学在随班就读中并未受到重视。

    Influenced by the trend of international Inclusive Education , Regular Class , in China , has been a main way to help the Speical Children acquire compulsory education through its twenty years development .

  16. 电子商务认证是一种信用服务关系,认证机构与证书持有人之间的权利义务基于服务合同而产生,对证书信赖人所承担的责任,则因其特殊的职业义务而存在。

    The business of CA is a kind of credit service , in which the rights and obligations between CA and its certificate holders are based on their previous agreement , whereas their responsibility towards the none-certificate holders arises from the professional duty .

  17. 在医患法律关系中,知情同意义务是一种特殊的同意义务,医疗机构和医务人员进行医疗行为时要对患者进行充分的告知并取得患者的同意以保障患者自我决定权的实现。

    As a special form of consent , informed consent in medical industry refers to the duty of medical institutions and staff to fully inform the patients of the treatment and get their consent so as to guarantee the patients ' right of self-decision .

  18. 合同或订单采纳为一个特殊产品不创造义务在USL接受进一步订购这样产品。

    Acceptance of contract or order for a particular product creates no obligation upon USL to accept further orders for such products .

  19. 其次,探讨了证券投资基金信息披露法律制度的特征,包括证券投资基金信息披露制度具有法律强制性、多样性和复杂性、主体具有特殊性、权利义务具有单向性的特点。

    Secondly , discussing the characteristic of the information disclosure legal system of the security investment fund which includes legal compulsory , diversity and complexity , and so on .

  20. 少数民族由于其自身的特殊性,在义务教育经费投入上体现出了一系列特殊问题:教育经费缺口巨大;

    The minority embodies a series of special problems in education funds of the compulsory education because of its own particularity : The shortfall of education funds is enormous ;

  21. 大学生同普通公民一样享有宪法和法律规定的各项基本权利,同时作为受教育者,又有特殊的权利和义务。

    Students not only enjoy with ordinary citizens the fundamental rights under the Constitution and laws , but also have special rights and obligations as a person being educated .

  22. 专家因其特殊的身份,在职业活动中负有特殊的义务,如高度注意义务、忠实义务、保密义务等等。

    Specialists have special status and incur some special duties in their occupations , for example , high attention duty , fiduciary duty and confidential duty .