
  • 网络character species;Characteristic Species
  1. 所以,本区系高寒植被典型,特征种典型,高寒区系特色明显。

    Therefore , in this flora , the alpine vegetation are typical , and the characteristic species are typical , and the feature of alpine and plateau flora is obvious .

  2. 每个林型用1个林下植物优势特征种和2今优势树种(林下植物、乔木、乔木)组成生物生态组,作为鉴定林型的主要标志。

    In every forest-type , a " biological ecology group " consisted of I dominant characteristic species of undergrowth and 2 dominant species of tree . This " group " was used as an important mark for identifying the forest-type .

  3. 特征种是只在某一特定群落内,集中分布,并且只局限在其中的一些植物种。

    Character-species are species whose distributions are centered in , or largely limited to , a given community & type .

  4. 从该种的生态分布、栖境选择、偏喜的食料植物以及适宜的温度、湿度和光照等综合表明,笨蝗为典型干旱生境特征种。

    According to their ecological distribution , selection of habitats , their preference for food plants , suitable environmental temperature , humidity , light conditions and so on , they belong to typical species of arid biotopes in these areas .

  5. 利用不同地区5个典型马尾松种源,布置3种P水平的盆栽实验,研究马尾松应对低P胁迫时根系形态和干物质分配特征的种源差异。

    Pot experiments in 3 phosphorus levels were conducted with 5 masson pine ( Pinus massoniana ) provenances in various areas to study the differences of root morphology and dry matter allocation of these provenances under low-phosphorus stress .

  6. 兴安落叶松边材心材生长特征的种源效应

    Effects of Provenances on Growth Characteristics of Sapwood and Heartwood of Larix gmelinii Trees

  7. 侧耳属菌株的菌丝生长特征与其种性相关性研究

    A Study on the Relativity between Mycelium Growth Characteristics and Species Property of Pleurotus Strains

  8. 情感与欲望之间&论花儿情歌的基本文化特征一种基本的感情,这种感情难于描述但人们都乐于去经历。

    On the Cultural Characteristics of Huar Love Songs ; a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience .

  9. 用长度总频比和面积比、像素灰度矩特征两种方法提取了大理石花纹图像特征。

    Compared with the length total frequency with the area ratio , the picture element gradation moment characteristic two methods has withdrawn the marble pattern image characteristic .

  10. 阐明五种游蛇科动物雌体大小、窝卵数和卵大小之间的关系和雌性繁殖特征的种间差异。

    We studied relationships among body size , clutch size , and egg size and female reproductive characteristics in five species of oviparous colubrid snakes from Zhoushan islands , Zhejiang , China .

  11. 在对数字化地图等高线的提取和线状特征两种方法分析研究的基础上,提出了一种地图位图等高线提取的新方法,并以此开发了一套基于VC++开发平台的软件系统。

    Based on studying the two proposed methods for the extraction of contour lines and line features , a novel method for the extraction of contour lines from a digital map is put forward in this paper . And a VC + + - based software system is developed .

  12. 胃肠炎是以腹痛、腹泻、头痛和发烧为特征的一种疾病。

    Gastroenteritis is a disease characterized by abdominal pain , diarrhea , headache , and fever .

  13. 基于DEM提取水域特征的一种算法实现

    An algorithm for extracting watershed features based on DEM

  14. 实验目的:骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)是以慢性进行性关节软骨损伤为特征的一种疾病。

    Objective : Osteoarthritis ( OA ) is a disease characterized by progressive breakdown of articular cartilage .

  15. 具有软件特征的一种CTI应用模式

    A Kind of CTI Application Mode with Software Characteristic

  16. 本文根据切变湍流结构的特征提出一种分层Reynolds应力模式。

    A regional Reynolds stress model has been proposed in the paper based on the structure features of the turbulent shear flow .

  17. 该文依据Rayleigh脉冲特征提出四种设计UWB脉冲的算法,并对其优缺点进行比较。

    This paper first introduced several kinds of algorithm to design UWB pulse based on Rayleigh monopulse , then compared their merits and demerits .

  18. Gabor特征是一种有效的外貌特征提取方法,由于相邻方向或相邻尺度的Gabor滤波器极为相似,因此本文采用了局部小波特征提取方法。

    Gabor is an effective appearance feature extraction method , but the Gabor filters of adjacent direction or scale are very similar , so local Gabor filters are used to extract the features .

  19. Q-H平衡图是表达通风网络所有特征的一种新方法。

    Q-H equilibrium graph is a new method to express all the characteristics of ventilation network .

  20. 猪传染性胸膜肺炎(PorcineContagiousPleuropneumonia,PCP)是由猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(Actinobacilluspleuropneumoniae,APP)引起的主要以胸膜肺炎和出血性坏死性肺炎为特征的一种高度接触传染性呼吸道疾病。

    Pleuropneumoniae ( Porcine Contagious Pleuropneumonia , PCP ) from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae ( Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae , APP ) mainly due to pneumonia and pleural hemorrhagic necrotizing pneumonia characterized by a highly contagious respiratory disease .

  21. 它是显示血管和血流信号特征的一种技术,由Edelman等于1985年首先报道并用于临床。

    It is a technology to show the signal characteristics of vessels and blood flow . It was firstly reported and applied in clinical application by Edelman in 1985 .

  22. 糖尿病心肌病是DM的主要并发症之一,它以心肌肥大、心肌及间质纤维化、细胞水平钙转运缺陷、心肌收缩蛋白胶原形成和脂肪酸代谢异常等为特征的一种独特的心肌病变。

    Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a major complication of diabetes mellitus which is a unique cardiomyopathy characterized by myocardium hypertrophy , myocardium fibrosis , transporting defect of calcium of cells level , formation of collagen of contraction protein of myocardium and abnormality of fatty acid metabolism .

  23. 随着现代社会的发展,使人们进入快节奏的激烈竞争时代,大脑处于高度紧张的状态,再加上其他社会因素的影响,CFS已成为现代社会带有浓厚时代特征的一种疾病。

    Due to the development of the modern society , it makes the people entering a fast rhythm and competitive age , people are mentally stressed , in addition to other social factors , CFS has become one of diseases come alone with the modern society development .

  24. 情感特征:一种宗教情感。

    Second , the feeling feature was provided with religious belief .

  25. 促进其线性频散特征另一种形式的Bousinesq方程

    Alternative form of the Boussinesq Equations with improved linear dispersion characteristics

  26. 混沌的现代性&对中国现代文学思潮总体特征的一种解读

    Confused Modernity-An Interpretation of the General Characteristics of Modern Chinese Literature

  27. 震级-频度关系小震端分布特征的一种可能的解释

    A possible explanation of the apparent MAGNITUDE-FREQUENCY relation for small earthquakes

  28. 获取视频特征的一种方法

    A Kind of Method to Acquire the Features of Video

  29. 饱和土体固结变形特征的一种非线性描述

    A model for describing the nonlinear consolidation characteristics of saturated soft soil

  30. 巨大胚水稻是以具有特别大的胚为特征的一种特异水稻。

    Giant embryo rice is a kind of characteristic rice with gi .