
  1. 因此,我国迫切需要利用包括BOT在内的特许经营制度来引入私人资本,以发展我国的基础设施和公用事业。

    Therefore , we have to bring the Concession System which including BOT into this country to attract private capital , so that we can develop our infrastructure and public utilities .

  2. 随着市政公用事业市场化改革的推进和特许经营制度的建立,大量基础设施由企业投资人以BOT方式投资、建设和运营。

    With the improvement of market oriented reform for the municipal utility and establishment of the municipal utility industry concession system , a large number of infrastructure were invested , constructed and operated in the way of BOT mode by enterprises in China .

  3. 制定规范的特许经营制度,特别是准入标准;

    Making official concessionary system for operation , especially for market entrance standards ;

  4. 我国政府对公用企业的监管模式,包括采取特许经营制度以及对公用企业进行行政指导等方式。

    The government regulation manners mainly include the concession management and the administrative guidance .

  5. 在市政公用行业特许经营制度中价格是一个核心的问题。

    The price is a core issue in franchise system of municipal public utility industry .

  6. 三是推行公路特许经营制度,发展特许经营公司;

    Using the " Road Concession System " and establishing the concession companies for toll road construction ;

  7. 在市场化改革的浪潮下,我国的城市公交企业开始了特许经营制度的改革。

    In the wave of market-oriented reforms , enterprises of urban public transportation in our country started the reform of franchise institution .

  8. 实行特许经营制度可以充分地利用民间资金、外资及私人投资,进一步减轻政府负担;

    Adopting franchise system can fully use the folk capital , foreign fund and personal fund and lessen the finance stress of the government .

  9. 主要包括完善财税制度、完善特许经营制度、完善定价制度、深化市场化程度等。

    They mainly include improving fiscal system , perfecting the franchising system , perfect pricing system , and deepening the degree of marketization , etc. ?

  10. 究其原因,都与出租车行业不合理的管制体制有关,而特许经营制度的存在又是不合理管制体制的核心所在。

    The reason is something about the irrational control system of the taxi industry , whereas the existence of the franchise system is the core of an unreasonable control system .

  11. 公路特许经营制度作为项目融资方式的先导,成为依照《行政许可法》改革公路管理体制的突破口。

    Highway concession operation system as the guide in financing way of project , becomes the breach which reforms the management system of the highway under " The Administrative License Law " .

  12. 特许经营制度变迁的主体是特许人和受许人,在新利润、低成本和低风险的驱动下,不断推动特许经营的变迁,设计并完善了明晰的产权安排和有效的激励机制。

    Driven by the new profit , low-cost and low-risk , they continuously push the changes in franchise , design and improve clear arrangements of property right and an effective incentive mechanism .

  13. 政府授予某一私人组织直接向公众出售其产品或服务权利的特许经营制度已成为各国公用事业建设运营的重要模式。

    The concession that the government authorizes a certain private organization to sell products or services has become the most important mode of public utilities ' construction and operation in many countries .

  14. 城市公交改革过程中,强政府责任不可推卸:积极转变政府职能,切实加强政府监管;建立健全公交法律法规和特许经营制度;加大政府公共财政投入力度。

    In this course the government can not shirk responsibilities : transform government functions positively and strengthen government regulation efficiently and effectively ; establish and improve laws and regulations and franchising system ; increase financial investment in public transport .

  15. 在特许经营制度下,政府对城市燃气的价格管制主要内容是价格的调整周期、调整程序、调整幅度、调节基金的使用和比较竞争的管制以及公众参与价格管制的和方法途径。

    Under propriety system , the city gas price supervision of governments mainly focus on the setting of price waving period , procedure , and range , the use of regulation fund , relatively competed system , and access for the public taking part in price supervision .

  16. 经济法视野下商业特许经营法律制度研究

    Research on Franchise Legal System from Economic Law View

  17. 公用事业特许经营合同制度研究

    The Study on Concession Contracts of Public Utility

  18. 建立与国际接轨的中国特许经营法律制度研究

    A Study on the Institution of Franchise Rules Pursuant to International Practice in China

  19. 论文总结了公用事业发展困境的外在因素和内在因素,论证了公用事业主体理性错位或缺失所需要的制度救济,即特许经营权制度对公用事业发展困境的救济价值。

    The paper summarizes the inner and outer reasons of difficulties of public utilities development , demonstrates the subject inaccuracy and absence of public utilities .

  20. 地方政府承诺的缺失是影响城市水业系统运作效率的主要原因,因此实现城市水业特许经营的制度化是解决效率问题的根本途径。

    The main reason affecting the operating efficiency of urban water sector is the lack of government promise , so the basic route for improving efficiency is to build a system of franchise in urban water sector .

  21. 论特许经营的公开制度

    On the Disclosure System of Franchising

  22. 公用事业特许经营权保护制度则着重研究信赖保护原则在保护公用事业特许经营权中确立与完善。

    The system of protection focuses on establishment and improvement of the principle of faith protection in the protection of public utilities franchise .

  23. 特许经营的法律制度的建立、健全与完善,尤其是特许经营合同的相关立法为特许经营在世界范围内迅猛发展奠定了扎实的基础。

    The establishment , improvement and perfection of franchise legal system , especially the relevant legislations regarding the franchise contract laid solid foundation for the rapid development of franchise worldwide .

  24. 第一章对特许经营信息披露制度进行了简要叙述,包括特许经营的概念界定、法律特征、我国特许经营信息披露存在的问题、设立特许经营信息披露制度的必要性。

    The first chapter provided a brief overview of the franchise information disclosure system , including franchise definition , legal characteristics , our franchise disclosure problems , the necessity for establishment of the franchise information disclosure system .

  25. 基于此,该文尝试着运用行政法学理论、规制经济学理论等学科知识,采用实证和比较的方法,构建我国对风景名胜区特许经营的规制制度。

    Based on this , the article tried to use administrative law theory , regulatory economics and other disciplines of knowledge , using empirical and comparative methods , building on the Scenic Spots of the regulation of the franchise system .

  26. 本文主要介绍和评价日本和马来西亚这两个典型国家的商业特许经营政府监管法律制度。

    This paper introduces two typical regulation systems representing Japan and Malaysia .

  27. 通过对特许经营权的历史流变和时代价值的阐释,分析了特许经营权的制度内涵,从而建立起特许经营权与公用事业之间的制度映射关系。

    By pursuing the history background and era values of franchise , the paper concludes the system meaning of it , so that connect the franchise with public utilities .

  28. 经济法学主要从政府监管视角,更多强调政府在公用事业特许经营活动和管理中的监管作用。然而,从私法角度对公用事业特许经营制度予以论证的研究却是非常少的。

    Economy science of law oversees a visual angle mainly from the government supervision , emphasize that the government supervision acts in economic activity or management , but from the private law angle giving the articles proving public utility franchise are few .