
  • 网络Trait Theory;trait theories of leadership
  1. 人格特质论的基本问题研究

    Analysis of the Basic Issues of the Personality Trait Theory

  2. 文章基于精神动力学、行为主义、认知心理学、特质论等观点,对拖延的根源及其影响因素做了分析,进而提出了对消极拖延的干预措施。

    Based on psychoanalysis , behaviorism , cognitive psychology , trait theory and so on , we analyzed the root of procrastination and the factors which influenced it , and further proposed the intervention measures .

  3. 人格特质论(traittheory)是以特质概念为基础建立起来的一种人格理论,该理论把人格看作是由许多不同特质所构成,将特质视为人格的基本单位。

    The trait theory is one kind of personality theory which takes the special characteristic concept as the foundation .

  4. 论现代水墨的精神特质论巴人诗歌的现代特质

    The Spirit of Modernity on the Poetry of Ba Ren

  5. 基于知觉论和特质论的信用研究

    Research on Credibility Based on Perception and Characteristic Approach

  6. 渡边淳一小说思想特质论

    On Idea Characteristic of Watanabe Junichi 's Novels

  7. 从知识的特质论学科知识性策略模式的建构

    Construction of Intellectual Tactics Pattern of Disciplines in the Light of Particularity of Knowledge

  8. 中国现代散文审美特质论

    On the Aesthetic Idiosyncrasy of Chinese Modern Essays

  9. 主流话语外的民间表达&当代时政歌谣特质论

    Folk Expression of Current Politics Besides Mainstream Discourse & On the Nature of Current Political Ballads

  10. 人格研究两大传统(特质论和动机论)的对立萌芽于古希腊,起源于奥尔波特和莫瑞的理论。

    The truth of the contrast between two traditions lies in excessively emphasizing the differences between traits and motives .

  11. 中西文艺审美心理特质论&兼说异民族间鉴赏心理之异同

    On Chinese and Western Aesthetical Psychology Characteristics of Literature and Art Differences and Similarities of Appreciative Psychology between Different Nations

  12. 诙谐的狂欢&近年中央电视台新春联欢晚会部分获奖小品审美特质论

    Humorous revelry & On aesthetic features of partly prize winning short sketches of CCTV New Year ? s Day Evening party in recent years

  13. 试论唐宋婉约词倚声演唱的音乐性特质论婉约词的艺术审美特征

    A Preliminary Exploration on the Musical Features of Subtle and Concise Ci of Tang and Song Dynasties Singing to Music The Art and Aesthetic Standards Of Gracious Poetry

  14. 受弗洛伊德防御机制理论和自我心理学的影响,特质论认为应对具有层次性和跨情境的稳定性,个体具有应对方式的倾向性先验地决定了个体行为的适应效果。

    Influenced by Freud 's defense mechanisms theory and self-psychology , the characteristics-oriented coping theory defines coping as defensive hierarchies and stability across situations in terms of adaptive styles .

  15. 在美的特质论中,康德确立了审美的无利害、无概念的普遍性、无目的的合目的性和无概念的必然性,从而奠定了主体性美学思想的基础。

    On the traits of beauty , Kant established aesthetics non-utility , non-conceptional universality , purposeless finality and non-conceptional certainty , and founded the base of subjectivity aesthetics thought .

  16. 特质论者认为,个体在连续性人格变量或人格维度上存在差异,即个体之间的基本差异是量上而非质上。

    The theorists of personality trait think that there are individual differences in the continuous personality variable or personality type , that is the basic difference between persons is the contents rather than quality .

  17. 文章以遗传论、精神动力论、学习论、特质论、社会文化及认知-情感系统理论为基础,利用系统科学中的系统论观点,对人格理论进行系统发展观分析。

    According to Systematic theory in Systematic Science , this paper explores a developmental system the personality theory that is based on Genetics , Psychoanalysis , Learning theory , Trait theory , Social Culture and Cognitive-Affective system theory .

  18. 我们以人格特质论的研究为主线,探讨了文化因素对人格的深远影响,并结合跨文化研究论证了人格的“大五因素”模型下的文化与民族差异。

    Taking trait theory as the main line , we inquire into the far-reaching influence of cultural factors on personality and combine cross-cultural study with the discussion about the differences between culture and nation in " Big Five " model .

  19. 依据心理学人格特质论与认知行为理论对贫困大学生的心理状况和影响因素进行分析。在此基础上依据马克思主义主观能动性理论和人的全面发展理论透析并抽取其内源影响因素。

    The psychological status and impact factors of the poverty-stricken students are analyzed according to the psychology of personality traits theory and cognitive-behavioral theory , based on which the endogenous factors are extracted by the subjective initiative theory of Marxist and the all-round development theory .

  20. 《老子》文学特质述论

    On the Literary Traits of Lao Zi

  21. 自1966年Lazarus提出认知因素在应对过程中的重要作用的观点以来,应对理论便形成了特质-结构论与情境-过程论的对峙。

    Since Lazarus emphasized cognitive factors in coping processes in 1966 , it is two important antithetical coping theories with characteristics-oriented and process-oriented that have come into existence .

  22. 中国哲学史载述着中华民族特质的认识论。儒家的认识论思想主体地支持了中国哲学大系。

    The history of the Chinese philosophy conveyed its epistemology with the Chinese nation 's characters , and the Confucian epistemology has mainly structured this philosophy system .

  23. 中国文学的特质与中国文论

    Characteristics of Chinese literature and literary criticism of China