
  • 网络The Concept of Corporation;The Concept of the Corporation
  1. 作者自风险投资、网络公司的概念始,通过对国外风险投资沿革和国内风险投资的现状、问题的介绍,在学习借鉴的基础上。

    At first the article talks about the concepts of risk investment and internet company .

  2. 本文共四章,主要内容如下:第一章探讨我国金融控股公司的概念界定与模式选择。

    This paper has four chapters as following : The first chapter discusses the concept and mode selection .

  3. 文章主要内容包括:第一章导论,主要阐述了跨国直接投资和跨国公司的概念。

    The main content of the thesis includes : Chapter one : the definition of overseas direct investment and multinational company .

  4. 除了前言和结论,全文共分为三个部分,具体框架如下:第一部分主要阐述了跨国公司的概念、发展历史和跨国公司在冷战后发展的新特征。

    The first section introduces mainly the concept and the new feature of transnational corporations after cold war , and the developing history .

  5. 最后,结合本文中界定的船舶管理公司的概念及管理范围提出了中国船舶管理公司的经营与发展对策。

    Finally , this paper put forward the operating and development strategy of ship management company in accordance with the definition in this article .

  6. 首先对金融控股公司的概念进行界定和分析,总结出金融控股公司这一公司组织形式的特殊法律特征。

    First financial holding company concept definition and analysis of financial holding company , summed up this company to organize a form of special legal characteristics .

  7. 此部分主要阐述了小额贷款公司的概念、产生与发展,小额的款公司存在的理论基础,并分析了小额贷款公司的性质。

    This section focuses on the concept of the micro-credit company , its generation and development , its theoretical basis and analysis of the nature of micro-credit companies .

  8. 第二章介绍旅游上市公司的概念,如何分类及旅游企业上市的理论意义。

    Chapter 2 gives a concept of listed tourism companies , shows how to classify them , and the theoretic meaning that the tourism companies enter the stock market .

  9. 第一章作为研究背景的描述,主要对民营影视公司的概念、特征和生存环境作了定义和阐释。

    As the introduction to the background of the study , Chapter One mainly defines and expounds the concept , characteristic and living environment of privately operated movie and television companies .

  10. 电脑公司的概念视频关注的一般是不久的将来,那是做小生意或者准备销售报告的衣冠楚楚的人们眼中的好日子。

    Computer-company concept videos tend to be set in the immediate future , a happy time of well-dressed people who spend their days either running small businesses or preparing sales reports .

  11. 这家公司的概念是-我们会跳跃过类比式光学冲印,直接进入数位制作。

    And the concept of the company was that we would leap-frog past the analog processes of optical printers and so on , and we would go right to digital production .

  12. 介绍了一人公司的概念,论述了一人公司的立法实践,分析了揭开公司面纱制度对一人公司的规制。

    This paper introduces the concept of one-man company , discusses on the legislation practice of one-man company , and analyzes on the restriction of the system of piercing the corporate veil to the one-man company .

  13. 该部分主要介绍了小额贷款公司的概念、特点、发展背景及与其它金融机构的比较,突出了小额贷款公司发展的重要性。

    This section introduces the concept , characteristics , development context of micro credit companies , and makes a comparative study of other financial institutions in order to highlight the importance of the development of micro-credit companies .

  14. 文章第二三部分进入正文部分,其中第二部分对于融资租赁以及融资租赁公司的概念做了介绍,总结了融资租赁的特点以及融资租赁公司的功能。

    The second part and the third part come into the body part , and the second part introduced the finance lease and finance lease concepts , and summarizes the characteristics of finance leases and finance leasing companies .

  15. 最终,该技术将更为可靠稳健,制造商可采取小步走的方式,生产出某种更先进的产品,比如在一支笔上,屏幕可以展开(参见下面的通用显示器公司的概念产品图片)。

    Eventually the technology will become more robust and manufacturers can take small steps towards something more advanced , like a pen with a screen that rolls out . ( See the concept image from Universal Display below . )

  16. 本章省去对集团公司的概念及集团公司资金管理特征的阐述,直接借助相关理论对资金集约管理的成因及内涵进行了一般理论分析,为本文的研究工作奠定了必要的理论基础。

    This chapter remover the company funds management concept and feature of the company , together with related directly to the capital intensive management theory and the connotation of the general theory of analysis , the research work for this laid necessary theoretical basis .

  17. 第一部分,对于离岸公司的概念及其法律特征进行阐述,分析离岸公司主要国际避税方式,为下文提供理论基础。

    Proposals of further improve the current state laws and regulations as such are also included in this paper : The first part elaborates the concept and law characteristics of the offshore company ; analyzes the main ways of international tax avoidance , providing the theory basis for the following .

  18. 并以此对XX公司的汽车概念设计流程进行了再造和优化。

    Based on that , a case study is presented to reengineer the automobile concept design process of XX Company .

  19. 根据UML图,您可以有效地转换公司的业务概念,然后使用您面前的这一可视化表示创建XML模式。

    Based on the UML diagrams , you could effectively translate the business concepts of the company and then create the XML schemas with this visual representation in front of you .

  20. 第一章阐述了财务治理的理论背景,主要是公司治理的概念和模式,以及公司治理模式的演化方向。

    This paper proposes the concept of corporate financial governance .

  21. 第一部分是公司购并的概念及分类。

    Part 1 Concepts and Classification of M & A.

  22. 关于公司治理的概念,经济学家和实际工作者并没有达成统一的认识。

    For the concept of corporate governance , the economists have not got identical opinion .

  23. 接着阐述了公司机会的概念,并就公司机会的法律性质进行了探讨。

    Then , the paper elaborates the concept of corporate opportunity and discusses its legal nature .

  24. 第一章对公司设立的概念、公司设立原则、公司设立的两种方式进行概要论述。

    Chapter one expounds concept , principles and two patterns of corporation foundation in broad outline .

  25. 第一部分,主要研究了上市公司收购的概念。

    In Part 1 , the focus is on analyzing the definition of takeover of listed companies .

  26. 首先,阐述了公司收购的概念利特点。

    Secondly , we have summed up the characteristics of company acquisition in the US and UK .

  27. 接着介绍了创业板上市公司的基本概念以及创业板上市公司盈余管理的行为方式。

    Then introduces the basic concepts of the companies listed on GEM and GEM listed company earnings management behavior .

  28. 首先,对通信行业咨询公司的相关概念、类型和业务范围进行了概述。

    Firstly , the communications industry consulting firm s related concepts , type and scope of business are outlined .

  29. 加州大学洛杉矶分校的管理学教授理查德·鲁梅尔特说,苹果公司产品的概念并不是最创新的。

    University of California Los Angeles management professor Richard Rumelt said the ideas behind Apple 's products are not original .

  30. 本文第一章着重考察公司治理的概念、理论模式,并分析其与经济增长的关系。

    The first chapter emphasized the definition of corporation governance and theory pattern , and analyse relationship such together with economic growth .