
ɡōnɡ sī jí tuán
  • group of companies;corporation group
  1. 介绍了台湾省西部沿海走廊铁路运输现状和台湾省高速铁路设计,包括设计标准、工程结构、造价和投资策略、实施计划,以及国外公司集团参与台湾高速铁路的情况。

    Introduced are the transport state in coastal corridor in west Taiwan and highspeed railway design in Taiwan Province covering design standard , engineering structure , cost investment policy , implement plan and the external corporation group participating in high-speed railway construction in Taiwan .

  2. 关联交易是一个中性的经济现象,关联交易在实现资源优化配置、提高公司集团经济效益方面有其积极作用。

    Affiliated transactions are a neutral economic phenomenon . It play an active role in optimize the allocation of resources and improving economic efficiency of group of companies .

  3. 加入ClickFuel之前,鲍格兹尔斯基曾在招聘网站Monster.com任职十年.2005年至2007年期间,他还曾担任过该公司集团总裁。

    Before joining clickfuel , pogorzelski spent 10 years at monster .

  4. 用该公司集团战略总监菲利普•托里翁(PhilippeTorrion)的话来说,就是“我们不能与世界脱轨”。其他很多法国企业似乎不觉得脱轨有什么问题——它们每年提供的假期普遍接近两个月。

    In the words of EDF 's group strategy director Philippe Torrion : " We cannot be out of step with the world . " Many other French companies seem to have no problem with being out of step - and offer almost two months of holiday a year as standard .

  5. 陕西省电信公司集团客户市场拓展方案研究

    A Study on Group-customer Market Exploitation Plan of China Telecom Shaanxi Branch

  6. 公司集团化是市场经济发达程度的基本标志。

    Corporation collectivizing is the basic sign of development level of market economy .

  7. 中国移动地市公司集团客户经理绩效管理体系设计

    Performance Management System Design of Group Client Manager in CMCC City Branch Company

  8. 常熟移动公司集团客户市场渠道体系研究

    Research about Marketing Channel System of Enterprise Client-Changshu Branch Company , China Mobile

  9. 天天一趣局为肥智计划发展维护友邦服务及友邦互助会有限公司集团成员。

    Fat Chi meditate develop maintain friendship Service and friendly society Corporation Limited funny everday department .

  10. 作为公司集团的主要形式,母子公司迅速发展起来。

    As the major formation of bloc companies , the parent-subsidiary corporations have been developing fast .

  11. 第一类是通过政府措施组建的公司集团;

    In Part One , the thesis divides the formation of company group into three categories .

  12. 美国海上保险公司集团

    American Marine Insurance Company Pool

  13. 核心问题是公司集团化运营与管理能力的较大欠缺。

    The core problem for this is the company is somewhat lack of collectivized operation and management capability .

  14. 母子公司集团的发展极大地增加了公司债权人的风险。

    The development of parent and subsidiary company groups has tremendously increased the risk faced by creditors of the company .

  15. 本文运用服务价值链和市场营销学的相关知识,来分析和探讨某移动公司集团客户方案支持发展策略。

    This thesis discusses and analyzes the group customer solution support tactic , by using services value chain and marketing theories .

  16. 第三部分对陕南投资开发公司集团化管控模式选择的必要性进行分析。

    The third part of the need for investment and development in South group of companies control mode selected for analysis .

  17. 本文通过对D市联通公司集团客户经理薪酬案例的研究,对通信运营商销售人员这一特定岗位薪酬设计提供借鉴。

    Based on the D City Unicom Group Account Manager salaries case studies , sales of telecommunications carriers pay this particular design job reference .

  18. 交易费用理论认为,关联交易将市场交易转变为公司集团内部的交易,可以节约交易成本,提升企业价值。

    Transaction cost theory postulates that related party transactions can reduce transaction costs and increase firm value by transforming the transactions from market to company inside .

  19. 我国有关公司集团的法律规定较少且缺乏系统性,已不能满足快速发展的公司集团的需要。

    In comparison , legal provisions concerning group companies in China are still neither insufficient nor systematic enough to respond to the rapid development of them in reality .

  20. 基于上市公司集团关联性的相关理论分析,本文以中国证券市场上出现的造系运动为例,对集团关联上市公司中控股股东代理问题进行了分析。

    Based on the theories of listed companies ' affiliation with business groups , this paper analyses the agency problems of controlling shareholders in Chinese group-affiliated listed companies .

  21. 在大制片公司集团化生产的大电影大动画充斥市场的时候,有一群人仍然坚持自我,坚持独立创作。

    When the market is full of great animation and movies what was produced by Large production companies , A group of people still stick to creat animation independently .

  22. 第二、三部分对事实型公司集团形成模式及其从属公司小股东保护的法理进行了分析。

    Part Two and Part Three analyzes the formation model of de facto groups of companies and the legal principle of the protection for small shareholders of subsidiary companies .

  23. 公司集团作为市场经济条件下竞争加剧和资本集中的产物,在社会经济生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Group Companies , stimulated from and shaped by fierce competition and capitalization in market economy , have played an increasing important role in the realm of economy and society .

  24. 本文主要围绕我国企业集团化进程中资金管理模式的选择问题,重点探讨了方舟公司集团化资金管理模式的构建。

    This paper mainly concerns about how to choose the proper cash management pattern in the grouping process of enterprises in our country , focuses on the designing of the centralizing cash management pattern of the Fangzhou group .

  25. 随着经济体制改革的进一步深入和发展,必将涌现出一大批公司集团,对我国实现社会化大生产,加快社会主义市场经济的发展起着重要作用。

    With the further deepening and development of the economic system reform , large quantities of consortium will emerge . They play an important role that implement the large-scale social production to our country and accelerate the development of socialist market economy .

  26. 公司集团化经营模式的迅速发展,使得以往关于集团整体情况对其融资能力及财务政策影响的研究结论无法很好的解释母子公司结构下的某些财务问题。

    The rapid development of the companies growing as groups , making some financial problems in the parent-subsidiary corporate structure can not be well explaned under the previous conclusions of the study on the group as a whole in its financing capacity and financial policies .

  27. 公司集团化形式的出现与发展,与法律制度的相对缺失,引发了不少控制公司滥用控制权力谋取私利,逃避债务,进而损害从属公司及其债权人利益的现象。

    The appearance and development of collectivization of corporation , together with the relative lack of legal system , has caused many controlling companies to obtain their own profit , and then damage the interests of creditors and affiliate companies and other phenomenon by abuse of control rights .

  28. 然而,一方面公司集团的许多问题至今在理论上尚无统一的定论;另一方面,即使在公司集团法律制度相对完善的国家,相关法律规则的实际效用依然是有待检验的。

    However , there are still so many disputes regarding the corporate groups in theories , as well as the practical effects of the legal regulations are still not explicit and needs to be proved even in the countries where the legislation of corporate groups is relatively perfect .

  29. 他在大选到来仅几周前辞去了财政部长职务,并抵制大公司利益集团。

    He resigned as finance minister only weeks before the election and stood against big-business interests .

  30. 六月份,47%的消费者告诉市场调研公司NPD集团称,疫情期间他们一天中的大部分时间都在家穿着同样的衣服;近四分之一的人表示,他们喜欢从早到晚地穿运动服、睡衣裤或家居服。

    In June , 47 % of consumers told market research firm NPD they are wearing the same clothes throughout most of their day while at home during the pandemic , and nearly a quarter said they liked wearing activewear , sleepwear , or loungewear most of the day .