
  • 网络Public Offering;open offer
  1. 休闲游戏发行商和开发商King公司即将启动IPO(首次公开招股)。

    Casual game publisher and developer king is heading towards an IPO .

  2. 上周五是阿里巴巴首次公开招股(IPO)一周年纪念日。

    The first anniversary of its initial public offering was on Friday .

  3. Twitter首次公开招股中的全部股份均来自公司、而非其他内部人士,这是这家公司首次公开招股与Facebook的主要不同之处。

    All of the shares offered in the IPO came from the company , rather than from insiders .

  4. 考虑下面这个XQuery例子,它检索公开招股公司的名称

    Consider this XQuery example , which retrieves the names of public companies

  5. 中国股市的暴涨已令中国证券监管机构十分不安,甚至也引起了部分通过首次公开招股(IPO)筹集资金的企业的忧虑。

    The dramatic rise in equity valuations has unsettled China 's securities regulators and even some companies raising funds via IPOs .

  6. 商务社交网络LinkedIn将其备受期待的首次公开招股(IPO)发行价定为其发行指导价范围的上限&每股45美元,公开发行784万股股票。

    Professional social network LinkedIn has priced its much anticipated IPO at $ 45 per share , the top of its range , for7.84 million shares .

  7. 活跃的市场情绪也促使企业考虑通过新股发行来利用当前行情。银行则争相将计划已久的首次公开招股(IPO)提前,以满足投资者的兴趣。

    The buoyant mood is also encouraging companies to consider tapping the market themselves with new share offerings , while banks are scrambling to bring forward long-planned initial public offerings to meet investor interest .

  8. 在中国媒体中,证监会主席一职被广泛称作“火山口”。他面临的第一个考验将是如何引入新的、有争议的基于市场的首次公开招股(IPO)体系。

    The role is widely referred to in the Chinese media as " the volcano seat " and his first test will be to introduce the new - and controversial - market-based IPO system .

  9. 此外,他还是团购网站Groupon的顾问和社交游戏网站Zynga的董事,这两家网站均以社交网络为依托,它们即将进行的首次公开招股甚至会抢去LinkedIn的风头。

    He is also notably , an advisor to Groupon , and a director at Zynga , two companies that were built on the back of social networks , and whose upcoming IPOs could upstage LinkedIn 's.

  10. 如果不想这么麻烦,还有一个地方可以找到没有这么多要求的供应商:阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)旗下的Alibaba.com网站。阿里巴巴集团近日刚在美国上市,为史上第三大首次公开招股(IPO)。

    But for those who do not want the hassle , there is another place to find suppliers which will not ask so many questions : Alibaba.com , the Chinese trade website owned by Alibaba Group , which listed in the US last week in the third-biggest initial public offering in history .

  11. 可穿戴设备制造商Fitbit及其部分股东希望通过首次公开招股(IPO)筹集4.78亿美元资金,为自己与从苹果(Apple)和三星(Samsung)到卓邦(Jawbone)和小米(Xiaomi)的各类竞争对手赛跑加油。

    Fitbit and some of its shareholders hope to raise up to $ 478m in its initial public offering , giving the wearables maker additional fuel to race against rivals from Apple and Samsung to Jawbone and Xiaomi .

  12. 从现在起的三个星期内,Chegg就要开始正式会向华尔街推销自己了,在那之后便要进行首次公开招股。

    Now it will be three weeks before the company can start its official road show to sell itself to Wall Street , which will then be followed by the IPO itself .

  13. Chegg起初是一个模拟在线租书服务网站,现已转变成为一个以学生为服务对象的多元数字中心,并首次公开招股,募集约1.5亿美元资金。

    Chegg , the startup that began as an analog online book rental service and has itself transformed into a multifaceted digital hub for students , has filed publicly for an initial public offering to raise about $ 150 million .

  14. 公开招股的股份公司但普通股持有者能参与公司的管理、控制。

    But the common stock holders can participate in the control and management of the company .

  15. 送给股东的一份通告,记录了公开招股公司的云做和经营成果情况。

    A document sent to shareholders that communicates a public company version of operations and performance .

  16. 瑞士信贷是新东方首次公开招股的唯一全球协调人,并与高盛投行一起担任此次招股的主承销商。

    Credit Suisse Securities was the sole global coordinator and acted as joint book-runners with Goldman Sachs .

  17. 谈及首次公开招股发行之事时,俩人也是这么说的。

    This is also what both say when the subject of an initial public offering comes up .

  18. 公开招股的股份公司

    Open corporation associated company

  19. 亏损者则变成了那些公开招股公司的股东们,过早地抛出(持股)同时他们与利润失之交臂。

    The losers are the shareholders of public companies who miss out on these gains by selling too early .

  20. 在2001年,中央政府以审批和许可制度替换了首次公开招股的定额制度。

    In 2001 , the central government replaced the quota system on IPO by the verification and approval system .

  21. 不公开招股的公司常常被一个人或一个家庭的成员拥有。

    Often , a closely held corporation is owned by one individual or by the members of one family .

  22. 由于这些股份可以由公众购买,这些大公司就称为公开招股公司。

    As these shares are available for purchase by the general public , these large corporations are said to be publicly owned .

  23. 香港方面,破纪录的首次公开招股活动以及强劲的本地及区内经济,带动股市攀上新高。

    Record initial public offering activities and a generally strong domestic and regional economy took the Hong Kong stock market to new highs .

  24. 政府不仅控制批准首次公开招股申请的速度,还对私有和外国公司设置上市限制。

    It not only controls the speed of approving IPO applications but also imposes restrictions on the listing of private and overseas enterprises .

  25. 预期在未来的十二至十八个月,首次公开招股市场将非常活跃。

    In the next twelve to eighteen months , it 's predicted that the first public raising capital market will be very active .

  26. 实行该法案加速了招股过程,使得监管问题能安静地被解决,并使首次公开招股得到起初就接受详细监察的保护。

    This speeds up the offering process , getting regulatory issues resolved quietly and also keeping the IPO shielded from scrutiny at the start .

  27. 华为表示,公司不能进行公开招股,因为中国规定,禁止大型集体所有制企业上市。

    Huawei says it cannot launch a public stock offering because of Chinese rules that prevent companies with large employee ownership from going public .

  28. 注意,@type表明一家公司是公开招股公司还是私人公司,该属性没有包括名称空间前缀。

    Note that the @ type attribute , which indicates whether a company is public or private , does not include a namespace prefix .

  29. 它们正在从各大公司网罗身经百战的资深经理人,也就是那些有能力扭转乾坤,或者帮助一家即将首次公开招股的公司做好各项准备的人。

    They 're poaching already-employed , seasoned managers from big companies people who can step into either a turnaround situation or a pre-IPO company and make it work .

  30. 但是,在纳斯达克上市的188家中国企业中,有106家没有进行过公开招股这说明他们绕过了上市必经的审查。

    But the fact that 106 of the 188 Chinese companies listed on NASDAQ made no public offering of securities means they have bypassed the scrutiny that process entails .