
  • 网络public school
  1. 李后来上了当地女子循道公会学校亨廷登学院(HuntingdonCollege),她偶尔给学校报纸投稿,还在学校的文学杂志上发表过两篇虚构短文。

    Lee attended Huntingdon College , a local Methodist school for women , where she contributed occasional articles to the campus newspaper and two fictional vignettes to the college 's literary magazine .

  2. 印度公私立学校的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Indian Public and Private School

  3. 当美国公立学校的理論课程采用全观的建构主义方式时,在纪律部分则坚持传统外部控制的方法。

    While holistic , constructivist approaches have gained currency in American public school academic curriculum , traditional , external control methods persist with regard to discipline .

  4. 方法:通过问卷对梅州市随机抽取的443名公立学校和私立学校高一学生进行调查,考察公、私立学校学生学习动力的差异。

    Method : 443 students were surveyed with the Motivation Questionnaire .

  5. 第三部门,上海市民办公建配套学校的发铺历程及特色。

    Part three is the development process and features of the private community schools .

  6. 目的:了解公、私立学校学生学习动力的差异。

    Objective : To fing out the difference in the learning motive of private school and public school students .

  7. 在一些国家里,冠上公字的学校是指私立学校或没有政府资助的学校。

    In some countries tile word " public " school means private , or schools not supported by the state .

  8. 小说用喜剧式的手法,通过主人公哥儿在学校的一段短暂的经历,对日本教育界的腐败现象作了深刻的揭露和猛烈的抨击,凸现出初期的愤怒的漱石的创作个性;

    The novel applies the technique of comedy , through the hero 's brief experience at school , to profoundly reveal and vigorously attack the corruption in Japanese educational circles and therefore clearly shows the author 's personality in writing .

  9. 我的主人公是一些在学校内外的青年,他们明知道反抗会给自己带来更大的不幸,他们也要斗争到底。

    My hero * are some young people at school and outside , they know their own resistance will lead to greater Unfortunately , they have to struggle in the end .