
ɡōnɡ xīn
  • fairness;public spirit
公心 [gōng xīn]
  • (1) [devotion to public interests]∶公正之心,为公众利益着想的心意

  • (2) [common]∶共同之心

  1. 领导干部要通过培养自己的谦心、恒心、公心、善心来塑造自身高尚的人格力量。

    Leading cadres should portray their high moral character strength through a heart of modest , perseverance , public spirit and mercy .

  2. adhereto坚持,追随,拥护做领导就要秉持公心,不能以个人好恶行事。

    A leader should adhere to the principle of justice , and can not act according to his own preference .

  3. 虽然小说违背了真实性原则,但从作者所凭有椐、出于公心来看,它们仍属于时事小说。

    Although the novels violated the reality principle , they still belonged to the current events novels proceeding from the evidence and fairness .