
  • 网络de facto independence;substantive independence
  1. 应符合「公开发行公司独立董事设置及应遵循事项办法」所订之实质独立性要件。

    Must be substantively independent as set out in the Regulations Governing Appointment of Independent Directors and Compliance Matters for Public Companies .

  2. 独立性是实质上的独立与形式上独立的统一。

    Auditing independence includes substantial independence and formal independence .

  3. 本文研究了美国法院如何审查特别诉讼委员会做出的决定,发现法院主要有三种审查方式:形式审查、实质审查和独立性审查。

    This dissertation examines how the US court reviews the decision made by the Special Litigation Committee and finds three kinds of reviews : formal review , substantive review and independence review .

  4. 因而,MIP实质为两个独立操作系统进行通信的接口。该接口由三级组成,即虚拟级,逻辑级和物理级。

    MIP , therefore , is an interface communicating between operating systems , which consists of virtual , logical and physical levels .

  5. 但是,在我国的经济实践中,许多上市公司虽然具有形式意义上的独立人格,但缺乏实质意义上的独立人格,公司的人格存在严重缺陷。

    In the economical practice of china , a lot of listed companies have independent personality in form rather than substance . The personality of company has severe defects .

  6. 从智识阶级到知识分子的转变,其实质是一个独立阶级被打散重新赋义的过程。

    The shift from the " intellectual class " to " intellectuals ", in fact , was the process that an independent class was broken up and given new meaning .

  7. 作品创作差异的必然性与作品表达近似的可能性存在辩证统一关系。接触之合理可能性、实质性相似以及独立创作抗辩是判断侵权是否成立的重要因素。

    Although there must be inevitability of the difference between work creation and possibility of the similarity between work expression , the elements to determine infringement should include rational possibility of contact , essential similarity and independent creation .

  8. 商法在其发展进程中已成为一个有着自己独立调整对象、调整方法、调整规则和体系结构的法律部门,获得了从实质到形式的独立,并随着社会经济的发展不断发展。

    Commercial law has become an independent legal sector with its own independent adjustable target , method , rule and structure . It has gained the independent from the substance to the form and constantly advanced its process with the socio-economic development .