
  • 网络substantive provisions
  1. 法案中最重要的实质性条款是第4、5、6条。

    The most important substantive provisions of the Act are found in sections 4 , 5 , and 6 .

  2. 合同价款是当事人双方在订立合同时,协商和讨论的实质性核心条款。

    Contract price is the substantive term by the discussion and consultation of the both sides of parties .

  3. 福特表示,“所有实质性商业条款”均已谈妥,尽管融资和政府批准仍有待敲定。

    Ford said that " all substantive commercial terms " had been settled , though financing and government approvals had yet to be finalised .

  4. 对非实质性时间条款的违反,或者说迟延的时间不太重要,非违约方只能得到损害赔偿的救济,并可能要继续履行合同;

    For the breach of non-essential term , that is , the delayed time is not so much important , the innocent party may claim damages only and may proceed with specific performance ;