
  • 网络self-realization;self-fulfillment;self-actualization
  1. 难道真的有必要开始举重、爬树、奋力实现自我吗?

    Is it necessary to start lifting weights , climbing trees , and engaging in self-actualization ?

  2. 学生在这种宽松的环境中,既可以学习语言,又可以发展自己的人格,实现自我,成为社会需要的人才。

    The learners can not only learn the target language , but also develop their own dignity and realize self-actualization .

  3. 然而,有些人已经想出了一些实现自我梦想的方法。

    Some people , however , have thought of some ways to realize their dreams .

  4. 构件和组合构件用可扩展标记语言(XML)文件实现自我描述。

    Moreover , components and composite components are self-described with extensible markup language ( XML ), and the latter are used as the containe .

  5. 我认为通过WSDL或者WADL这些技术规范,服务可以充分地实现自我描述。

    I think services themselves can be adequately described , insofar as their technical specification , through a WSDL or WADL .

  6. 适当的预编程时间间隔后,微处理器系统通过Q2的栅极被置于逻辑零而实现自我关闭。

    After a suitable preprogrammed time interval , the microprocessor system turns itself off by placing a logic zero on Q2 's gate .

  7. 但是在德国弗劳恩霍夫制造工程和自动化学会的ClaudiadosSantos和斯图加特杜伊斯堡—艾森大学的ChristianMayer的共同研究下,无生命物体实现自我修复那一天的到来被拉近了一点。

    But work by Claudia dos Santos at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation , and Christian Mayer at Duisburg-Essen University in Stuttgart , has brought the day when they will be able to do so a little nearer .

  8. 结论在妊娠中期爱与归属的需要是支配IVF-ET孕妇行为的优势需要,她们渴望在家庭中更好地实现自我价值,希望获取孕期安全保健知识,以满足其安全的需要。

    Conclusion During the second trimester of pregnancy , the high-priority needs of IVF-ET pregnant women were love and sense of belonging needs . They desire to realize their values in the family and hope to get knowledge in health care and safety during pregnancy .

  9. 通过行动研究实现自我发展:行动、反思及启示

    Self-development Through Action Research : Action , Reflection , and Implication

  10. 三是完善自身、实现自我的主体性价值。

    Thirdly , the subjective value of perfecting and realizing self .

  11. 要实现自我价值,就要不断增加个人的人力资本。

    We should continuously in - crease individual manpower capital to achieve self-value .

  12. 自我调节学习:策略型学习者实现自我效能的超越

    Self-Regulated Learning : Strategic Learners ' Going Beyond Self-Efficacy

  13. 当你感到值得爱的时候,爱就会变成一种实现自我的预言。

    When you feel deserving of love , it becomes a self-ful-filling prophecy .

  14. 浅析知识女性实现自我价值的障碍

    Barriers to the Realization of Women Intellectuals ' Self-value

  15. 还有人选择了通过行动和自由选择实现自我的本质。

    Some choose to act and achieve their essence through various free choices .

  16. 人自身就是实现自我超越的源泉。

    Man is his own source of transcendence .

  17. 我们努力,以实现自我价值,世上没有免费的午餐!

    We have worked hard to get where we are-there are no free rides .

  18. 小说的主人公想要实现自我发展,无奈却受缚于美国社会。

    The protagonist wants to realize the self-development but is bound by American society .

  19. 《膜科学与技术》实现自我发展的办刊经验

    Development experiences of Membrane Science and Technology

  20. 最后,模糊的语言可以实现自我保护。

    Last but not the least , the vague language can serve as the self-protection .

  21. 也就是人类为实现自我超越而进行终极关怀的理性形式。

    It is also a rational form of ultimate care that people go beyond self .

  22. 汤米·威尔赫姆无法获取物质成功来实现自我价值,这为他逃避现实、成为社会边缘人埋下伏笔。

    Unable to achieve material success , Tommy Wilhelm escapes from reality and becomes alienated .

  23. 第四章就小说中的在异化的社会里个人难以实现自我这一主题展开论述。

    Chapter Four illuminates the theme of the impossibility of self-realization in the alienated society .

  24. 一个人如何实现自我目的?

    How to realize ones own purpose ?

  25. 7成以上受访者表示,实现自我价值是创业的最大动机。

    More than 70 % said self-realization was the biggest motivation to start a business .

  26. 诚信教育既体现民族传统美德、又急市场经济体制健全之需、还是实现自我价值的良方,理所当然是大学生道德建设的永恒主题。

    And honesty education has become the eternal subject of university students ' ethics improvement .

  27. 社会个体社会化的根本途径是在实践理性中不断实现自我超越。

    The primary approach to the socialization of individuals is constant self-exceeding in rational practice .

  28. 在课程改革中不断实现自我更新的专业发展。

    Lastly , a teacher must realize his self-improvement and specialized development in the curriculum reform .

  29. 大桥外语是你实现自我价值,走向世界和成功的桥梁。

    Daqiao is the bridge of realizing your value and leading to the world and success .

  30. 这神秘之旅带我们实现自我,并追随那份我们心中神圣的热情。

    The mystical journey drives us into ourselves , to a sacred flame at our center .