
  • 网络symmetric matrix;Real Symmetric Matrix
  1. 在Ade特征滤波法基础上,本文应用实对称矩阵特征值表示特征向量相对于该矩阵的分布性质,以及卷积结合律,最终导出了快速特征滤波器。

    Based on eigenfilters proposed by Ade , with which the eigenvalues of the real symmetric matrix represent distribution of the eigenvectors related to the matrix , and by using associative law of convolution , the fast eigenfilters are derived .

  2. 实对称矩阵最大特征值极小化问题的一个BT型ε-次梯度算法

    A BT type ε - subgradient algorithm for minimizing the greatest eigenvalue of a real symmetric matrix

  3. 在本文中,给出A&B是非负定矩阵的一个必要充分条件(在实对称矩阵A和B是非负定的情况下)。

    In this paper , A necessary and sufficient condition that ( A-B ) be non-negative definite matrix is given ( Under real symmetric matrices A and B are non-negative definite )

  4. 讨论Euclid空间中n阶实对称矩阵A是否正定,一直是矩阵理论中的重要问题。

    In the discussion of Euclid space , whether the n order real symmetric matrix A is positive remains an important question in matrix theory .

  5. 由Cmxn中矩阵F范数的酉不变性质,给出了实对称矩阵与实非奇异矩阵F范数的特征性质及其推论

    According to the F norm 's unitary invariant property of C mxn , the characteristic properties and deductions of the real symmetrical matrix and nonsingular matrix 's F norm are achieved

  6. 实对称矩阵在相合分解下的Moore-Penrose型广义逆的通式

    General forms for Moore-Penrose inverses of real symmetric matrix under the congruence decomposition condition

  7. 实对称矩阵空间到Hermitian矩阵空间保秩1的加法映射

    Additive maps preserving rank-1 matrices from the space of real symmetric matrices to the space of complex Hermitian matrices

  8. m个实对称矩阵的Cauchy-Schwarz不等式

    The Similar in Style of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality with the Symmetry Matrix

  9. 本文一改传统方法,从矩阵分解入手,逐步推导出一种新颖的判定方法,并给出将n阶实对称矩阵A分解为特殊三角矩阵与对角矩阵乘积的具体计算公式。

    By changing the traditional method and starting with the matrix decomposition , we have made out a new method of judgment step by step and a concrete computing formula of decomposing the n real symmetric matrix A into special triangle matrix and diagonal matrix .

  10. 指出只需对一实对称矩阵求特征向量,便容易得到相应的a-1个母小波。

    The a - 1 mother wavelets corresponding to Haar scaling function can be constructed by calculating eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix .

  11. 基于线性代数与矩阵理论,给出利用LDLT分解计算实对称矩阵特征值的递归算法。

    A recursive algorithm for calculating the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix based on LDLT decomposition is given .

  12. 接着运用该条件及H∞控制方法和实对称矩阵集合最小上界定理,设计了多时滞区间矩阵系统的H∞鲁棒控制器。

    Then based on the stability condition , H ∞ control theory and the method for determining the minimum upper bound of the real symmetric matrix set , a design method of robust controller for interval matrix systems with multiple time delay is presented .

  13. 基于DNA序列的3D图形表示法,提出一种新的进化树构造方法:将DNA基本序列表示成空间3D图形,并计算与序列相对应的非负实对称矩阵;

    This paper proposes a new method for constructing phylogenetic tree based on 3D representation of DNA sequence [ B.Liao , Chemical Physics Letters 388 ( 2004 ) 195-200 ] . First the DNA sequence is transferred into 3D curves , and the corresponding non-negative symmetric matrix is calculated .

  14. 根据实对称矩阵的谱分解理论以及加权Moore-Penrose逆,提出了WMP马氏距离。

    According to the theory of spectral decomposition of the real symmetric matrix and the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse , we offer the WMP Mahalanobis distance .

  15. 利用实对称矩阵的最小上界定理、H∞理论和LMI方法,对于一类具有不确定性和非线性扰动的时滞关联大系统,设计了具有较小反馈增益矩阵分散稳定化控制器。

    By utilizing the minimum super-bound theorem of the real symmetric matrix , Hx theory and LMI method , a decentralized stabilizing state feedback controller with smaller feedback gains matrix for a class of large-scale interconnected time-delay systems with uncertainty and nonlinear perturbations is designed .

  16. 通过构造由多项式的Sturm序列所确定的实对称矩阵,给出了实系数多项式在给定的开区间内不同实根个数的矩阵描述。

    Constructing real-symmetric matrix based on polynomial 's Sturm sequence , we give the matrix description for the real root numbers of real-coefficient polynomial on given open interval .

  17. 在算法实现中,认真分析了算法中对性能影响很大的实对称矩阵特征值提取算法的并行实现问题。指出只需对一实对称矩阵求特征向量,便容易得到相应的a-1个母小波。

    Firstly , Authors discussed features of a serial algorithm and a parallel algorithm . The a - 1 mother wavelets corresponding to Haar scaling function can be constructed by calculating eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix .

  18. 通过合同变换,n阶实对称矩阵的正定性完全可以由n-1阶实对称矩阵的正定性确定,从而得到一个判定正定矩阵的充分必要条件,用它可以降阶判别矩阵的正定性。

    The positive definition of n order real symmetric matrix can be determined by n 1 order real symmetric matrix with congruent transformation . And one necessary and sufficient condition of a positive definite matrix is proved , it can judge positive definite matrix with reducing to a lower order .

  19. 利用Lyapunov稳定性理论和实对称矩阵特性提出了具有多个执行机构的Lurie型时滞控制系统的绝对稳定时滞无关充分条件;

    The main work and research results of this paper are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) According to Lyapunov stability theory and real symmetrical matrix characteristic , the delay-independent sufficient conditions for absolute stability of Lurie time-delay control systems with several stationary elements is proposed .

  20. 求解实对称矩阵区间特征值问题的直接优化法

    A Direct Optimization Method for Solving Eigen Problems of Interval Matrices

  21. 在FX&702P型机上计算实对称矩阵特征值的程序

    Program for Calculating Eigenvalues of Real Symmetric Matrices On FX-702P Computer

  22. 利用三角分解估计实对称矩阵的特征值

    Estimation of the eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices with triangular factorization

  23. 大型实对称矩阵特征值的数值解法

    Methods of Computing the Eigenvalues of Large Real and Symmetric Matrix

  24. 一种实对称矩阵特征值提取的高效并行算法及实现

    A high efficient parallel algorithm for eigenvalue picking-up of real symmetry matrix

  25. 实对称矩阵的秩1修正的特征反问题

    The Inverse Problem of Rank - 1 Modification of Real Symmetric Matrices

  26. 元素在某区间上的实对称矩阵谱跨度

    On the Spread of Real Symmetric Matrices with Entries in an Interval

  27. 二次型与实对称矩阵的正定性

    Positive Definite Property of Quadratic Form and Real Symmetric Matrices

  28. 关于实对称矩阵迹两个不等式的推广

    An Extension of Two Inequalities for Real Symmetric Matric Trace

  29. 实对称矩阵的迹的几点性质

    On Several Properties of Trace of Real Symmetric Matrices

  30. 一类特殊实对称矩阵的性质

    The Nature of a Type of Real Symmetric Matrix