
  • 网络real-time;Real-time measurement;real time mode
  1. 利用F-P标准具组实时测量被动入射激光波长

    Study on the real-time measurement of passive incident laser wavelength with F-P interferometers

  2. CCD用于全息光栅常数实时测量研究

    Study on using CCD in real-time measurement of hologram grating constant

  3. GPS实时测量速度与加速度的载波相位方法

    The real-time estimation of velocity and acceleration from GPS carrier-phase measurements

  4. 基于DSP的弹着水柱实时测量处理机的实现

    Realization of Real-Time Measuring Processor for Water-Column of bombing Based on DSP

  5. GPS实时测量精度估算

    The Precision Estimation of GPS Real time Surveying

  6. 一种基于CCD的实时测量光栅常数的方法

    A New Method Based on CCD to Measure the Constant of Grating

  7. 本地QoS状态的分布式实时测量方案

    Distributed real-time measurement scheme for local QoS states

  8. 利用VISUALBASIC的串口通讯来实现滚珠丝杠螺距误差的实时测量、补偿和控制,是一种新的思路和方法。

    This is a new method on the real-time measurement , compensation and control of Ball Scroll by using of Visual Basic serial communication .

  9. 移动通信CDMA系统QoS实时测量方法的研究

    Research on a real time measure method of quality of service in CDMA system

  10. 阐述了基片弯曲法测量薄膜应力的原理,设计了用光杠杆法测量试样曲率的装置,并实时测量了Si基Ag/Fe多层膜在退火过程中表面弯曲曲率的变化。

    Real time curvature change of Ag / Fe multilayer Si substrate during annealing was detected using the apparatus .

  11. 激光合成Si3N4吸收系数值的实时测量方法和修正因子

    A read time measuring method and correction factor of absorptance for the synthesizing Si_3N_4 by laser

  12. 本文介绍了目前精度最高的全球定位系统(GPS),并将之应用于功角实时测量系统。

    This paper introduces Gloabal Position System ( GPS ), which has the highest precision , and applies it to real-time power angle measuring system .

  13. KDP晶体柱面生长速率实时测量研究

    In Situ Measurement of the Prismatic Faces Growth Rate of KDP Crystal

  14. CCD探测器在多维动态测量中的应用(柔性喷管六自由度光电实时测量系统)

    The Application of CCD Detectors to the Multi-dimensional Dynamic Measurement ( The Opto-Electronic Real Time Measuring System for Six-Freedom Motion Parameters of Flexible Nozzle )

  15. PMU在子站实现相量的同步实时测量和打包发送;

    The synchronous real-time measurement of the phasors and their packing and transmitting are performed by PMU ;

  16. 提出了一种采用CCD和PC机以及图像处理技术对光学系统星点进行实时测量的方法。

    A real-time method for optical system star testing was presented by CCD , PC and image processing technology . Compared with the former methods , it was simple , high-precision .

  17. 通过实际测量给出的PZT电压&位移曲线表明:该系统测量方法结构简单,测量精度高,能进行实时测量。

    The characteristic curve of PZT given by the actual measuring proves that this system with simple structure can complete high precise and on-line measurement .

  18. 为解决控制系统中角度位置信号实时测量、分析手段缺乏的问题,设计基于USB技术的便携式角度位置数据采集仪。天使(英文)

    A portable angle position data acquisition device based USB technique is designed in order to implement real-time measure and solve the lack of analytical method in angel position control system .

  19. 本系统由计算机作为控制核心,通过DPMI实现了Windows下的实时测量。

    The control center of this system is a computer , and the real time measurement in WINDOWS is implemented by DPMI .

  20. 主要介绍了目前世界上先进的水文实时测量仪器ADCP在黄骅港水文系统的应用。

    Application of ADCP which is the most advanced hydrologic real-time measuring instrument in the world in hydrometric measurement in Huanghua port is introduced in this paper .

  21. 嵌入式倾斜仪采用ARM7作为系统核心,配合高性能的加速度传感器,通过实时测量加速度实现倾斜角的监测。

    The embedded clinometer , which uses ARM7 as the operation core to cooperate with a high performance acceleration sensor , achieves measuring the angle by real-time monitoring the acceleration .

  22. 本文描述了一种实时测量半导体激光光谱的新方法(简称ES法),特别适合于研究半导体激光器的纵模特性、热学特性、老化特性等等。

    This paper describes a new method for real-time measurement of lasing spectrum of semiconductor lasers ( ES method for short ) . It is useful particularly for studying characteristics of longitudinal modes and thermal and aging properties of semiconductor lasers .

  23. 构建嵌入式操作系统uclinux并在此基础上生成嵌入式电网参数监测系统。该系统可以实时测量电网频率、三相电压、电流有效值和各次谐波分量。

    Modified embedded system-uClinux and realize an embedded Power Parameter Monitor system which can measure the frequency , 3 phase voltage , current and harmonics and other parameters such as active power , reactive power etc.

  24. 基于Kirchhoff定律,利用波长为1.55μm的半导体激光器InGaAsP作测量光源、以PbSe探测器作光电转换器件、以8031单片机为核心,设计了一种可实时测量光谱发射率的仪器。

    Based on the Kirchhoff law , a practical spectral emissivity measurement apparatus using laser diode InGaAsP as light source , using PbSe as detector and using 8031 micro-processor as processing center is presented .

  25. 目的观察健康人(HS)和功能性消化不良患者(FD)的水负荷试验结果,并结合B超对近端胃容积进行实时测量,以观察B超水负荷试验在评价近端胃功能中的地位。

    Objective To investigate the water load test ( WLT ) results in healthy subject ( HS ) and functional dyspepsia ( FD ) patients , and evaluate the role of WLT with B-ultrasound ( BUS ) in the proximal stomach dysfunction of FD .

  26. 采用多波长干涉光强比对法实时测量近场光存储头盘间距,其分辨率小于1nm。

    A real-time measurement of head-disk spacing is presented , and its distinguishability can be less than 1 nm . An intensity antitheses of multiple-beam interference is proposed .

  27. 消光起伏光谱法(TFS)是最近发展起来的颗粒测量技术,它可以同时测量颗粒粒径分布和浓度,并可用来进行在线、实时测量。

    The transmission fluctuation spectrometry ( TFS ) is a new method developed in recent years , in which the particle size distribution and particle concentration can be measured simultaneously , and real-time online measurements can be realized .

  28. 通过实时测量的液位曲线和泡沫高度曲线,提高了生产效益,测量周期从原来的23h缩短到16h,消泡剂节省了12%。

    It was shown that the productive efficiency was raised , the productive cycle was shortened from 23 h to 16 h , and the defoamer was saved by 12 % .

  29. 一种实时测量入射激光波长及方位的新方法

    New method of measuring laser wavelength and incident orientation in real-time

  30. 实时测量器件中光学薄膜厚度的新方法研究

    In-situ Measurements of the Optical Film Thickness in Vacuum Devices Fabrications