
  • 网络Pragmatism education;progmatism education
  1. 杜威(JohnDewey,1859&1952)是美国著名的哲学家、教育家、实用主义教育思想的创立者。

    John Dewey ( 1859-1952 ) was an outstanding American philosopher , educator and the founder of educational philosophy of pragmatism .

  2. 约翰·杜威的实用主义教育思想研究

    The Study on DuGang John Dewey 's Pragmatic Theory of Education

  3. 在这些理论当中,杜威的实用主义教育理论最具影响力。

    Among these groups , Dewey 's educational theory is the most influential .

  4. 杜威实用主义教育流派的高等教育思想探析

    The Analyses of the Higher Educational Ideology of Dewey 's Educational School of Pragmatism

  5. 论实用主义教育思想对我国教育改革的影响

    The Impact of Education Reform on the Thought of Pragmatic Education in our Country

  6. 而这其中影响最大的便是美国的实用主义教育和与之相结合的新体育思想。

    The greatest influence were the Practical Education and the New Physical Education Thoughts which was combine with it .

  7. 创业教育来源于以知识、个人和社会为本位的大学教育观的共生与流变,特别是以杜威为代表的美国实用主义教育观直接导致了美国创业教育的繁荣。

    In particular , the educational view of American Pragmatism represented by Dewey resulted the prosperity of entrepreneurship education in American .

  8. 早在二十世纪初,杜威的实用主义教育思想就对中国的数学教育产生过重要影响。

    As early as the beginning of 20th century , Dewey 's pragmatic educational thoughts had an important influence on Chinese mathematical education .

  9. 其次,肯定了教育救国论及实用主义教育思想对中国教育界产生的积极影响和历史作用。

    Secondly , it affirms positive influence that his educational theory has produced an profound historical significance in the circle of education of modern China .

  10. 但由于种种原因,人们对这本经典著作的研究还不够深入,对杜威的实用主义教育思想也存在误解。

    Up to now , because of various reasons , people haven 't gone deep into the soul of it , even some misunderstands exist .

  11. 三是1915&1922年,主要表现为其科学精神的输入及实用主义教育思想的初步确立;

    The third is 1915 to 1922 , and it represented mainly the import of science thought and the original establishment of pragmatistic educational thoughts ;

  12. 项目驱动学习模式是一种体现建构主义理论、实用主义教育理论、自主学习理论、合作学习理论和语言习得理论的学习方式。

    Proiect-based learning mode is a learning method embodying the opinions of constructivism , the theories of pragmatic education , independent study , cooperative learning and language acquisition .

  13. 生活教育理论的主要来源于传统儒学的认识论、墨家学说和杜威的实用主义教育理论。

    There are three main sources in the Life Education Theory : the epistemology of the traditional Confucianiststhought , the essence of Mohism and the education theory of Pragmatism of Dewey .

  14. 杜威实用主义教育思想是在19世纪末20世纪初美国社会转型时期传统教育暴露出诸多弊端的历史背景下产生的。

    John Dewey 's pragmatic theory of education was generated during the late 19th and early 20th century when America was undergoing great social transition . At this time , many problems appeared in American traditional education .

  15. 研究杜威的实用主义教育思想对我国中学数学教育的影响,借鉴其中的积极和合理的成果,对探索适合我国国情和未来发展的数学教育改革新思路具有重要的意义。

    Studying the influence of Dewey 's pragmatic educational thoughts on mathematical education in Chinese junior high schools and learning from the positive and reasonable productions is important to searching for new ideas about reform of mathematical education which fit the situation in China and development in the future .

  16. 杜威实用主义道德教育思想的产生适应了美国资产阶级的利益和需要。

    The formation of Dewey 's pragmatic ethical education thought adapts to the benefits and demands of American bourgeoisie .

  17. 精英主义和实用主义的教育理念,与时俱进的教育制度,塑造了新加坡现代化所需要的大量人才。

    The elitism and pragmatism educational spirit and with time improving educational institution have fostered the number of intellectuals whom Singapore modernization needs .

  18. 而这些特点的深层根源在于美国兼容包并的历史传统、实用主义的教育哲学思想和科学思想与人文思想的交织。

    These characteristics root in the compatible historical tradition deeply , educational ideas of pragmatism and the quarrel of scientific thoughts and literae humaniores .

  19. 通过研究认为,新品格教育之前的美国品格教育可以划分为经典品格教育、实用主义品格教育和个人主义品格教育三个时期。

    Through research it is believed that the history of character education before the New Character Education can be divided into three periods , which is the classic character education , pragmatism character education and individualism character education .

  20. 约翰杜威(johndewey,1859-1952)是美国著名的现代实用主义哲学家、教育学家。

    John Dewey is a very famous American educator and philosopher in pragmatism .

  21. 存在主义教育猛烈抨击唯科学主义和现代西方文明,旨在改革包括实用主义在内的传统教育,指明教育改革的方向。

    Existentialist education severely denounces modern western civilization and the doctrine of the unique importance of science with the purpose of pointing out the direction for education reform as well as reforming the traditional education which includes pragmatism .

  22. 中国实用主义体育思想是受西方实用主义教育思想和欧美流行的实用主义体育思想的影响而产生的,学术界在此方面的研究相对较少。

    In china , physical education idea of practicality appeared by the influence of the West and the euramerican practicality education , research about this was too little in academia .

  23. 文章对中国高等教育大众化过程中实用主义倾向的主要表现进行了归纳,并对实用主义教育哲学的本质及其对中国高等教育大众化进程的积极和消极影响进行了评析。

    This paper summarizes the main manifestations of the pragmatic trend in the process of publicity for Chinese higher education , and analyses and criticizes the essence of the pragmatic educational philosophy and its positive and negative influences on the process of publicity for Chinese higher education .

  24. 杜威通过对美国实用主义哲学和机能主义心理学进行认真研究,逐渐形成了实用主义教育理论。该理论主要论述教育与生活,教育与成长以及学校与社会的关系。

    Having carefully studied American philosophy of pragmatism and psychology of functionalism , Dewey gradually formed his educational theory focusing on the relationship between education and life , education and growth , and school and society .