
shí yònɡ yì shù
  • applied art
  1. 这些成员指出,WTO成员的设计可以根据中国《实施国际著作权条约的规定》作为实用艺术作品得到保护。

    These members noted that designs of WTO Members could be protected under China 's Provisions on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaty as works of applied art .

  2. 实用艺术作品的法律保护

    Legal Protection of Works of Applied Art

  3. 1970年汉城国立大学,实用艺术,美术学士。

    1970 b.f.a applied arts seoul national university .

  4. 板式高层住宅造型设计一直是一个较为主观的问题,本文把高层住宅空间造型作为一种实用艺术与平面构成相联系,提出借鉴其成果;

    The thesis relates space sculpt of apartment of board building with plane form .

  5. 在一切实用艺术方面,不是停滞不前,就是反而倒退了。

    In all the useful arts the world is either standing still or going backwards .

  6. 而现代实用艺术则达到了技术与艺术的完美结合。

    But modern practical art is to arrive the perfect combination of technology and art .

  7. 实用艺术与公共设计

    Practical Art And Public Design

  8. 从艺术分类来看,马利坦把艺术分为实用艺术和美的艺术两类,实用艺术满足人特定需要,是功利的;

    In regard to the art classification , Maritain divides art into practical art and beautiful one .

  9. 目前,我国法律对实用艺术作品的保护还很不完善。

    At present , the legal protection to applied artistic works in China is far from being mature .

  10. 实用艺术作品是艺术成分和实用成分不可分的艺术作品。

    International conventions of copyrights such as Berne Convention stipulate that works of applied art are ones to be protected .

  11. 是一种有明确目的,在很多限制条件下的创造性的实用艺术形式。

    Be that one kind has making purpose clear , pragmatic artistic form restricting lower creativeness of condition in many .

  12. 对实用艺术作品著作权保护之法律探析&完善我国《著作权法》立法建议

    Legal Analysis of the Copyright Protection of the Applied Art Works & The Legislative Proposal for Improvement of the Copyright Law

  13. 实用艺术作品是兼具实用性和艺术性的作品,是《伯尔尼公约》规定的保护对象之一。

    The works of applied art is a kind of work of practical and artistic nature , which is under protection of Berne Convention .

  14. 丰富的课外活动,包括美术、表演、实用艺术、外语、环境和室外教育、集体运动和旅游。

    A rich extracurricular program including fine , performing and practical arts , foreign language , environmental and outdoor education , team sports and travel .

  15. 民俗文化广告是一种综合性的实用艺术,也是一种独具魅力的审美文化现象,具有相对独立的审美价值。

    The advertisement of folk custom and culture is a practical and comprehensive art , and is also a cultural phenomenon of unique aesthetic value .

  16. 另一方面,数字技术作为一种新的艺术表现手法,同时运用在纯视觉艺术和实用艺术之间。

    On the other hand , the digital technique , as a kind of new art expression , applies between the pure vision arts and practical art .

  17. 不论是纯艺术还是实用艺术,不论是手工艺的工艺美术设计还是工业社会的工业设计,都有艺术与技巧、技术的相辅相成关系。

    No matter it is fine art or applied art , and no matter it is handicraft design or industrial design , there exist interrelations between art and technique .

  18. 本文认为:广告艺术是指为促进商品销售而进行的表现艺术,是一种有明确目的,在很多限制条件下的创造性的一种实用艺术。

    In this article , advertising art is defined as expressive art for sales promotion and practical art which has explicit purpose and brings into play creativity under the confined condition .

  19. 鞋靴是中国历史上的一种实用艺术样式,不仅有着悠久的历史文化内涵,而且也有着丰富多彩的艺术美学品格。

    Boots are one practical art style in Chinese history , and they not only have a long historical and cultural connotation , but also a rich and varied character of aesthetics .

  20. 当今社会,科技对唱片封面设计行业的推动,文化思想中的设计观念和大众审美观念的转变,都潜移默化地影响了这门实用艺术的发展。

    Particularly , in the modern society , factors such as the development of science and technology , and the changes of cultural and aesthetic concepts may affect in the album cover design industry .

  21. 实用艺术作品是指同时具有实用性和艺术性特征,具有独创性、能够被有形复制的造型艺术作品。

    Works of applied art is a kind of works of molding art that are of practical use and artistic quality , that are unique and creative , and that can be reproduced materially .

  22. 对实用艺术作品既可以采用著作权进行保护,也可以采用工业外观设计权进行保护,权利保护模式由当事人进行选择,选择了一种权利就意味着放弃了另一种保护模式。

    Copyright or industrial external-design right can be applied to protect the works of applied art and the privy can determine which to be used , however , choosing one means abandoning the other .

  23. 艺术品与设计作品以中国传统中入世的角度带给人们的可能更多的是美的感受,也就是人们常说的实用艺术。

    Works of art and design works to bring people speaking in the perspective of accession to them may be more of a feeling of beauty , is commonly known as " applied art " .

  24. 设计艺术学科是典型的交叉学科,几乎综合了所有实用艺术,如建筑、广告、产品外观、室内装饰、环境景观、服装、织染等。

    Artistic design is a typical interdisciplinary subject . It covers almost all practical arts , such as architecture , advertisement , product appearance , inner ornament , environment landscape , fashion design , weaving and dyeing , etc.

  25. 作为实用艺术的平面设计,它同纯艺术的个性化是不同的,平面设计中的个性化是在诸多客观因素的限定下所表现出来的个性化,因而面临更大的挑战性。

    The plane design , as an applied art , is different from the individuation of the pure art . The individuation of the plane design is the individuation limited by various objective factors and it is more changing .

  26. 在马利坦的诗学理论体系中,艺术是指人类的一种创造性和制作性活动,艺术的本质是人类实践智性的自我完善,它可以分为实用艺术和美的艺术两类。

    Art is the core theoretical proposition in Maritain 's poetics , which is a kind of productive and creative action of mankind . The essence of art is the self-perfects of practice wisdom . It can be divided into two kinds : practical art and aesthetics art .

  27. 实用与艺术完美结合的水系设计;

    Water system design of perfectly combining practical application with art ;

  28. 对于餐厅环境,要求实用经济艺术并重,强调文化及体验。

    The environment , economic and practical art , culture and experience .

  29. 肖像画作为一种实用的艺术形式由一些名不见经传的职业艺人传承经营。

    Portraits are well inherited by several unknown artists as a practical art .

  30. 服装艺术分为实用服装艺术、娱乐服装艺术和纯粹服装艺术。

    Dress art includes functional dresss art , entertaining dress art and pure dress art .