
Based on the measuring data from 115 meteorological stations between 1961 and 2000 in the Yangtze River Basin , pan evaporation ( PE ), reference evapotranspiration ( ETr ) and actual evapotranspiration ( ETa ) as well as their trends are calculated and analyzed .
The approaches to calculate actual regional evaporation by means of meteorological data
It has an effective , logarithmic relationship between net primary production of climax vegetation and evapotranspiration .
Variation relationship of net radiation and actual evapotranspiration show highly significant positive correlation , and their changing trend are consistent .
So , wind speed decreasing does not have a significant impact on the actual evapotranspiration changing over the Yangtze River basin .
The decreasing trend of inter-annual variability and seasonal variability about actual evapotranspiration in the upper reach is more significant than the decreasing trend in the mid-lower reaches .
Decreasing of annual actual evapotranspiration is mainly due to decreasing of actual evapotranspiration in spring , summer , autumn , while decreasing level of actual evapotranspiration is also the largest amount in spring .
The amount of peak evaporation in surface is not in spring but in July , August , September in the rainy season . Also , there was a linear correlation between surface water content and evaporation strength ;
It is based on actual evapo-transpiration capacity , effective rainfall and water reserve of soil to forecast irrigation time .