
xìn tiān yóu
  • Xintianyou;a kind of Shanxi local melody;folksong popular in China's Northwest
信天游 [xìn tiān yóu]
  • [a kind of Shanxi local melody;folksong popular in China's Northwest] 陕北民歌曲调的一类,一般是两句一段,长的每首可达数十段,用同一曲调反复演唱

信天游[xìn tiān yóu]
  1. 率直:直抒胸臆含蓄:意蕴无穷&陕北民歌信天游艺术表现浅析

    Frank and implicit & The art manifestation form of folk songs " Xin Tian You " in north Shanxi province

  2. 路遥小说中除了始终贯穿的信天游旋律外,还把陕北方言融汇在作品的整个叙事话语系统中,从而表现出鲜明的地域文化色彩。

    Besides the Xintianyou rhyme running through the novels , the dialect in the north of Shanxi is integrated into the whole narration , thus Lu Yao 's novels express the vive regional culture .