
  1. 加荷增湿作用下Q3粘黄土的结构损伤特性

    Structural damage properties of Q_3 loess under tri-axial loading and moistening

  2. 在红棕色粘黄土母质上发育的黄褐土和水稻土,粘粒矿物仍以水云母为主,但含有较多量的高岭石和蒙脱石;

    While the yellow cinnamon soil and paddy soil developed on red & brown clay loess are chiefly of hydromicas with more kaolinite and montmorillonite .

  3. 利用供沙土槽和细沟土槽双土槽径流小区系统,定量分析了粘黄土陡坡地在50、90和130mmh降雨强度下上方来水来沙对坡下方细沟水流水力学参数变化的影响。

    A dual-box system , consisting of a feeder box , located at up-slope , and a test box , located at down-slope was used to quantify impacts of runoff and sediment from up-slope on rill hydraulic parameters under different rainfall intensities of 50,90 and 130 mm / h.