
  • 网络Yanhe River;yan river
  1. 延河流域石油类污染物的暴雨径流污染是当地地表水体的一种重要污染形式。

    In Yan River watershed , oil runoff pollution is an important pollution form of surface water body .

  2. 陕北多沙粗沙区,是指延安/延河以北陕西境内的多沙粗沙区域。

    More sediment and coarse sediment Region in Northern Shaanxi is the area of the north of Yan'an or Yan River in Shaanxi province .

  3. 基于GIS的尺度推绎理论与方法研究&以黄土高原延河流域为例

    Studies on GIS yardstick reasoning theory and method - Taking the Yan River Valley at the Loess Plateau as an example

  4. 根据对延河河水连续5a的水质污染因子测定数据,运用模糊数学方法对延河的丰水期、平水期和枯水期的水质现状进行了评价。

    Based on water quality monitored data of Yanhe River for 5 years , water quality of abundant , usual and low water season was evaluated .

  5. 利用中巴卫星数据CBERS对陕北延河流域下游近10a的土地利用变化进行动态监测,并对其空间结构的变化进行了量化。

    Satellite data of CBERS are used to monitor landuse change for nearly 10 years in the lower reaches of Yanhe River in northern Shaanxi Province , and the change in the spatial structure are quantified as well .

  6. 几天前他离开了夏延河附近的营地。

    Abandoned his camp on the Cheyenne river several days ago .

  7. 延河水沙变化分析

    Analysis of Variation of Runoff and Sediment in Yanhe River

  8. 延河洪水输沙特征分析

    Analysis on Characteristics of Flood and Sediment Discharge in the Yanhe River

  9. 基于水土保持的延河流域治理水文响应模型

    Hydrological Response Model On Soil and Water Conservation in Yanhe River Basin

  10. 延河水质的模糊数学评价

    Evaluation on Water Quality of Yanhe River by Fuzzy Mathematics

  11. 延河流域植物光谱特征分析

    Analyse to spectral character of the vegetation along Yanhe River

  12. 延河泉域泉流量衰减原因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of the Spring Flux Attenuation of Yanhe Basin

  13. 隐伏岩溶区的水文地质分带和定量评价(二)&以山西延河泉域为例

    Hydrogeologic zonality and it 's quantitative evaluation in lie concealed karst region

  14. 陕西延河流域地貌组合类型的模糊聚类划分

    Division of grouped landforms by Fuzzy cluster analysis in Yanhe basin of Shaanxi province

  15. 延河流域雨洪特性及洪水预报

    The Characteristics of Storms and Floods in the Yanhe River Basin and the Flood Forecasting Scheme

  16. 基于生态环境需水的延河流域水资源开发度研究

    Study on the Development Threshold of Water Resources in Yanhe Basin Based on the Eco-environmental Water

  17. 煤矿水源地开采对延河泉泉水流量影响的预报

    Prediction of the Influence Caused by the Coalpit Water Supply 's Pumpage on the Yanhe Spring Discharge

  18. 基于遥感的土地利用与退耕还林时空变化研究&以延河流域下游地区为例

    Landuse Changes Based on CBERS Data in Lower Reaches of Yanhe River in the Loess Plateau of China

  19. 延河泉岩溶水系统Sr/Mg、Sr/Ca分布特征及其应用

    Distribution characteristics of Sr / Mg 、 Sr / Ca and applications in Yanhe spring karst water system

  20. 流域减沙效益拓扑分析&以延河流域为例

    Topological Analyses on the Benefit of the Basin Decreasing Sandy Soil Taking the Yanhe Basin as an Example

  21. 基于冲淤计算的延河橡胶坝运行方式初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Rubber Dams Operational Mode on the Yanhe River Based on the Erosion and Sediment Calculation

  22. 对延河流域生态系统进行了划分,对河道外的生态环境需水量计算采用了生态用水定额法进行计算,得出了延河流域河道外生态环境需水量;

    On the basis of classification of ecosystems , the consumption of eco-environmental water outside YanHe channel was calculated ;

  23. 延安延河橡胶坝冲淤分析及水环境效益探讨

    Analysis of Sediment Scour and Deposition and Discussion of Water Environmental Benefit on Rubber Dam 's Reservoir in Yan'an City

  24. 退耕还林(草)和降雨变化对延河流域土壤侵蚀的影响

    Effect of Returning Farmland to Forest ( Pasture ) and Changes of Precipitation on Soil Erosion in the Yanhe Basin

  25. 为了改善延安市城区水环境,拟在延安延河修建两座橡胶坝。

    To improve the water environment of Yan'An city , two rubber dams will be built up on Yanhe River .

  26. 卫星数据在延河流域生态环境监测中的应用

    Application of Chinese Resource Satellite Data to Dynamic Survey of Ecological Environment of Yanhe River Drainage Area in North Shanxi Province

  27. 点群分析法在泉域子系统划分中的应用&以山西延河泉域为例

    Application of Spatial Clustering in Division on Subsystem of Spring Field & take Yanhe spring field of Shanxi Province as example

  28. 根据延河、清涧河暴雨洪水关系,讨论了水利水保工程对暴雨洪水的影响。

    On the basement of rainstorm-flood relation of Yanhe river and Qingjianhe river , the effects of water-soil conservation project on rainstorm-flood is discussed .

  29. 延河泉域上游已规划三个水源地,旨在为未来的煤炭开发提供水源。

    Three water supplies have been planned in upstream areas of Yanhe spring basin in order to provide water for exploiting coal in the future .

  30. 所建立模型在延河流域的试运算,结果接近现实,能反映土壤侵蚀时空分布趋势。

    According to using the concrete data of the Yanhe drainage basin to calculate , the result reflects the tense and spatial tendency and difference of soil erosion .