
  • 网络Qingshui River
  1. 基于DEM的清水河分布式水文模型abo和Rh血型分布及其相关性分析

    Distributed hydrological model based on DEM in Qingshui River Basin ; Distribution and Correlation between ABO and Rh Blood Groups

  2. 进而根据所得到的自振频率和ANSYS的理论结果进行了比较,并对清水河悬索桥进行了安全评价分析。最后,对全文进行了总结,并提出了进一步研究工作的方向。

    After , it compared the natural frequency through the test and the theoretical results of ANSYS . It also analyzed the safety assessment of a suspension bridge Qingshui river . Finally , it proposed a summary of the full text , and put forward the direction of further research .

  3. 青藏高原清水河多年冻土区湖沼环境变迁

    Qingshuihe limnetic environmental change in the permafrost region of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  4. 清水河地区雨水资源化与区域经济发展研究

    Availability of Rainwater Resources and Local Economy Development in Qingshuihe Region

  5. 过了清水河之后,道路再一次成了乱泥节。

    Beyond Qingshuihe , the road turns into a mud fest .

  6. 青藏铁路清水河试验段路基施工研究

    Study on Grading of Qingshuihe Test Section on Qinghai-Xizang Railway

  7. 从青藏铁路清水河试验段路基的沉降浅议高原冻土路基的稳定性

    Discussion on the stability of Subgrade in Plateau Permafrost Area

  8. 清水河流域土地利用现状分析

    Analysis on the Current Condition of Land Use of the Qingshui River Valley

  9. 清水河大跨高架索道设计技术

    Design technology of long span telpher for large bridge on Qing Shui River

  10. 绵山清水河着生硅藻之研究

    Study on attached diatoms of Mian mountain Qingshui River

  11. 清水河流域防护林体系信息管理系统的研究

    Information Management System of shelterbelt Forest in Qingshuihe Watershed

  12. 固原地区清水河流域粮食自给能力系统分析

    A Systematic Analysis of Food Self-suffcient Ability in Qingshui River Watershed of Guyuan Prefecture

  13. 深圳市清水河垃圾焚烧厂周围地区优势植物的汞污染研究

    Mercury Pollution Investigation in Predominant Plants Surrounding Shenzhen Qingshuihe Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plant

  14. 清水河大桥深基础明挖施工技术

    The Cut and Cover Construction Technique of the Deep Foundation in Qing-Shui River Bridge

  15. 宁夏清水河平原中游地下水数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Qingshui River Plain , in Ningxia Province

  16. 低温早强高性能混凝土在清水河特大桥的应用

    Application of low temperature early strength high performance concrete to Qingshuihe River Extra Large Bridge

  17. 经过一个冻融循环,青藏铁路清水河试验段出现了较多裂缝。

    There are many cracks in subgrade in Qingshuihe experimental section after a freezing-thawing cycle .

  18. 宁夏南部清水河平原地下水水化学同位素特征演化研究

    Research on the Evolution of Groundwater Hydrochemical and Isotope Characteristics in Qingshuihe Plain , South of Ningxia

  19. 清水河大桥百米高墩深基开挖施工技术

    Construction technology of excavating for 100 m high capped pier in deep base for Qingshuihe Creek Bridge

  20. 北京清水河流域南山北坡土壤研究

    A study of the soils on the northern slope of the Nanshan mountains in the Qingshui River Watershed

  21. 清水河地段黄河悬沙表层沉积物中重金属本底值测定

    Determination of heavy metal background value in the superficial coat sediment of the Yellow River section in Qingshuihe area

  22. 耿镇为沿清水河中、上游地区货物集散中心。

    Geng town along the river water , the upper reaches of the goods distribution center for the region .

  23. 张家口市清水河滨河路南环至洋河南岸段工程路基施工质量控制

    Measures for construction quality control for subgrade of South Ring Road in Zhangjiakou City to South Bank of Yanghe River

  24. 准噶尔盆地车莫古隆起内物源沉积体系探讨及勘探意义&以白垩系清水河组一段为例

    Provenance sediments and its exploration significance & A case from Member 1 of Qingshuihe Formation of Lower Cretaceous in Junggar Basin

  25. 利用水化学、同位素调查的方法,对宁南清水河平原地下水的水化学演化规律进行了研究。

    The hydrochemical and isotope charateristics of groundwater in Qingshuihe plain was studied by the methods of hydrochemical and isotope investigation .

  26. “杂色泥岩”上覆的白垩系清水河组为超覆,下伏的侏罗系西山窑组被削截。

    The Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation overlaps the variegated mudstone , while the Jurassic Xishanyao Formation is truncated by the variegated mudstone .

  27. 在五台山清水河河道综合治理中,水面景观建设是一个重要方面。

    During the comprehensive regulation of Qingshui River in Wutai Mountain Zone , the water view construction is a very important aspect of regulation .

  28. 发展型城市城乡结合部小流域生态整治试点&以成都市清水河整治为例

    Ecological Renovation of Small Watershed in Rural-Urban Fringe of Developing City & A Case From the Ecological Renovation in Qingshui River of Chengdu City

  29. 宁南清水河盆地地下水循环特征与苦咸水成因

    A study of the characteristics of groundwater circulation and the formation of bitter and saline groundwater in the Qingshuihe Basin in the southern Ningxia

  30. 黄土高原清水河流域土地利用/气候变异对径流泥沙的影响

    Effects of Landuse / Climate Variability on the Runoff and Sediment in Qingshuihe Watershed on the Loess Plateau , West Shanxi Province , China