
  1. 清代词选研究

    Pure word deafness The Study on Ci Collectanea of Qing Dynasty

  2. 试论清代词体学的特征

    Exploring the Characteristics of the Style of Ci Poetry of the Qing Dynasty

  3. 论清代词史观念的形成

    On Forming of Ideas About Historical-Ci in Qing dynasty

  4. 清代词学文献的整理和研究

    Assortment and Study of Qing Documents of Ci Theories

  5. 佛义禅理成为清代词学理论的重要思想方法之一。

    Explanation of Buddhist doctrines at that time became an important approach for Ci-ology in the Qing dynasty .

  6. 清代词学理论文献的主要形式有词话、词选、论词诗词、词律词韵、序跋批注、书札专论文等。

    Qing documents of ci theories are represented by comments , selections , prefaces , epilogues , notes and essays .

  7. 词选是清代词学理论的重要形态,在清代词学史上产生了重要作用。

    They , as an important form of Ci theory , played a significant role in the history of Qing Ci poetry theory .

  8. 本文旨在说明自身研究清代词派所预设的观点,以及在此一观点下所采取的论证方法、步骤,以供学术社群进行有效的对话。

    The paper aimed at explaining the opinion of Ching tzu schools research by myself , and proof way based as above , in order to discuss effectively with science group and acquire reasonable judgement .

  9. 清代女性词中女性意识的觉醒

    Awareness of Feminine Consciousness from Ci in the Qing Dynasty

  10. 从清代竹枝词看京城文化时尚

    Looking at Capital Culture Style According to Little Poetry of Qing Dynasty

  11. 谭献是清代常州词派的词学大家。

    Tan Xian was a great of Changzhou School of Ci Poetry in the Qing Dynasty .

  12. 清代是词学的复兴期,也是词学理论构建的集大成阶段。

    Qing Dynasty is the revival of Ci is also a master of the word theory building stage .

  13. 三是女性对性别角色和才情的深刻思考与反省,这是清代女性词中极有价值的一部分;

    The third is women 's contemplation and introspection on their sexual role and talents , which is an extremely valuable part in the women Ci poetry of Qing Dynasty .

  14. 现试图通过对各个时期词人词作的梳理,整理出清代四明词较为清晰的发展脉络,张扬宁波文学的个性特色。

    This thesis tries to clear the development clue of Ningbo Ci poem through the works from every period , to show the personality of the Ningbo literature in Qing Dynasty .

  15. 直到明末清初,词开始复苏,清代成为了词文学复兴的时代。

    Until the late Ming and early Qing dynasties , Ci started to recover , the Qing Dynasty became the word literary renaissance era .