
  1. 论家校教育双通道思想与应用

    On Thinking Application of Double - Way Approach In Family School Education

  2. 该书成就他成为优秀的教育家、文论家。

    The book had made him a good educator and literary critic .

  3. 论家校合作对促进小学生英语学习的作用

    A Study on Family-School Partnership to Enhance Primary School Students ' English Learning

  4. 文学创新始终是历代文论家所关注的问题之一。

    Literary innovation is one of subjects that attract many literary theorists of different dynasties .

  5. 文论家与语言学家历来缺乏对诗歌语言形态的合力研究,形成两张皮现象:文论家很少有深入研究诗语奥秘的愿望和自觉,语言学家很少关注文学作品的语言艺术。

    Literary criticism and linguistic scholars do not together study the art and forms of poetic language .

  6. 在19世纪的女作家中,奥斯丁以其间接叙述手法为文论家所称道。

    Among the women writers of the 19th century , Jane Austen is applauded for her indirections of narration .

  7. 苏珊·桑塔格是当代美国著名文论家和作家,在当代西方思想界中扮演着多种角色。

    As a famous contemporary American literary theorist and writer , Susan Sontag is playing multi-roles in the Western literary circle .

  8. 新时期以来,音乐理论界在20世纪中国音乐发展道路问题上的争论此起彼伏,论家蜂起,争论的核心是中西关系。

    That the kernel of dispute of music developing way in China in 20th century is relationship between China and the West .

  9. 文论家艾布拉姆斯发现完整的写作过程包括社会作者作品读者四个环节。

    Meyer Howard Abrams found that the whole process of writing includes four links , which are society , writer , work and reader .

  10. 李长之是二十世纪三、四十年代崛起在中国学界的美学家、文论家与文学批评家。

    Li Chang-Zhi is a famous esthetician , literature theoretician and critic who grew up in the 1930s to 1940s in Chinese academic circle .

  11. 梁启超首先是政治家,其次才是文论家,这种身份决定了其文学思想服务于政治思想。

    Liang Qichao was primarily a politician , secondly a literature theoretician . That fact decided that his literature ideology served for his political ideology .

  12. 张炎融通而全面的词学观,对后代词论家也产生了很大的影响。

    Zhang Yan achieved mastery through a comprehensive study of the Ci poetry , which produced great influence on the thoughts of Ci poetry critics .

  13. 所以本文除了对鲁迅文本内、外部研究之外,还要触及到东西世界的文化、文学背景,参照一些西方文学家的作品,文论家的理论。

    So this article is in touch with the eastern and western cultures ( literature ) background knowledge , literary works and theory of western writers .

  14. 作为解构主义主要文论家之一,米勒的“修辞性解读”策略创造性的深化了德里达的解构理论。

    As one of the major advocates of deconstruction , Miller proposed " rhetoric reading " strategy , which greatly deepened Derrida 's theories on deconstruction .

  15. 尽管诸多文论家觉得经典似乎很固执,并且拒绝改变,但实际上它总是处于变化之中。

    Although many literary critics seem to regard the canon as rather hidebound and resistive to change , in fact it has always been very mutable .

  16. 北宗论家与绘画的审美追求,与《文心雕龙·风骨》篇关联紧密,都属于势体系的刚性美系统。

    The aesthetic standards of the " northern model " both in theory and painting belong to the system of tough beauty which focuses on power .

  17. 在这一时期,众多的文论家和美学家开始把虚构视为文本获得文学性的根据,虚构也因此具有了本体论意义。

    In this period , The fiction is regarded as a necessary component for the text to possess the characteristics of literature by multitudinous literary theorists and aesthetic theorists .

  18. 俄罗斯文论家巴赫金的狂欢化诗学理论,开辟了狂欢节仪式与文学艺术体裁的形成与发展关系这一研究视角。

    Poetic theory of " Carnival ization " by Russian literary critic Bakhtin advances a research perspectives of the relationship between carnival ceremony and literary style formation and development .

  19. 魏晋以降,文论家掀起了文体辨析的风潮,论体的体制分类不由地突显出来,在整个文学创作史上显示出重要的地位。

    Wei Jin Dynasty , literary theory a stylistic analysis of trend , the system of comment is highlighted , in the literary creation history shows the important position .

  20. 上文所已说过的一切就推翻了从柏拉图和亚里士多德一直到近代意大利帕特里奇,斯卡里格和卡斯特尔维特罗一系列是论家们关于诗的起源的全部理论。

    All that has been so far said here upset all the theories of the origin of poetry from Plato and Aristotle down to Patrizzi , Scaliger , and Castelvetro .

  21. 法兰克福学派第二代理论家施米特在《马克思的自然概念》一书中提出了社会与自然的双向中介关系论。

    A. Schmidt , who belongs to the second generation of the Frankfurt School , advanced his theory of reciprocal mediation between nature and society in Marx 's concept of nature .

  22. 在采纳后现代主义这个并不确定的概念的文论家之中,哈桑是不懈地致力于阐明其应用规则的第一人。

    To put explicitly , Hassan is the first scholar who makes great efforts to clarify its applied rules unremittingly in the literary theorists those adopt the uncertain concept of Postmodernism .

  23. 对元散曲发展分期的研究,历来是曲论家们最感兴趣的论题之一。

    To the traditional opera researchers , the study on the division of the Yuan Sanqu ( a type of verse ) development , is always one of the most interesting objects .

  24. 就目前学术界的研究成果看,大多是就某一古文论家而论,论者一般都注意到了文气与作家道德修养的关系,有的也注意到了文气与作家创作心态的关系。

    Researchers commonly pay attention not only to the relationship between " wenqi " and moral cultivation of writers , but also to the relationship between " wenqi " and creative mood of writers .

  25. 俄罗斯著名的文论家、思想家巴赫金在《陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题》和《弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷的创作和中世纪与文艺复兴时期的民间文化》中分别阐述了他的民间诙谐文化理论。

    Russian famous literary critic and thinker Mikhail Bakhtin illustrated his theory of folk humour culture in Dostoevsky 's Poetic Problems and Rabelais ' Creation and Folk Culture of Middle Ages and Renaissance respectively .

  26. 本文以若干实例并通过援引其他论家的观点,阐明翻译实践的本质是解决双语之间内容与形式的矛盾统一,也就必然涉及客观与主观的矛盾统一问题。

    By sampling and citing some theorists , the paper elaborates the essence of translation as resolution of the contradictory unity between content and form , and thus the contradictory unity between objectivity and subjectivity .

  27. 但由于文学本身的规定性及复杂性,文论家的观念并没有化为现实,而是被巧妙地棚架在理论层面,成为只具有观赏价值的艺术品。

    Due to the determination and complexity that literature contains , the opinions put forward by writers of literary theory , like artwork with appreciation value , are skillfully confined to theoretical layer rather than being carried out .

  28. 文论家们上下求索,或固守传统,在中国传统思想文化中寻觅灵感;或追新逐异,紧跟西方阵阵思潮,摹影画形;或独辟蹊径,培育新的文论土壤。

    Theoretical researchers and practitioners study or stick to the tradition , find the inspiration in traditional Chinese culture ; or recover the new one different from the West following bursts of thought , Or inventive , nurturing a new literary theoretical soil .

  29. 本色源自诗文理论而盛行于戏曲批评,在明代、尤其是明代中后期成为曲论家普遍探讨和关注的一个理论问题。

    It originated from the theory of poetry and literature , and prevailed in opera criticism . During the Ming dynasty ( 1368-1644 ), especially the middle and late period ( 1436-1644 ), it came into being a theoretical issue to which opera theorists commonly paid close attention .

  30. 宋代及以后的文论家们,在唯识学说和禅思的影响下,进一步深化意境说,并最终在王国维时使意境说至臻完善并最终成为中国古代文论的核心范畴。

    The literary theorist in and after Song Dynasty , under the influence of idealism and meditation , further penetrated into the idea of artistic ambit , and at last , Wang Guowei improved it to perfection , which became the core category in the ancient Chinese literary theory .