
lùn tí
  • thesis;proposition;theme;talking point;stuff
论题 [lùn tí]
  • (1) [proposition;theme]∶论述者所主张并加以辩证的命题

  • 一些经济学的论题

  • (2) [stuff]∶一门知识

  • 哲学物理学把这个论题说成是数学概率

论题[lùn tí]
  1. 对这一论题,后来的学者提出了很多不同的观点。

    Many scholars gave the different explanations of the proposition .

  2. 人格一直是人们关注的重要论题。

    Personality has long been an important proposition of interest to people .

  3. 这篇文章讨论了一系列广泛的论题。

    The article covered a wide range of topics .

  4. 这并不是经验心理学的某个老论题。

    This isn 't just any old issue in empirical psychology .

  5. 他把每个论题都变成了道德的讨论。

    He turns every subject into a moral discussion .

  6. 论题选得很好。

    The topic for the thesis is well-chosen .

  7. 有限群Fitting类与相关论题

    Fitting Classes of Finite Group and Related Problems

  8. 换句话说,把这个论题转变成「若B,则A」就有危险。

    In other words , there is a danger in switching the argument to " If B , then A " .

  9. 关于Hopf丛S~3的几个论题

    On the Propositions of Hopf Bundle S ~ 3

  10. 《认知科学论题》杂志(TopicsinCognitiveScience)上最近刊登的一项研究指出,老年人头脑中的信息要多比年轻人多得多,因此要提取信息自然也就需要更长的时间。

    A recent study in Topics in Cognitive Science pointed out that older people have much more information in their brains than younger ones , so retrieving it naturally takes longer .

  11. 共分3个论题:①聚合物驱及驱油聚合物(HPAM和多糖);

    Three topics are covered : ① polymer flooding and polymers for EOR ( HPAM and xanthane );

  12. 如果你的论题是关于水果的,那么将苹果和橘子混合是好的;但是如果你的论题是关于维生素C的,那就是不好的,因为苹果和橘子相对于维生素C是不同的关系。

    It is fine to mix apples and oranges , if your question is about fruit , but not if your question is about vitamin C and you know that apples and oranges are different with respect to vitamin C.

  13. 在1985年Fairley的实现论题包含以下内容

    According to Fairley , implementation issues in1985 consisted of

  14. 在了解了ICMP以至TCP/IP协议特点以后,本文提出相应的安全防范措施和关于此论题的建议。

    In the process of mastering the ICMP protocol even the TCP / IP protocol , the paper bring forward the countermeasure and recommendation on the subject .

  15. 首先说明这篇文章不是关于此论题的一般综述,只是一些个人见解,同时介绍了在中国做过的一些工作,最近的综述请参阅Jones的文章〔1〕。

    First of ail this is not a general review on these subjects , it is a personal acount and some personal views about them . It also introduces some works done in China . For a recent review see Jones [ 1 ] .

  16. 这儿出现的论题是古典的而又有争论余地的。

    The issues which here arisen are the classical debatable issues .

  17. 教学原则是教学论研究的基本论题之一。

    To research teaching principle is the basic thesis of Pedagogy .

  18. 初识电子政务学:基本论题和学科定位

    Primary Cognition of E-Government Science : Basic Theme and Subject Orientation

  19. 吉尔达在书的最后有没有证明他的论题呢?

    In the end , does Mr Gildea prove his thesis ?

  20. 本文选择此论题,具有较强的现实意义。

    This article chooses this topic has strong practical significance .

  21. 研究型学习是当前教育界的一个热点论题。

    Research based study is a top hot topic in education currently .

  22. 法律与佛教是一个非常有价值的论题。

    The topic about law and Buddhism is very valuable .

  23. 在中世纪,论题通过经院辩证法得以流传下来。

    In the Middle Ages , topics went down through canonist dialectics .

  24. 第三部分主要介绍我国理论界就本论题的研究现状。

    The third part introduces the academic status of the present study .

  25. 论题库建设的质量问题

    On the Quality of Building a Stock of Examination Questions

  26. 预设是英美语用学中的一个重要论题,发轫于哲学和逻辑学。

    ' Presupposition ' is an important topic of traditional Anglo-American pragmatics .

  27. 因此,笔者选择这一论题,以期对著作权以及著作人身权制度有更深入的理解。

    As a result the author select moral right as the proposition .

  28. 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。

    The origin of the universe is an ageless topic .

  29. 就这个论题进行了一场极为热烈的讨论。

    There was an extremely animated discussion on the subject .

  30. 下列的项目是提议关于那写-向上的论题。

    The following items are suggestions as to the write-up of theses .