
  • 网络William the Conqueror;William the Conquerer
  1. 征服者威廉是英格兰第一位诺尔曼人国王。

    William the conqueror was the first Norman king of england .

  2. 英国国王征服者威廉死了。

    William the Conqueror , King of England , dies .

  3. 征服者威廉为庆祝他的胜利在此建造了贝特修道院。

    William the Conqueror built Battle abbey to commemorate his victory here .

  4. 征服者威廉下令作的英国土地调查的记录。

    Record of a British land survey ordered by William the Conqueror .

  5. 当征服者威廉踏入大不列颠的土地

    When William the Conqueror came to Great Britain

  6. 征服者威廉大帝创建英国时;

    When the Conqueror created the British empire ;

  7. 征服者威廉几乎没收了所有土地,将其分封给他的诺曼追随者。

    William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers .

  8. 同样的话征服者威廉一世也说过。

    So did William the Conqueror .

  9. 啊!好了。我们去见征服者威廉吧。

    Ah ! It 's OK now . let 's go and see William the conqueror .

  10. 至今,英国王室家族仍可追溯到征服者威廉(编者注:即当今的皇室家族仍是威廉的后代)。

    To this day , the English royal family can be traced back to William the Conqueror .

  11. 从征服者威廉到伊丽莎白一世,英国皇室之间都存在血缘关系。

    Polo : From William the Conqueror to Elizabeth I , Britain royal families all had blood ties .

  12. 这个家族起始于培根·德伯爵士,他是在1066年随同征服者威廉国王从诺曼底来到英格兰的。”

    They descended from Sir Pagan d'Urberville , who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror in 1066 . "

  13. 建造于11世纪初期,林肯城堡是那传奇人物征服者威廉(译注:威廉一世)的家。

    Built at the beginning of the11th century , Lincoln Castle served as home of the legendary William the Conqueror .

  14. 征服者威廉一世选定了温莎城堡的位置,将其高高地建于泰吾士河畔之上。

    William the Conqueror chose the site , high above the river Thames and on the edge of a Saxon hunting ground .

  15. 自从1066年,征服者威廉的军队扬帆驶离海岸以来,诺曼底在欧洲的历史地位一直是举足轻重的。

    Ever since the armies of William the Conqueror set sail from its shores in1066 , Normandy has had a pivotal role in European history .

  16. 在征服者威廉统治了英格兰之后,法语席卷上流宫廷、行政管理和文化领域&之后300年如一日。

    When William the Conqueror became king of England , French took over as the language of the court , administration , and culture-and stayed there for300 years .

  17. 约1078年由征服者威廉一世开始在罗马城墙内侧建造一座中央城楼「白塔」。

    The central keep , or donjon , known as the White Tower because of its limestone , was begun c.1078 by William I the Conqueror inside the Roman city wall .

  18. 维京人建造的船只,其船首较高,伸出的船首有着吓人的装饰物,与拜约挂毯上所见到征服者威廉一世的船只类似。

    The Vikings built ships with high bows and a projecting stem bearing a menacing figurehead , similar to the ships of William I the Conqueror as seen in the Bayeux Tapestry .

  19. 如今,在互联网的帮助下,很多人都可以找到自己的祖先,既为与征服者威廉一起战斗的人骄傲,也为在厨房里洗洗涮涮的婢女、被运往他乡的囚徒骄傲。

    Now , thanks to the Internet , many of us are finding our forebears , and are as proud of under-scullery-maids and transported convicts as of those who fought with the Conqueror .

  20. 征服者威廉的事业是教皇支持的,不久就征服了英国,英国人也需要有人领导,而且已经对篡权和被征服都习惯了。

    William the Conqueror , whose cause was favoured by the pope , was soon submitted to by the English , who wanted leaders , and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest .

  21. 几乎可以断定,这些词汇派生于是拉丁(或希腊语),它们可能是很久之前由征服者威廉和他的手下带到英格兰的。

    It is virtually certain that these will be words of Latin ( or Greek ) or French derivation , and probably they were brought to England by William the Conqueror and his men long ago .