
gù nóng
  • farm labourer;farmhand;hired farm hands
雇农 [gù nóng]
  • [farmhand] 旧社会农村中的长工、月工、零工等。他们没有或只有极少量的土地和生产工具,主要依靠出卖劳动力

雇农[gù nóng]
  1. 大部分人都是没有田地的雇农。

    The majority of the population are landless peasants .

  2. 他不过是个普通的雇农,但他的品格使他当上了负责人。

    He had been a simple farmer , but his character made him a leader .

  3. 苦力和雇农已经不存在了;

    Coolies and farm labourers have disappeared ;

  4. 所谓贫雇农路线,是错误的。

    The so-called line of solely relying on poor peasants and farm laborers is erroneous .

  5. 雇农出生于他的腿部;

    His legs the peasants ;

  6. 此等雇农不仅无土地,无农具,又无丝毫资金,只得营工度日。

    Having neither land , farm implements nor funds , they can live only by selling their labour power .

  7. 这位老翁是哈雅纳邦的一名雇农,这是他的第一个孩子。

    The elderly man , a landless farmer in Haryana state , is a proud father of his first child .

  8. 佃农为减轻地租而斗争,雇农的斗争则是为了改善劳动条件。

    The tenant struggled for the alleviation of conditions of rent , the worker for improvement of conditions of labor .

  9. (四)掌握依靠贫雇农、团结中农的原则。

    The principle of relying on poor peasants and farm labourers and uniting with middle peasants had to be grasped .

  10. 那个地主心想他总有办法去制服那些雇农。但是他大错特错了。

    The landlord thought that he could come over the farm hands one way or another . But he was grossly mistaken .

  11. 贫雇农打江山坐江山的口号是错误的。

    The slogan , " the poor peasants and farm labourers conquer the country and should rule the country ", is wrong .

  12. 有许多死于饥饿的雇农的亲属在村口等着他,他一到就被抓住痛打了一顿。

    Relatives of the tenants who had starved to death met the landlord at the entrance to the village and beat him severely .

  13. 必须将贫雇农的利益和贫农团的带头作用,放在第一位。

    The interests of the poor peasants and farm labourers and the forward role of the poor peasant leagues must be our first concern .

  14. 通过这个家族他控制着七百个佃农、三十个奴婢、二百个雇农和七个奶妈,这些奶妈用自己的奶汁喂养他的众多子孙。

    Through this family , he controlled seven hundred tenant farmers , thirty slave girls , two hundred squatters and seven wet nurses who breast-fed his numerous brood .

  15. 正确的路线应该是依靠贫雇农,巩固地联合中农,消灭封建制度。

    The correct line should be to rely on poor peasants and farm laborers and firmly unite with middle peasants , so as to abolish the feudal system .

  16. 随着地主阶级在乡村的政治权力被打倒,贫雇农作为新的权力阶层开始管理乡村事务。

    With the power of landlord class in countryside overwhelmed , the poor peasants and farm laborers , as the new master class , begin to manage affairs of countryside .

  17. 中国的富农大多有一部分土地出租,又放高利贷,对于雇农的剥削也很残酷,带有半封建性。

    Most of the rich peasants in China are semi-feudal in character , since they let a part of their land , practise usury and ruthlessly exploit the farm labourers .

  18. 还因为他们所占的土地数量较多,质量较好,如不平分则不能满足贫雇农的要求。

    Furthermore , as the rich peasants have more and better land , the demands of the poor peasants and farm labourers cannot be satisfied unless this land is distributed .

  19. 在老解放区中农占多数贫雇农占少数的地方,中农的地位尤为重要。

    The position of the middle peasants is especially important in the old Liberated Areas where the middle peasants are the majority and the poor peasants and farm labourers a minority .

  20. 百分之七十的贫雇农,加上百分之二十的中农,这是基本力量,这才叫多数。

    The poor peasants and farm laborers who make up 70 percent of China 's population , plus the middle peasants who account for 20 percent , who together constitute the mainstay .

  21. 长征时期的女红军们大多出生于贫雇农家庭、农奴家庭,也有少数来自封建家庭。

    Most of the female red army in the Long March were born in the family of serfs and poor peasants , a few of female red army came from the feudal family .

  22. 在农村中,一方面应坚定地解决土地问题,紧紧依靠雇农、贫农,团结中农;

    In the rural areas , on the one hand , we should resolutely solve the land problem , rely firmly on the farm labourers and poor peasants and unite with the middle peasants ;

  23. 厄泼克劳斯是个不大不小的村子,就在几年前,还完全保持着英格兰的古老风格,村上只有两座房子看上去胜过自耕农和雇农的住宅。

    Uppercross was a moderate-sized village , which a few years back had been completely in the old English style , containing only two houses superior in appearance to those of the yeomen and labourers ;

  24. 在中国的反对地主阶级封建剥削的斗争中,广大的贫雇农要求同时废除富农的封建和半封建剥削。

    In the struggle against feudal exploitation by the landlord class in china , the broad masses of poor peasants and farm labourers also demanded the abolition of feudal and semi-feudal exploitation by the rich peasants .

  25. 在旧中国,占农村人口70%的贫雇农只占有10%的土地,而妇女则根本没有土地所有权。

    In old China , poor farmers and farm laborers , who accounted for 70 percent of the rural population , owned only 10 percent of the land . Women had no right to own any land .

  26. 不是宣传依靠贫雇农,巩固地联合中农,消灭封建制度的路线,而是孤立地宣传贫雇农路线。

    They did not propagate the line of relying on the poor peasants and farm labourers and firmly uniting with the middle peasants in order to abolish the feudal system , but one-sidedly propagated a poor peasant-farm labourer line .