- 名wage laborer;wage labourer

But a labourer today can rightly be called a wage slave .
The antithesis to labour is play .
The political strategy to liberate women must have the historical materialism as its theoretical base .
Mean shop assistant or other hire labourer , may used for calling the companion too .
A bank clerk a labourer .
Instead , the emerging markets may need to rely on the service sector to employ workers .
More self-employed people in Europe and the US report enjoying their jobs than those who are employed .
The workers of the private enterprises are not only employees but also the master of our country .
For these wage-earners engaged in wage labor remuneration , under normal circumstances , not subject to tax .
According to authors ' investigation and research , the neo-type-contract-relationship between owners and employees has been built up preliminarily in private enterprises .
It has converted the physician , the lawyer , the priest , the poet , the man of science , into its paid wage labourers .
Capitalism is the realization of the former , while socialism is that of the latter and it supplies practical conditions for the development of human freedom .
Too many companies still view men as the primary wage earner : younger women are there to look pretty and older women to do the drudgery .
In the capitalist society there exist the individualism of capital holders and that of employees , both of which are the negation of the former abstract individualism .
The relationship between labor and capital in the private enterprises indicates a profit relationship between the private capital owners and the employees with the unitary property right .
The workers ' economic status has changed in the ESOP enterprises in the developed countries in the West , that is , from pure employed laborers in the past to employees plus owners at present .
These funds typically back businesses that dabble in clean tech or hire locals .
Steelmaking is of great importance to local communities , but it employs only about 1 per cent of the 30m total manufacturing workers in Europe .
Second , even if workers are self-employed , the company or platform that routes work and orders to them could choose to offer more than the minimum benefits .
Capitalist enterprises subject is personified in the capital-the capitalists , that is , the capitalists in the enterprise in a position of domination and domination , workers are hired workers .
It is different in Marxist economics that the research framework of laborer 's participation in firm governance will generally include the aspects of freemen 's union , workers ' autonomy , labor hiring system , and laborer 's joining into governance .
Workers trade their value for engagement , so enterprises , which have a dominant position to workers , should assume main liability for prevention and treatment of occupational disease .
Han wage labor , you can hire the labor market , Paul give presentations , wage-earners Yong Dian Zhou flow to achieve .