
  1. 农业综合开发,是符合我国国情的一条振兴农业之路,是发展现代化大农业的战略选择。

    The comprehensive exploitation of agriculture is a way of vitalizing agriculture in China , and is a strategic choice of developing modern agriculture .

  2. 可持续农业不是一种单纯依靠农业技术、农业生产方式变革的农业,而是一种涉及面广,必须进行系统调控的现代化大农业。

    Sustainable agriculture is not the kind of agriculture based on the simple changes of technology and methods , but a modern wide agriculture based on systematic regulation .

  3. 如何打破发展障碍、将这些潜质发挥出来,在山东省乃至全国率先实现现代化大农业的生产模式是个值得研究的问题。

    How to clear away obstacles and exploit latent advantages so as to take the lead in realizing modern agriculture in Shandong Province even the whole nation is a valuable question to be studied .

  4. 黑龙江是产粮大省,黑龙江垦区是我国重要的商品粮基地,也是肩负着我国现代化大农业引领作用的示范区。

    Hei Long Jiang province which is one of the major grain-producing provinces is not only an important commodity grain base , but also the demonstration area which is shouldering to play a leading role for modern agriculture .

  5. 坐落在东北平原的吉林省四平市与经济发达地区相比更显落后,不利于发展现代化的大农业。

    While compared with the developed area in e-cononry , Siping City of Jilin Province , located in Northeast Plain , is backward relatively , which is not benefit for the modern agriculture .