
  • 网络modern music;Contemporary Music;POP;modernist music
  1. 我不得不承认,我讨厌现代音乐。

    I have to confess to a hatred of modern music .

  2. 现代音乐摆脱了18世纪的模式。

    Modern music has broken away from18th century rules .

  3. 直至几个月前,在现代音乐神秘殿堂之外很少有人听说了戈莱斯基。

    Until a few months ago few people outside the arcane world of contemporary music had heard of Gorecki .

  4. 辛辛那提音乐学院举办各种活动,包括由著名乐团“拉萨勒四重奏”、CCM爱乐乐团以及各个音乐家团体通过现代音乐呈现的巴洛克音乐表演。

    CCM organizes a variety of events , including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet , CCM 's Philharmonic Orchestra , and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music .

  5. 电子琴的即兴演奏,在现代音乐教育教学中,还处于一个发展和不完善的阶段

    Electric piano extemporaneously performance , in modern music education teaching , but also is in a development a.

  6. James在文中写到:男女混校中的男生会觉得古典音乐很女人,所以会更喜欢主题为暴力和性别主义的现代音乐。

    Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine and prefer the modern genre in which violence and sexism are major themes , James wrote .

  7. SKY总是向人们呈现最HOT最流行的现代音乐,让所有人都疯狂舞动起来,找到乐趣是SKY所有活动的一贯宗旨。

    SKY has the most to people is always the most popular modern HOT music , crazy dancing for all to find the fun is all the activities of SKY 's goal .

  8. 在JohnCage的预置钢琴乐曲中我们能听到甘美兰音乐的特点,藉于深入讨论及分析找出两者相似之原因,以验证现代音乐作曲家从世界音乐中汲取养料,获得灵感的普遍现象。

    I hear characteristics of gamelan music in John Cage 's prepared piano pieces , and I hope to find out the reasons that result in the similarity between these two musics in order to examine the common phenomenon of modern composers ' liaisons with world music .

  9. 本土音乐在现代音乐教育中的定位

    The Fixed Position of the Native Music in Modern Music Education

  10. 从世界文化发展谈现代音乐教育

    On Modem Music Education From the Culture Development in the World

  11. 现代音乐视唱教学中音程感的建立

    Setting up of an Interval Sense in Modern Music Sightsinging Teaching

  12. 现代音乐(中)中日音乐文化交流的历史渊源

    The Historical Origins of the Music Culture of China and Japan

  13. 冼星海是我国现代音乐史上一位杰出的音乐家。

    XIAN Xing-hai was an outstanding musician in modern Chinese music .

  14. 作为现代音乐的第一个流派是表现主义音乐。

    As the first modern music genres of music is showed .

  15. 现代音乐乍听起来可能让人很不舒服。

    Modern music can at first seem displeasing to the ear .

  16. 大多数现代音乐都让人激动得想手舞足蹈。

    Most modern music makes people excited and feel like dancing .

  17. 这是我最喜欢的综艺节目,是关于现代音乐的。

    It 's my favorite Variety Show about modern music .

  18. 历史嬗变中的我国近现代音乐教育

    Historical Evolution of Music Education of China in Modern Times

  19. 他对现代音乐的最新动态了如指掌。

    He 's very attuned to the latest developments in modern music .

  20. 陕北佳县白云观道教音乐的现代音乐价值

    The Value of Jia Xian Baiyun Guan Taoist Music in Modern Music

  21. 古琴音乐文化以及对现代音乐教育的启示

    Guqin Musical Culture and Its Enlightenment on Modern Musical Education

  22. 中国近现代音乐创作和文化底蕴的历史观照

    Historical Observation on Modern Chinese Musical Creation and Cultural Depth

  23. 20世纪西方现代音乐述评

    A survey of the modern music in the 20th century

  24. 探乐音之源起寓无形于有形读《音的历程现代音乐声学导论》有感

    Review On In Course Of Tone , Introduction Of Modern Musical Acoustics

  25. 现代音乐文化对社会资本的影响分析

    On the Influence of Modern Music Culture on Social Capital

  26. 现代音乐常被人认为不如过去的。

    Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past .

  27. 这首四重奏的曲子反映了现代音乐中一种主要的新趋向

    This quartet represent a major new trend in modern music

  28. 那你一定看不起诸如摇滚一类的现代音乐了?

    A : Then you must despise such modern music as rock ?

  29. 他对现代音乐显露出的雅兴纯属自欺欺人。

    This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo .

  30. 音乐呢?您如何看待现代音乐?

    What about music ? What do you think of modern music ?