
  • 网络realistic drama;realistic theatre
  1. 从契诃夫到沈虹光:现实主义戏剧的一种写法

    From Chekhov to Shen Hongguang : A Style of Realistic Drama

  2. 论夏衍现实主义戏剧观的主要特征

    The Main Characteristics of Realistic Drama in View of Xia Yan

  3. 论20世纪西方现实主义戏剧的艺术特质

    On the Artistic Characteristics of the 20th Century Western Realistic Drama

  4. 狄德罗与莱辛:现实主义戏剧理论的先驱

    Diderot and Lessing : Pioneers of Realist Theatrical Theory

  5. 19世纪的戏剧世界被称作现实主义戏剧,起源于欧洲的剧院。

    The19c was the time we called realism , developed in the European theater .

  6. 论易卜生、契诃夫对中国现实主义戏剧发展的影响

    On Ibsen ′ s and Чехов′ s Influence on the Development of Chinese Realistic Drama

  7. 现实主义戏剧理论的核心范畴是真实,这是众所周知的事实。然而,真正的提出并以理论的形式固定了真实这一核心范畴的戏剧理论家当属狄德罗和莱辛。

    Diderot and Lessing theorized the principle of reality , which was to become the core of the theory of theatrical realism .

  8. 契诃夫是一位伟大的现实主义戏剧大师,同时他又是现代派戏剧的先驱者。

    He is a great master of realistic drama , while at the same time he is also the pioneer of modern drama .

  9. 《琼斯皇》是奥尼尔现实主义戏剧和现代派戏剧的转折点,融表现主义、象征主义和现实主义戏剧美学思想为一体。

    The Emperor Jones is the turning point of Onear 's realist and modern dramas integrating expressionism impressionism and aesthetics of realist dramas .

  10. 由契诃夫所开创的心理现实主义戏剧,打破了西方戏剧重外在戏剧性的传统,对中国现实主义话剧产生了深远的影响。

    This paper probes into the deep influence of Chekhov 's psychological realistic drama on Chinese realistic dramas , especially the plays of Shen Hongguang , a famous dramatist .

  11. 本文试图从现实主义戏剧的角度分析《巴巴拉少校》的艺术特色并阐释萧伯纳对于20世纪英国戏剧的巨大贡献。

    This study is intended to analyze the artistic features of the play from the perspective of realistic drama and throw light on the contribution of Shaw to British drama .

  12. 那么就像我说的一样,佳构剧成为了现实主义戏剧以及19世纪很多受欢迎戏剧的基石。

    So , as I said , the well-made play , this form of playwriting , became the base for realism in drama , and for a lot of very popular 19 century plays .

  13. 现实主义戏剧一方面继承了古希腊以降的亚里士多德式戏剧范型,另一方面为适应发展对传统戏剧形式进行了革新。

    Realistic drama has , on the one hand , preserved the Aristotelian dramatic form since Ancient Greek time , and reformed the traditional drama to adapt it to modern development on the other hand .

  14. 发端于19世纪70年代的西方现实主义戏剧运动被视为现代戏剧的开端,它对西方戏剧由传统向现代转型有重要的先锋作用。

    Emerging in the 1970s as the outset of modern drama , the movement of Realistic Drama in Europe plays the vanguard role in the evolution of western drama from traditional phase to the modern one .

  15. 这一时期的翻译剧就其流派而言可分为四类,分别是欧洲经典戏剧、浪漫主义、现实主义及现代派戏剧。

    The translated works fall into four academic schools , namely European classics , romanticism , realism and modernism . Two groups of translators participated in the drama translation activity of this period .

  16. 本文旨在探讨米勒如何运用传统现实主义,表现主义的戏剧技巧来表现人的内心世界,并概述其戏剧结构上的两大特色。

    This thesis aims to discuss the dramaturgy , both of realism and of expressionism , with which Arthur Miller reveals the inner world of his characters , and to present the two structural forms of stylistic variation in his drama .