
  • 网络expressionist drama;Expressionism Theatre
  1. 德国表现主义戏剧的叙述方法

    Narrative Method of German Expressionist Drama

  2. 《从清晨到午夜》虽是格奥尔格·凯泽对表现主义戏剧的初次尝试,却成了该流派的经典作品。

    Although From Morning to Midnight is Georg Kaisers first attempt at expressionist drama , it becomes the classic of this genre .

  3. 象征主义是表现主义戏剧常用的表现手法。

    Symbolism is treated as a common method of expression in expressionistic plays .

  4. 20世纪中外表现主义戏剧关系研究

    A Research of Expressionism between Chinese and Foreign Drama of the 20th Century

  5. 斯特林堡是表现主义戏剧的先驱人物。

    August Strindberg has been regarded by many as pioneer of expressionistic drama .

  6. 激情与悲情&论五四表现主义戏剧的精神气质与艺术风格

    Passion and Sadness & On the genius habitude and the artistic style of the May 4th expressionism drama

  7. 表演体系中表现派的内在精神&表现主义戏剧与表现派之间的相互对应

    The Spirit Core of the Expressional School in Performing System & the Correspondence of Expressionistic Drama and Expressional School

  8. 正是在这一点上,美国杰出的现代戏剧大师尤金·奥尼尔找到了与表现主义戏剧的先驱,瑞典戏剧大师奥古斯特·斯特林堡的契合点。

    It 's in this respect that American outstanding modern dramatist Eugene O'Neill shares the similarity with the forerunner of expressionistic drama , Swedish dramatist August Strindberg .

  9. 关于对奥尼尔表现主义戏剧的研究,评论界一般集中在《毛猿》和《琼斯皇》两部主要作品上,也只是就作品而论作品。

    When it comes to the studies of his expressionist dramas , the critics commonly focus their attention on the two main works , " The Emperor Jones " ( 1920 ) and " The Hairy Ape "( 1922 ), analysing them as they stand .

  10. 表现主义是戏剧的主要流派之一。

    Expressionism is one of the branches of drama .

  11. 本文旨在探讨米勒如何运用传统现实主义,表现主义的戏剧技巧来表现人的内心世界,并概述其戏剧结构上的两大特色。

    This thesis aims to discuss the dramaturgy , both of realism and of expressionism , with which Arthur Miller reveals the inner world of his characters , and to present the two structural forms of stylistic variation in his drama .

  12. 奥尼尔并不是直接接受的德国的表现主义理论,他戏剧中的表现主义风格的形成是多种因素影响的结果。

    Not having been accessible to expressionism in Germany , O'Neill , influenced by various factors , formed his style in his drama creation .