
  • 网络derivative work;re-creation
  1. 请勿修改我的作品进行二次创作!

    Please DO NOT modify parts of my creations !

  2. 第二次创作是实体创作。

    The second creation is a physical creation .

  3. 有位艺术家二次创作了我们童年时代最喜欢的卡通人物——如果他们变成了垂垂老矣的影星都是什么样子的呢?

    One artist has re-created the childhood favorites to show how they might look if they were elderly movie stars 。

  4. 通过对这个现象的了解、学习和发扬,对我们以后在传统作品的学习、演奏以及二次创作中起到指导作用,使得传统作品在保留其传统的基础上具有时代性。

    Through learning and carrying forward the phenomenon , it can take guidance for us to learn the traditional music works , playing and recreation in the future . Thus the traditional music works have the character of times based on keep their tradition .

  5. 该片延续了1992年徐克旧作《新龙门客栈》的故事情节,虽然徐克否认该片是重拍经典,但《龙门飞甲》更像是一部建立在过去的辉煌之中的二次创作。

    This film is based on the story of 1992 " s New Dragon Gate Inn , a work by Tsui Hark . Although Tsui denied that it would be a remake , but more of a reimagination , Flying Swords of Dragon Gate in a way builds on past glories .