
  • 网络secondary college;schools
  1. 序列论与高校二级学院领导班子建设

    Sequencing Theory and Leading Body Construction of Secondary Colleges in Universities

  2. 国有民办二级学院办学特征与财务管理模式的选择

    Characteristics of State-Owned-but-Self-Funded Affiliated Colleges and Their Modes of Financial Management

  3. 在大型校园规模下,将各二级学院单位的孤立网络进行互联时,出于对不同部门的管理、安全和整体网络的稳定运行,需要进行VLAN的划分。

    Under large-scale campus scale , When every isolated network of second institute is interconnected , We need to carry on the division of VLAN to make sure the management and the security of different departments and steady operation of the whole network .

  4. 民办二级学院后勤社会化的实践与思考

    Thoughts and Practice of Logistics Socialization of the Privately-run Second-class College

  5. 新时期高校二级学院办公室建设的思考

    Study on the Office Work for a Secondary Institute in University

  6. 高校二级学院演唱艺术教学断想

    Reflection on Singing Arts Teaching in Subordinate College of High School

  7. 民办二级学院的发展及前景

    Development and prospects of secondary colleges run by the local people

  8. 二级学院的人才现代管理

    On the Modernized Management of the Talents of the Secondary Institutes

  9. 独立二级学院亟待解决的几个问题

    On the Several Outstanding Issues of the Subordinate Colleges Of Chinese Universities

  10. 以新的思路探索新机制二级学院的发展

    A Probe into the Development of Working Mechanism in the Second-Level Colleges

  11. 公有民办二级学院社团建设的思考

    On the Community Construction in Privately Run and publicly Owned Second-class College

  12. 关于二级学院物理实验室建设的探讨

    The Research of Construction of Physics Laboratory of Second-class College

  13. 论民营二级学院的可持续发展

    On the Sustainable Development of Private-Run Colleges Attached to the State-Run University

  14. 做好新建二级学院办公室工作的几点思考

    Thoughts on Doing Well the Office Work of Newly Established Secondary College

  15. 高校独立二级学院学生思想状态研究

    Investigation on the Ideology Education of Students in Secondary College

  16. 用科学发展观指导高校二级学院办公室工作

    Guiding the Work of College 's Office with the Scientific Development Concept

  17. 加强高校二级学院教学管理机制的思考

    Considerations on Strengthening the Secondary Teaching Management Mechanism in Higher Education Institutions

  18. 试论二级学院图书馆的服务工作

    On the Service Work of Sub - college Library

  19. 现代大学二级学院管理体制创新探析

    On Innovating Secondary College Management System in Modern Universities

  20. 国有民办二级学院财务管理机制初探

    Study of financial management system in state-owned subordinate college

  21. 二级学院院长负责制及其管理模式探讨

    Dean Responsibility System and the Related Mode of Management

  22. 试论大学专业二级学院的管理模式

    Tentative Discussing the Managing Mode of Professionally Secondary-grade School

  23. 民办二级学院图书馆文献资源的分类分级建设

    The Assortment and Classification Construction on Material Resources of Civil Second-rate College Libraries

  24. 二级学院图书馆资源建设探析

    Probe into the Resources Construction of Secondary College Library

  25. 民营二级学院数学教学探微

    Discussion on the Mathematics Teaching in Privately-managed Secondary Colleges

  26. 高校二级学院学生信息管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Student Information Management System for the Secondary College

  27. 专业二级学院:大学人力资源管理活动的主体

    The Secondary College as the Subject of Human Resource Management in the University

  28. 国有民办二级学院人才培养的实践与探讨

    On the Training of Talent in Non - goverment College in the University

  29. 二级学院教学管理系统的研究

    Study on Teaching and Learning Management in Secondary Colleges

  30. 办好公有民办二级学院的几点思考

    Reflection on Running the Public Owned Sub College Run by the Local People