- 网络quadratic;Quadratic Polynomial;polynomial

(1) [quadratic polynomial]∶其每一项的最高次数为2的一个多项式
(2) [quadratic]∶二次的多项式
But the quadratic curve can be used only in condition when each X-coordinate of the points sequence mapping to only one Y-coordinate , so it can 't be used in fitting closing curve .
In this paper , the quadratic polynomial function is used to reconstruct the response surface in search of the possible breakdown point , and the BP neural network is adopted to reconstruct the response surface around the possible breakdown point , fitting the limit state function .
A Elementary Method of n Variables Power Two Polynomial Factorization
Target tracking prediction in WSN based on quadratic polynomial motion modeling
Quadratic polynomial could express drying kinetics curves of every drying condition by using Matlab software for polynomial curves fitting .
Judgement of the Factorization of a Quadratic Heterogeneous Polynomial with n Varibles ; Boundary Conditions for Assessing Variable Primary / Secondary Flow System Design
The predictive polynomial quadratic equations model was developed by SAS software and response surface analysis .
The formula shows that the propagation error from biquadratic polynomial is the same as the error from linear polynomial .
The three-dimension curved surface and the corresponding two-order polynomial equation were obtained through the simulation and regression analysis of numerical results by MATLAB and SPSS software .
Based on the analysis , the arc surface contact was C-scanned firstly , and then a second-order polynomial was used to fit the non-uniform background . The C-scan image was corrected by removing the fitted background .
It was found that the forecast result of multiple linear regressions with stepwise procedure , quadratic polynomial step regression and BP for fruit firmness , sugar content and acidity were very precise .
It carries out the variable complexity modeling method and takes full advantages of the quadratic polynomial RSM and Kriging model .
The model Contrasts the remove second-degree polynomial regression equation that established . The results show that , the neural network method has a higher accuracy and much smaller error and more parallel processing capacity .
The relationship between sensor signals and the firmness , sugar content and acidity of " dabai " peach were developed using multiple linear regressions with stepwise procedure , quadratic polynomial step regression and BP network .
The results of experiments on real data shows that polynomial-fitting method is suitable for real time ISAR imaging due to its high precision and low calculation .
The per capita GDP of Dengfeng from 2002 to 2006 conform with secondary polynomial curve of discharged volume of industrial waste , discharged volume of industrial SO2 .
Secondly , the transforming relationships from 3D moving field to 2D vector field are analyzed and three optical flow models are modeled , which are affine transform model , planar optical flow model and general quadric polynomial model respectively ;
Firstly , the Remote sensing image are pretreated by quadratic multinomial and double-linearity interposition , the Landsat TM images and SPOT images have geometrical coordinate and the Landsat TM images are matching the SPOT images .
For nonlinear multi-input / multi-output ( MIMO ) systems , the structure and algorithm of SVM with quadratic polynomial kernel function based one-step-ahead nonlinear model predictive control ( NMPC ) is proposed .
However , these normal fitting methods , especially the quadratic polynomial surface fitting method which is often used in many projects and by some GPS ' processing softwares , make a certain assumption to the quasi - geoid ( or geoid ) and imply model error .
SPAD value increased with leaf position increased , the change function of a quadratic polynomial can be described , SPAD values in different periods there were significant difference with the leaf nodes .
In chapter 1 , we discuss the condition for Julia sets for the random dynamical system generated by the quadratic polynomials z2 + cn to be totally disconnected , and construct a sequence ( cn ) for which the Julia set J ( cn ) is totally disconnected .
Based on the feature of the moving least squares ( MLS ) approximant , polynomial basic functions and a weight function were chosen to meet the C1 continuity and the completeness of the interpolants in elastic plate bending problems .
For nonlinear MIMO systems , the structure and algorithm of parallel SVMs with quadratic polynomial kernel function based multi-step-ahead NMPC is proposed and the analytical equations with respect to the optimal multi-step-ahead input components and known inputs / outputs are derived .
Finally , an optimal c1 Bernstein-Bezier interpolation formula on the triangular mesh is put forward by the authors and some application prospects for this cl surface model are described .
The quadratic polynomials and Kriging method are employed to construct the response surface separately , Numerical results indicate that the forebody and afterbody designed by us is of simple configuration , not only can it ensure the efficiency of propulsion system , but also have a better aerodynamic performance .
The effects of HBO3 on the hyphae period is in conformity to the quadratic equation , but is not remarkable on the yield of the mushroom .
The Fractal Diagram of the Dynamical System of the Biquadratic Polynomials
Weighted Combination Interpolation by Piecewise Quadric Polynomial to Scatter Data Points
Two-Variable Hermite Polynomial Form of Higher Order Modes of Gaussian Beam