
  • 网络quadratic;Quadratic Polynomial;polynomial
二次多项式 [èr cì duō xiàng shì]
  • (1) [quadratic polynomial]∶其每一项的最高次数为2的一个多项式

  • (2) [quadratic]∶二次的多项式

  1. 但二次多项式只能拟合X坐标与Y坐标之间成函数关系的点序列,无法拟合闭合曲线。

    But the quadratic curve can be used only in condition when each X-coordinate of the points sequence mapping to only one Y-coordinate , so it can 't be used in fitting closing curve .

  2. 针对这种情况,文章采用二次多项式函数重构响应面来寻求设计验算点;然后在设计验算点附近,采用BP神经网络重构响应面,拟合极限状态函数;

    In this paper , the quadratic polynomial function is used to reconstruct the response surface in search of the possible breakdown point , and the BP neural network is adopted to reconstruct the response surface around the possible breakdown point , fitting the limit state function .

  3. n元二次多项式因式分解的初等方法

    A Elementary Method of n Variables Power Two Polynomial Factorization

  4. 基于二次多项式运动建模的WSN目标跟踪预测

    Target tracking prediction in WSN based on quadratic polynomial motion modeling

  5. 应用Matlab软件进行多项式曲线拟合,表明二次多项式能够有效地表达各干燥条件下的银耳干燥动力学曲线。

    Quadratic polynomial could express drying kinetics curves of every drying condition by using Matlab software for polynomial curves fitting .

  6. n元实二次多项式因式分解的矩阵判别法判别一、二次泵变流量系统设计的边界条件

    Judgement of the Factorization of a Quadratic Heterogeneous Polynomial with n Varibles ; Boundary Conditions for Assessing Variable Primary / Secondary Flow System Design

  7. 利用SAS和响应面分析相结合的方法,模拟得到二次多项式回归方程的预测模型。

    The predictive polynomial quadratic equations model was developed by SAS software and response surface analysis .

  8. 公式表明,不完全双二次多项式的DEM传递误差与双线性多项式的传递误差相同。

    The formula shows that the propagation error from biquadratic polynomial is the same as the error from linear polynomial .

  9. 利用MATLAB软件和SPSS统计分析软件,通过对数值结果的拟合与回归分析,得到描述浸润面趋势的三维曲面图,以及与趋势面基本吻合的二次多项式回归方程。

    The three-dimension curved surface and the corresponding two-order polynomial equation were obtained through the simulation and regression analysis of numerical results by MATLAB and SPSS software .

  10. 基于上述分析,首先对弧形触点进行超声C扫描成像,然后采用二次多项式拟合了图像的不均匀背景,并根据拟合结果校正了C扫描图像。

    Based on the analysis , the arc surface contact was C-scanned firstly , and then a second-order polynomial was used to fit the non-uniform background . The C-scan image was corrected by removing the fitted background .

  11. 多元线性回归、二次多项式回归和BP网络对雪青梨坚实度和糖度的预测精度都很好。

    It was found that the forecast result of multiple linear regressions with stepwise procedure , quadratic polynomial step regression and BP for fruit firmness , sugar content and acidity were very precise .

  12. 该策略遵循变复杂度建模思想,结合了二次多项式模型和Kriging模型的优势。

    It carries out the variable complexity modeling method and takes full advantages of the quadratic polynomial RSM and Kriging model .

  13. 与本文建立了剔除法二次多项式回归方程对比,结果表明BP网络在拟合时精度更高、误差更小同时并行处理能力更强。

    The model Contrasts the remove second-degree polynomial regression equation that established . The results show that , the neural network method has a higher accuracy and much smaller error and more parallel processing capacity .

  14. 采用逐步回归、二次多项式逐步回归和BP网络建立大白桃坚实度、糖度和pH与电子鼻信号之间的关系模型。

    The relationship between sensor signals and the firmness , sugar content and acidity of " dabai " peach were developed using multiple linear regressions with stepwise procedure , quadratic polynomial step regression and BP network .

  15. 实测数据实验结果表明:二次多项式拟合法对齐精度高且计算量较小,适合于ISAR实时成像。

    The results of experiments on real data shows that polynomial-fitting method is suitable for real time ISAR imaging due to its high precision and low calculation .

  16. 登封市2002-2006年人均GDP与工业废水排放量、工业二氧化硫排放量指标二次多项式曲线拟合较好,符合环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)倒U型特征。

    The per capita GDP of Dengfeng from 2002 to 2006 conform with secondary polynomial curve of discharged volume of industrial waste , discharged volume of industrial SO2 .

  17. 其次分析了3D运动场到2D矢量场的投影转化关系,建立了三个光流场模型:仿射变换模型、平面片光流模型和一般二次多项式模型;

    Secondly , the transforming relationships from 3D moving field to 2D vector field are analyzed and three optical flow models are modeled , which are affine transform model , planar optical flow model and general quadric polynomial model respectively ;

  18. 首先对遥感图像进行图像预处理,采用二次多项式对LANDSATTM图像和SPOT图像进行几何校正,利用双线性内插法完成图像配准;

    Firstly , the Remote sensing image are pretreated by quadratic multinomial and double-linearity interposition , the Landsat TM images and SPOT images have geometrical coordinate and the Landsat TM images are matching the SPOT images .

  19. 本文的主要贡献:1.针对非线性多输入多输出(MIMO)系统,提出基于二次多项式核函数SVM的提前一步非线性模型预测控制(NMPC)的结构和算法。

    For nonlinear multi-input / multi-output ( MIMO ) systems , the structure and algorithm of SVM with quadratic polynomial kernel function based one-step-ahead nonlinear model predictive control ( NMPC ) is proposed .

  20. 然而,这些常规拟合方法,尤其是工程上和一些GPS处理软件常用的二次多项式曲面拟合法,对似大地水准面(大地水准面)作了某种人为的假设,含有模型误差。

    However , these normal fitting methods , especially the quadratic polynomial surface fitting method which is often used in many projects and by some GPS ' processing softwares , make a certain assumption to the quasi - geoid ( or geoid ) and imply model error .

  21. SPAD值随叶位的上升,其变化可用二次多项式的函数关系进行描述,同节位叶片不同时期SPAD值存在极显著差异。

    SPAD value increased with leaf position increased , the change function of a quadratic polynomial can be described , SPAD values in different periods there were significant difference with the leaf nodes .

  22. 在第一章中,讨论二次多项式z~2+cn生成的复动力系统的Julia集完全不连通的条件。并且给出了一个例子。

    In chapter 1 , we discuss the condition for Julia sets for the random dynamical system generated by the quadratic polynomials z2 + cn to be totally disconnected , and construct a sequence ( cn ) for which the Julia set J ( cn ) is totally disconnected .

  23. 基于滑动最小二乘(MLS)插值函数的特征,选择二次多项式基函数和指数型权函数,满足板弯曲问题对插值函数C1连续性和完备性的要求;

    Based on the feature of the moving least squares ( MLS ) approximant , polynomial basic functions and a weight function were chosen to meet the C1 continuity and the completeness of the interpolants in elastic plate bending problems .

  24. 针对非线性MIMO系统,提出基于二次多项式核函数并行SVMs的提前多步NMPC的结构和算法,给出关于提前多步的各个最优控制分量与已知输入、输出量间的解析方程组。

    For nonlinear MIMO systems , the structure and algorithm of parallel SVMs with quadratic polynomial kernel function based multi-step-ahead NMPC is proposed and the analytical equations with respect to the optimal multi-step-ahead input components and known inputs / outputs are derived .

  25. 最后本文给出了用二次多项式表示的三角形网络上的Bernstein-Bezierc~1曲面插值公式,并指出了这一曲面插值模型在某些应用领域的广阔前景。

    Finally , an optimal c1 Bernstein-Bezier interpolation formula on the triangular mesh is put forward by the authors and some application prospects for this cl surface model are described .

  26. 响应近似模型分别采用了二次多项式和kriging方法来构造,结果表明由本文设计的前后体外形结构简单,不仅能确保推进系统的工作效率,而且具有更好的气动性能。

    The quadratic polynomials and Kriging method are employed to construct the response surface separately , Numerical results indicate that the forebody and afterbody designed by us is of simple configuration , not only can it ensure the efficiency of propulsion system , but also have a better aerodynamic performance .

  27. HBO3对发菌期的影响符合二次多项式趋势,但对产量无显著影响。

    The effects of HBO3 on the hyphae period is in conformity to the quadratic equation , but is not remarkable on the yield of the mushroom .

  28. 双二次多项式动力系统的分形图

    The Fractal Diagram of the Dynamical System of the Biquadratic Polynomials

  29. 散乱数据点分片二次多项式加权平均插值

    Weighted Combination Interpolation by Piecewise Quadric Polynomial to Scatter Data Points

  30. 高阶模高斯光束的双变量厄米多项式表示双二次多项式动力学

    Two-Variable Hermite Polynomial Form of Higher Order Modes of Gaussian Beam