
  • 网络Quadric;quadratic surface;Quadric Surfaces;Conic
  1. 为提高CCD摄像机的成像质量,同时使镜头结构紧凑、小型化,在大视场光学镜头的设计中,引入标准二次曲面和偶次非球面。

    To improve the imaging quality of CCD camera and make the lens small in size , compact in structure , the wide field of view ( WFOV ) optical lens with the standard quadric surface and even aspheric surface was designed .

  2. 综合应用高频RCS分析方法,包括物理光学法、几何绕射理论、物理绕射理论和等效电磁流法等计算了导弹各种散射源如平板、圆柱、二次曲面、边缘等的RCS。

    High frequency scattering theory , including physical optics , physical theory of diffraction and equivalent electric current theory , were used to calculate the radar cross section of various scattering resources of missiles , such as flat plate , circular cylinder , quadric surface , edge and so on .

  3. 计算C值时用二次曲面法。

    The second-order polynomial surface method was used for the calculation of value C.

  4. 基于二次曲面的周期拟合GPS高程模型的研究

    The research on GPS height model of cycle fit based on quadric

  5. GPS高程拟合中多面函数及二次曲面函数的比较与分析

    Compare and Analysis of GPS Height Fit by Polyhedral Function and Conicoid Function

  6. OpenGL二次曲面纹理映射技术分析与应用

    Analysis of OpenGL Texture Mapping Onto Quadric Surfaces and Its Application

  7. 基于GaussBall~+的二次曲面细分解与识别

    Gauss Ball ~ + Based Quadratic Surface Sub-Decomposition and Recognition

  8. 在AutoCAD中实现二次曲面交线的参数化绘制

    Parameterized Drawing of quadric intersection in AutoCAD

  9. 基于二次曲面的Shepard拟合法在GPS水准中的应用

    Application of shepard fitting method based on quadric surface in GPS leveling

  10. 简要介绍了转换GPS高程的二次曲面拟合法和神经网络方法。

    The method of conicoid fitting and the method of neural networks used for transforming GPS height are introduced briefly in this paper .

  11. 代数曲面(包括经典的二次曲面)是几何造型中的常用曲面,曲面混合是CAD/CAM中的重要课题。

    Algebraic surfaces , including quadrics , are often used in geometric modelling . Surfaces ' blending is an important topic in CAD / CAM .

  12. 利用AUTOCAD的高级造型扩展AME建立二次曲面及其相交模型;

    Quadric surfaces or their intersection models are built by using Advanced Modeling Extension ( AME ) of Auto CAD .

  13. NURBS在二次曲面中的应用

    The Application of NURBS in Quadrics

  14. 最后,结合多个具体的工程实例,对GPS高程拟合的两种数学模型(平面拟合法和二次曲面拟合法)进行了详细分析;

    In the last of the paper , two math models , include plane fitting method and conicoid fitting method , are particularly analyzed based on some projects .

  15. 使用Tabu搜索技术提取二次曲面

    Quadric Surface Extraction Using Tabu Algorithms

  16. 为了改善GPS大地高向正常高转换的精度,提出了基于二次曲面的周期拟合解算GPS高程异常的新思路。

    In order to improve the precision from GPS geodetic heights to normal heights , a new method of solving GPS heigh anomaly based on quadric function is advanced .

  17. 本文采用二次曲面拟合、BP网络和RBF网络进行了GPS高程转换,并在网络结构改进等方面作了分析。

    In this paper , the fifing method which stimulates the Geoid using quadric polynomial , BP network and RBF network are provided for the GPS height conversion .

  18. 该算法能抑制变半径、等半径过渡特征且能很好地处理含有诸多样条面(非二次曲面)过渡特征的模型。(2)变(等)壁厚CAD模型pair对选取。

    The algorithm can suppress the fillets with variable and constant radius , and the model that contains non-quadric surface fillets can be suppressed well . ( 2 ) Pair selection on variable ( invariable ) thickness CAD model .

  19. 在B样条基础上发展起来的非均匀有理B样条(NURBS),克服了B样条不能精确表达规则二次曲面的缺陷,成为了CAD中定义几何的标准技术。

    Developed on the basis of B-spline , the non-uniform rational B-spline ( NURBS ) overcomes the defect that the B-spline can not accurately express quadratic curve or surface , and becomes the standard technology to define the geometry of the CAD .

  20. 三维Minkowski空间中二次曲面的分类基于函数插值空间场中扰动曲线拟合及其估计

    The Classification of Quadratic Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Minkowski Space ; A Computing and Estimation of a 3D Disturbed Curve in a Field by Function Interpolating

  21. 然后,尝试用BP神经网络方法来探测二次曲面拟合法的数学模型误差,通过某工程实例,证实了该方法的可行性,并得到了一些有工程应用价值的结论。

    Then , the model error of the conicoid fitting method is detected by the BP algorithm of neural networks . Application to a practical project shows , the feasibility of the method , and some conclusions of practicable value are drawn .

  22. 利用GPS定位的原始高程,通过二次曲面拟合,将大地高转化为正常高,将转换后的GPS高程和水准高程比较,表明GPS高程可以满足一定精度的测绘工程需要。

    Using GPS positioning original height , GPS geodetic height can be transformed into normal height by conicoid fitting . Through comparison between GPS height after transformed and leveling height , GPS height after transformed can need certain precision requirement of surveying and mapping engineering .

  23. 笔者运用VBA技术在AutoCAD下进行二次曲面交线的开发,提出了具体的开发理论和实现方法,建立了相应的数学模型,实现了参数化智能给图的功能。

    This article uses VBA technologies to realize the drawing of the quadric intersection in AutoCAD , puts forward the concrete theory for exploiting , sets up corresponding math models , and puts intellective parameterized drawing into use .

  24. 转换GPS高程通常采用二次曲面拟合法(CFM)和神经网络方法(NNM),但这2种方法各有优缺点。

    The conicoid fitting method ( CFM ) and the neural networks method ( NNM ) are used for this purpose , but each of them has its advantages and disadvantages .

  25. 通过简要介绍笔者编制二次曲面CAI课件的过程,总结了综合利用AutoCAD、3DS、VB等多种软件开发高等数学图形CAI课件的技巧、经验和体会。

    This article briefly introduces how to compile a CAI courseware of conicoid and summarizes the technique and experience in developing a CAI courseware of higher mathematics figure by many kinds of software such as AutoCAD , 3DS , VB etc.

  26. 最后,利用分割和拼接技术,结合C-Bezier曲面能够精确表示二次曲面的特性,将C-Bezier曲面推广到常见的工程曲面上。

    Then , using these methods , and the property that C-Bezier can exact reproduction of conicoid , this paper extend C-Bezier surfaces to engineering surfaces .

  27. 配极变换在微机上生成二次曲面轮廓线的应用

    Application of polarity Transformation for Automatically Draw Contour of Quadratic surface

  28. 用最优化方法确定二次曲面和曲线的参数

    Determining the parameters of quadratic surface or conic section by optimization

  29. 基于椭圆路径的回转二次曲面点接触加工方法研究

    Spot-Contact Machining of Conic Surfaces of Revolution Based on Elliptical Path

  30. 基于二次曲面拟合的二维传感器数据处理技术研究

    Two dimensional sensor data processing based on quadric surface fitting theory