
  • 网络a virologist
  1. 1973年,病毒学家曾毅院士发现了鼻咽癌与EB病毒感染之间的关系。

    In1973 , virologist Zeng Yi revealed a link between NPC and Epstein-Barr virus infection .

  2. 一个由密歇根大学病毒学家凯思琳·科林斯带领的研究小组安恩·阿伯已经发现了HIV生存在骨髓里的证据。

    A team led by virologist Kathleen Collins of the University of Michigan , Ann Arbor , now has evidence that HIV hangs out inside bone marrow .

  3. 它的病毒学家参与发现了C型艾滋病病毒是非洲主要流行的毒株,它还计划测试两种针对该病毒的疫苗。

    Its virologists helped identify subtype C as the dominant strain of HIV in Africa and plan to trial two vaccines against it .

  4. IanGoodfellow教授是剑桥大学的病毒学家。

    Professor Ian Goodfellow is a virologist at the University of Cambridge .

  5. 在这项新的研究中,来自英国牛津大学牛津疫苗研究组的临床病毒学家MaryWarrell及其同事评估了另外一种方法。

    In a new study , Mary Warrell , a clinical virologist from the Oxford Vaccine Group at the UK-based University of Oxford , and colleagues evaluated another method .

  6. 2004年曾在该地区工作过的美国病毒学家约瑟夫•费尔(JosephFair)表示,埃博拉、巫术及身着‘太空服’出现的陌生外国人让村民们心生恐惧,他们正试图切断与外界的联系。

    Joseph Fair , an American virologist who worked in the region in 2004 , says the villagers – fearful of Ebola , witchcraft and unknown foreigners showing up in space suits – were trying to cut themselves off from the outside world .

  7. 2004年曾在该地区工作过的美国病毒学家约瑟夫•费尔(JosephFair)表示,埃博拉、巫术及“身着‘太空服’出现的”陌生外国人让村民们心生恐惧,他们正试图切断与外界的联系。

    Joseph Fair , an American virologist who worked in the region in 2004 , says the villagers - fearful of Ebola , witchcraft and unknown foreigners " showing up in space suits " - were trying to cut themselves off from the outside world .

  8. 一些病毒学家相信,如果H5毒株能够突变成能引发大流行的病毒,那么它早就应该变成这样了,因为它已经感染人类数10年了。

    Some virologists believe that if H5 viruses could mutate into a pandemic form , they would already have done so , as they have been infecting humans for decades .

  9. 另外一项由病毒学家河冈义裕(YoshihiroKawaoka)主持的研究得出的结果与美国疾病控制与预防中心得出的结果类似。

    A third study led by virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka produced similar results to the CDC .

  10. 病毒学家表示,新型H7N9禽流感病毒对世界健康造成了严重威胁。上个月,中国有126人感染这种病毒,24人死亡。

    The new H7N9 bird flu virus , which has infected 126 people in China and killed 24 over the past month , poses a serious threat to world health , virologists said yesterday .

  11. 病毒学家表示,新型H7N9禽流感病毒对世界健康造成了“严重”威胁。上个月,中国有126人感染这种病毒,24人死亡。

    The new H7N9 bird flu virus , which has infected 126 people in China and killed 24 over the past month , poses a " serious " threat to world health , virologists said yesterday .

  12. 蒙大纳州大学病毒学家Halford在Bozeman称,使用亚单位法的问题是效力不能持久。

    The problem with the subunit approach is that its effects don 't last , said William Halford , a virologist at Montana State University , in Bozeman .

  13. 病毒学家ShahidJameel认为,印度面临的两个主要问题分别是缺乏公众沟通和缺乏检测禽流感感染的实验室。

    According to virologist Shahid Jameel , two major problems in India are a lack of public communication , and a lack of laboratories to detect infections .

  14. 在中国主要病毒学家陈化兰的带领下,研究人员测试了H7N9禽流感病毒多个毒株的传播能力,方法是将三只健康的雪貂放在一个笼子里,旁边的一个笼子里放入三只感染了病毒的雪貂。

    Led by Chen Hualan , one of China 's top virologists , researchers tested the ability of multiple strains of the virus to spread by placing three healthy ferrets in one cage next three infected ferrets in another cage .

  15. “发展中国家通常没有做好准备。”日本仙台的东北大学医学研究生院的病毒学家HitoshiOshitani说。

    " In general , the developing countries are not prepared ," said Hitoshi Oshitani , a virologist with the Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in Sendai , Japan .

  16. 但是病毒学家们似乎对此无动于衷。

    However , virologists seem to be spectators in this field .

  17. 病毒学家基本同意我们将迎来一场传染病大流行。

    Virologists generally agree that we are due for another pandemic .

  18. 你查出十二猴子军和病毒学家父子有关。

    You connected thetwelve monkeys with a famous virologist and his son .

  19. 我告诉过你我爸爸是病毒学家。

    I told you my father was this famous virologist .

  20. 但鲍勃不研究这个,他是病毒学家.

    But Bob doesn 't work on ... He 's a virologist .

  21. 他告诉你他父亲是有名的病毒学家。

    He told you that his fatherwas a famous scientist who worked with viruses .

  22. 我与一些著名流感专家、病毒学家和公共卫生官员交换了意见。

    I have conferred with leading influenza experts , virologists , and public health officials .

  23. 国际柑桔病毒学家组织从桔皮中提取柑桔黄、桔油、果胶的技术研究

    Study of Mandarin Orange Yellow , Mandarin Oil and Pectin Extraction from Mandarin Orange Peels

  24. 兽医病毒学家和临床医师对有效地制止病毒的感染自然会感兴趣。

    The veterinary virologist and the clinician are naturally interested in effectively combating a viral infection .

  25. 谢恩·克罗蒂是加州圣地亚哥拉荷拉免疫研究所的病毒学家。

    Shane Crotty is a virologist at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in San Diego , California .

  26. 病毒学家根据基因相似性追踪传染病暴发的源头时,用的也是这种方法。

    Virologists employ the technique to track down the origin of infectious disease outbreaks on the basis of genetic similarities .

  27. 病毒学家称,就目前所知的每种感冒,我们会有三到四次不出现上述症状。

    For every cold we know of , virologists say , we fight off three or four with no symptoms .

  28. 近年,许多病毒学家致力于用能引起长期免疫保护反应的病毒亚单位抗原做疫苗。

    Recently many virologists devote themselves to investigate vaccine using viral subunit antigen which can induce permanent protective immune response .

  29. 病毒学家已经测定,正在变异的流感病毒是几种通常与猪有关的老流感病毒的结合体。

    Virologists have determined that the mutating flu is a combination of several older flu strains , commonly associated with pigs .

  30. 工作小组包括流行病学家、病毒学家、后勤工作人员以及社区动员、感染控制、医学人类学和实验室诊断方面的专家。

    The team included epidemiologists , virologists , logisticians and experts in social mobilization , infection control , medical anthropology and laboratory diagnosis .