
bìng shì
  • die of an illness;die of illness
病逝 [bìng shì]
  • [die of illness] 病死

病逝[bìng shì]
  1. 她病逝了,而她一生的工作却没有得到认可。

    She became ill and died with her life 's work unrecognised

  2. 几年后,卡佳因患癌症在伦敦病逝。

    A few years later , Katya succumbed to cancer in London

  3. 他在事业达到巅峰时病逝了。

    He was struck down at the height of his career

  4. 10月,拉姆塞进球后的三天内,史蒂芬·乔布斯病逝。

    In October he scored against Spurs , just three days later Apple boss Steve Jobs passed away .

  5. 公甫文伯的母亲得知在鲁国做官的儿子病逝后有十六个妇人为他自杀,没流下一滴眼泪。

    After hearing that sixteen women committed suicide when her son , Gongpu Wenbo , who was a high official in the state of Lu had died , the mother did not shed a single drop of tear .

  6. 冯•特拉普于本周二因(充血性)心力衰竭,在美国马里兰州陶森的一家医院病逝,享年97岁。据好友MaryLouiseKane说。

    Von Trapp , 97 , died Tuesday at a hospice in the Baltimore suburb of Towson after suffering congestive heart failure in November , said Mary Louise Kane .

  7. 在第二本日记中,Smith提到在1995年病逝的老公HowardMarshall。Marshall死时已达90岁高龄,是个亿万富翁。Smith对此写了很多宗教方面的觉悟并多次提到上帝。

    In the second diary Smith writes about the illness of her billionaire husband Howard Marshall , who died in 1995 at the age of 90 , with a religious awakening with lots of references to Jesus .

  8. 第二年9月,左宗棠病逝于福州。

    In the next September , Zuo Zongtang died in Fuzhou .

  9. 她于发现该婴儿的三个月后病逝。

    She died three months after the discovery in January .

  10. 邓肯本月在达拉斯一家医院病逝。

    Mr. Duncan died at a Dallas hospital this month .

  11. 邻居家的一些孩子病逝了,对吗?

    Some of your neighbors ' children died , right ?

  12. 没错,六周后乔布斯就病逝了。

    Jobs , of course , died six weeks later .

  13. 母亲的病逝使他万分悲哀。

    He was deeply grieved over his mother 's death .

  14. 斯坦曼病逝前不知道自己获奖的消息。

    He died without knowing he was to be honored .

  15. 1933年,他因心脏病病逝。

    He died of a heart attack in 1933 .

  16. 英国作曲家亨利·普赛尔因患肺结核在伦敦病逝。

    1695 Henry Purcell , English composer , died in London from tuberculosis .

  17. 好莱坞传奇人物伊丽莎白•泰勒昨日(美国当地时间3月23日)在洛杉矶病逝,享年79岁。泰勒的演艺生涯长达70年,曾五次获得奥斯卡提名,有过八段婚姻。

    Nominations and eight marriages , has died in Los Angeles at age79 .

  18. 1947年6月病逝于杭州。

    In June 1947 , Qiu died in Hangzhou .

  19. 美国前总统里根病逝,享年93岁,美国为其进行了六天的国葬仪式。

    President Ronald Reagan dies at age93 , the six-day state funeral follows .

  20. 一些邻居病逝了,对吗?

    Some of your neighbors died , right ?

  21. 诸葛亮病逝后,他的副将蒋琬取而代之。

    After the death of Zhuge Liang , his assistant Jiang Wan took over .

  22. 英国舞台明星杰西·马修斯在伦敦的一家医院病逝。

    1981 Jessie Matthews , English stage star , died in a London hospital .

  23. 不幸的是,霍去病在24岁时病逝了。

    Unfortunately Huo died at the age of24 .

  24. 过了一段日子,瑞荷病重,三年后病逝。

    After some years , her husband because serious sick and died in three years .

  25. 惊闻罗京老师病逝的消息,是我今天下班后上网才知道的。

    Romanian teachers died in Beijing Shocked the news today after work I only know online .

  26. 治疗三个月后,他于上周日病逝了。

    After three months'medical treatment , he was called to God in his bed last Sunday .

  27. 演员拉里·哈格曼因喉癌并发症于达拉斯某医院病逝。

    Actor Larry Hagman has died at a hospital in Dallas following complications from throat cancer .

  28. 通过对郑成功死亡的各个疑点的分析,可以明确地得出郑成功是正常死亡,且是得伤寒病病逝的。

    I analyse every questionable points of his death and find he was death of exogenous febrile disease .

  29. 5岁时,他的父亲突然病逝,没有留下任何财产。

    When he was five years old , his father died of illness without leaving him any property .

  30. 这一切也终于走到了终结:1931年10月18日凌晨,爱迪生病逝,去世时他的家人都在他的身边。

    The end came in the early morning of Oct. 18 , 1931 , with his family at his bedside .