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  1. 她的病已到晚期。

    Her illness has reached an advanced stage .

  2. 这种病已是不可救药了。

    It was a case far beyond cure .

  3. 心脏病已成为英国的头号致命疾病。

    Heart attacks have become Britain 's No.1 killer disease .

  4. 因为Jeff实际上已经被告知他的病已是晚期,医生也为无力回天。

    Jeff was told that his diagnosis was terminal and that there was nothing more that they could do for him .

  5. 在中国,由小麦黄花叶病毒(Wheatyellowmosaicvirus,WYMV)引起的小麦黄花叶病已严重的危害了小麦的生产。

    Wheat yellow mosaic disease caused by Wheat yellow mosaic virus ( WYMV ) has done severe damage to wheat production in China .

  6. 脑心肌炎病毒(EMCV)可引起猪的脑炎、心肌炎和母猪繁殖障碍,该病已在世界上多个国家暴发和流行。

    Encephalomyocarditis virus ( EMCV ) can cause myocarditis and encephalitis in young pigs and reproduction disorders in sows .

  7. 副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophilusparasuis,HPS)引起猪的多发性浆膜炎、关节炎和脑膜炎,随着世界养猪业的发展,该病已成为全球范围内影响养猪业的一种重要细菌性疾病。

    Haemophilus parasuis is the causative agent of swine polyserositis , polyarthritis and meningitis . As the development of the world pig industry , the disease has become one of the most important bacterial diseases of pigs worldwide .

  8. 该病已造成2人死亡,据报道,另有一人也因感染MERS去世,但消息尚未得到韩国疾病防控中心的最终证实。

    Two people have died , and one more death has been reportedly found due to MERS infection , but the final confirmation had yet to be made by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  9. 而中医药治疗本病已被人们广泛关注。

    Chinese medicine treatment has been widespread concerned on treating PSD .

  10. 他的喉咙的病已使他不能讲话。

    His throat disease has left him unable to speak .

  11. 高血压病已成为人类发病率最高的疾病。

    Hypertension has become the highest incidence of human disease .

  12. 我的病已削尖的感官-不是被毁-他们不迟钝。

    The disease had sharpened my senses-not destroyed-not dulled them .

  13. 医生通知她病已痊愈,她又恢复了正常生活。

    When reported cured by doctors , she resumed her normal life .

  14. 近年来,新发立克次体病已成为世界性关注的疾病。

    Recently , the emerging rickettsioses have become the health concern worldwide .

  15. 到了次年一月,该病已传播到了南美、日本和非洲。

    By January it was in South America , Japan , and Africa .

  16. 他因痛风病已臣庆两个月了。

    He has been confined two months by gout .

  17. 种植两系杂交稻具有明显的增产优势,但随着施肥水平的提高和品种的更换,稻曲病已上升为两系法杂交稻的主要病害。

    It has conspicuous advantage of yield enhancement to cultivate two-line hybrid rice .

  18. 经过悉心调养,他病已痊愈。

    After taking good care of himself , he recovered from his illness .

  19. 在历史上,该病已在非洲、美洲和欧洲引起具有破坏性的流行。

    Historically the disease has caused devastating epidemics in Africa , America and Europe .

  20. 她的病已到了危险期。

    Her illness had reached a critical stage .

  21. 可是目前他的病已入骨髓,人间医术就无能为力了。

    But now one of his disease has the bone marrow , is powerless .

  22. 说:“大王,您的病已侵人到肌体里了。

    He said : " Your Majesty , your illness has invaded your muscles .

  23. 虫媒病毒病已成为国际社会关注的公共卫生问题。

    Arbovirus diseases have become the public health issue that cause attention of international community .

  24. 他的病已到了晚期,生命危在旦夕。

    His illness has reached an advanced stage , and death is expected at any moment .

  25. 病毒病已成为影响黄灯笼辣椒种植业的最主要的毁灭性因素。

    The viral disease has become the most devastating factor that affect the Capsicum chinense farming .

  26. 杨树菌溃疡病已在东北杨树栽培区大面积发生。

    The bacterial canker of poplars occurred throughout most of Northeast areas for poplar culture in China .

  27. 研究先天性心脏病已走过了漫长的道路,因为他们的描述和分类。

    The study of congenital heart diseases has come a long way since their description and classification .

  28. 医生说这女孩情况恶化,病已很严重。

    The doctor said the girl had taken a change for the worse and was seriously ill .

  29. 另外,本病已于1950年被纳入心身疾病的范畴。

    In addition , the disease has been included in 1950 , " psychosomatic illness " category .

  30. 小王这次病已完全好了,现在非常健康。

    Xiao Wang has completely recovered from his illness and is now as fit as a fiddle .