
  • 网络viral marketing;virus marketing
  1. 随着病毒营销策略成为主流,我们会看到更多的虚假宣传,因为这种策略能够制造话题然后成功地将消费者从一个媒体转移到另一个媒体平台,比如,从电视广告转移到某个网站。

    As viral marketing becomes mainsteam , we will see more and more shampaigns as this is a technique that creates talk and can successfully carries consumers from one media to another , for example a television commercial to a website . ( Source : Word Spy )

  2. 可见,病毒营销是新媒体的衍生品。

    Shows that viral marketing is the new media derivatives .

  3. 你也可以让你使用的工具一样子公司病毒营销电子书籍或文章。

    You could also give your affiliates viral marketing tools to use like e-books or articles .

  4. 在这基础上,又发展出了以病毒营销方式传播视频广告的病毒视频广告。

    And basis on it , viral video advertising is growing up relating to the viral marketing .

  5. 同时病毒营销式的传播方式大大提高了广告的传播效率。

    At the meantime , the propagation mode is like Viral Marketing and it brings up the propagation efficiency .

  6. 最后还谈到病毒营销的发展趋势以及存在的问题,互动式病毒传播、解构式病毒传播以及利用微博平台进行病毒传播成为未来病毒营销发展的趋势所在。

    The interactive viral transmission , decoding viral transmission and the viral transmission through microblogging will become the trend in the future .

  7. 病毒营销以其传播迅速,成本低以及影响力大的特点,能够带给企业巨大的经济效益。

    Owing to its rapid speed of propagation , low costs as well as great influence , viral marketing could bring in immeasurable economic benefits .

  8. 一些成立已久的广告公司正在社会媒体、病毒营销、行为定位广告以及三维增强现实的海洋中挣扎。

    Long-established agencies are floundering in a sea of social media , viral marketing , behavioural targeting and three-dimensional augmented reality ( see above right ) .

  9. 当然,这个事实使得那些数字市场营销人员,还有那些网络病毒营销专家的生意变得不好做了,他们希望利用微博影响到更多的人。

    Of course , this makes life difficult for marketers and others engaged in viral activity who want to take advantage of the enormous reach that Twitter has .

  10. 在现代社会,尤其是这个网络的社会中,人们将传统的口碑营销的观念应用在互联网上,并把它称之为病毒营销。

    However , in modern society which based on network , people begin to apply the traditional " Word of Mouth " conception on the internet . Such attempt is called " viral marketing " .

  11. 病毒营销并非真的以传播病毒的方式开展营销活动,而是通过用户的口碑宣传网络,信息像病毒一样传播和扩散,利用快速复制的方式传向数以干计、数以百万计的受众。

    Viral marketing is not the true way to disseminate the virus to carry out marketing activities , but through word-of-mouth propaganda network users , such as information dissemination and proliferation of the same virus , using rapid way to copy transmitted to thousands of millions of audience .

  12. 其中之一就是所谓的病毒性营销。

    One of these is the so called Viral Marketing .

  13. 病毒性营销策略在网络营销中的应用

    Application of Viral Marketing Strategy in Internet Marketing

  14. 基于社会化网络服务的病毒性营销传播研究

    Study on Viral Marketing Communications of SNS

  15. 病毒性营销是免费给一些东西,让人们通过对他人。

    Viral Marketing is giving something away for free and allowing people to pass it on to others .

  16. 病毒性营销的理念是,你把你的免费广告或使用人贱。

    The idea behind viral marketing is that you include your ad with the freebie people giveaway or use .

  17. 创造适合滤过病毒性营销的广告来吸引新顾客并在年轻女性观众中创造对宜家的忠诚。

    Create an advert suitable for viral marketing to attract new customers and create loyalty amongst Ikea 's young female audience .

  18. 病毒性营销是让人们用你的贱免费产品或服务,以倍数迅速在网上营销您。

    Viral Marketing is allowing people to giveaway and use your free product or service in order to multiply your marketing quickly over the internet .

  19. 文章在分析大量病毒性营销案例的基础上,对病毒性营销的载体、网络上实现的途径及其误区进行了研究。

    This paper illustrates the carrier , the operating approaches on the Internet and the risk of the viral marketing based on the analyses on the viral marketing cases .

  20. 病毒性营销策略作为一种网络营销方法已被众多企业接受并实践。

    As an Internet marketing method , the viral marketing strategy has already been accepted and practised by many enterprises , which brings them great profit as well as risks in the process .

  21. 只有能拿出5000万美元砸向病毒性营销,将页面浏览量提高到每月百万人次,拉到相当金额的广告费,所谓免费才是一项不错的短期互联网策略。

    Free is a good short-term Internet strategy , if you have $ 50 million to spend on viral marketing to get your page-views up to the million per month needed for significant advertising revenue .

  22. 病毒性营销是借助病毒传播的方式,扩大信息传递渠道的一种营销推广策略,已被众多企业接受和使用。

    The viral marketing having been accepted and practiced by many enterprises is one of the marketing strategies , which can broaden the medium of information spreading with the aid of the ways of virus spreading .

  23. 应该注意到在该电影的“病毒性”市场营销里,有一些关于“杂音”事件的暗示。

    Note that in the " viral " marketing campaign for the film , there were hints concerning the " Bloop " incident .