
bìng hào
  • patient;sick personnel;person on the sick list;one on the sick list
病号 [bìng hào]
  • [patient;one on the sick list] 部队、学校、机关等集体中的病人

  • 病号饭

病号[bìng hào]
  1. 专用病号背心在长期颈内静脉置管患者中的应用

    Application of special patient vest in long-term internal carotid venous catheterization

  2. 可以接近病号的区域这附近地区被隔离了。

    Patient vicinity This neighborhood is segregated .

  3. 我讨厌被人当作伤病号对待。

    I hate being treated as an invalid .

  4. 留一些血浆给重病号。

    Keep some blood plasma back for the serious cases .

  5. 我还不想急着离开病号房。

    I 'm not anxious to get off the sick list .

  6. 阿憨,有紧急病号,卡洛琳病了。

    Han , we have an emergency . Caroline 's sick .

  7. 疾病将他从一名运动员变为病号。

    The disease changed him from an athlete to an invalid .

  8. 病号以及伤员被送回了家。

    The sick and the wounded were sent home .

  9. 医生尽了最大努力来治疗病号和伤员。(形容词转换)

    The doctor did his best to cure the sick and the wounded .

  10. 长期卧床病号裤的技术改革

    Technical reform on pants for long-term lying-in-bed patients

  11. 把我们算作病号,怎么样?

    How about putting us on sick list ?

  12. 他听说过那是专收重病号的帐篷。

    That was the tent that contained the serious patients , he had heard .

  13. 照顾一个重病号的谨慎的护士。

    A watchful nurse tendinga critically ill patient .

  14. 只有我一个穿病号服。

    I 'm the only one with his ass hanging out of his dress .

  15. 詹宁斯,你看,当个病号多好。

    You see , jennings , there are advantages to being on the sick list .

  16. 病号每天向医疗官报告病情的一种军事编队。

    The daily military formation at which individuals report to the medical officer as sick .

  17. 我穿着两件病号服,实在太不正式,但我不在乎。

    My two hospital gowns were less than formal , but I didn 't care .

  18. 临时区域市政局辖区可以接近病号的区域

    Provisional Regional Council area patient vicinity

  19. 在比利时当病号

    Being a Patient in Belgium

  20. 旁边有一个重病号,睡梦中不断地呻吟。

    Next to Li , there was a very sick man who constantly groaned in his sleep .

  21. 你将可以从思想上克服你的恐惧和身穿病号服的事实。

    You 'll mentally overcome both your fear and the fact that you 're in a hospital gown .

  22. 她补充称,穿不穿衣服可以自己选择,许多女性会穿运动文胸或者医院的病号服。

    Clothing is optional , she adds , and many women wear a sports bra or a hospital gown .

  23. 各家医院里病号和伤者人满为患,其中一些医院的抗生素等基本药物业已耗尽。

    Hospitals were overwhelmed with the sick and injured and some had run out of basic medicines like antibiotics .

  24. 他并不是病得不能来工作,他只是在泡病号。

    He 's not so ill that he can 't come to work ; he 's just swinging the lead .

  25. 到处都是泡病号的工兵的诉苦声和牢骚满腹的阴郁的面部及呆滞的眼神,一天就这样开始了。

    Day began with the whire of the malingers and the glum face and fixed eyes of the man with a grievance .

  26. 90%以上的透析中心的患者透析前测体温、更换拖鞋和病号服。

    Before dialysis treatment patients must take temperature , change specific clothes and shoes in over 90 % of the hemodialysis units .

  27. 在战争和动乱的岁月里,常有米莎凯的牧师们跟随着军队,照料病号和伤员。

    In times of war and turmoil , Mishakal 's priests find themselves marching alongside armies , tending to the sick and the wounded .

  28. 维维安:你就尽管愚弄自己吧,但我必须面对事实,尤其我这样的病号。

    Vivian : You can fool yourself as much as you like , but I have to face facts-especially as sick as I am .

  29. 在大气压下在病号的胸腔周围强迫空气吸进呼出进行转换的小室。

    Alternations in air pressure in a chamber surrounding a patient 's chest forces air into and out of the lungs thus providing artificial respiration .

  30. 上周四,戴利发了一张在医院病床上的自拍照。照片中,他举着马克杯,身穿病号服,着实让粉丝担心了一把。

    On Thursday he concerned fans by sharing a picture of himself in a hospital bed , raising a mug while lying in a hospital gown .