
  • 网络pathologist;Senior Pathologists
  1. 【英文原文】Astory——一个故事作为一个言语病理医生,我经常让病人讲一个自己的故事,以此引导他们开口说话。

    As a speech pathologist , I often ask patients to tell me a personal story in order to get them to open up .

  2. 病理医生在不知晓临床资料的情况下,对纤维化程度进行评分。

    The extent of fibrosis was scored by a pathologist blind to the clinical data .

  3. 所有染色切片均由两位病理医生采用双盲法阅片。

    All dyeing slice was assessed by two pathological doctors in a double-blind method .

  4. 她或他可能有一些信息没让我们病理医生知道。

    She or he might have some information not known to us as pathologists .

  5. 它可定量检测出肝炎病毒抗原含量指数,有助于病理医生研究诊断。

    It can check up some parameter and be contribute to research and diagnosis .

  6. 外地病理医生称这个肺的包块是神经内分泌癌,可能是不典型类癌。

    The outside pathologist called this lung mass " neuroendocrine carcinoma , favor atypical carcinoid tumor " .

  7. 一些外科医生或其它科的临床医生认为他们自己是最重要的,而把病理医生看作是实验室技术员。

    Some surgeons or other types of clinicians consider themselves the most important and regard pathologists as lab technicians .

  8. 他们不愿花时间和病理医生讨论病例,甚至对病理医生保留相关的临床资料。

    They may not wish to spend time with pathologists in discussing cases , and may even withhold pertinent clinical information from pathologists .

  9. 在现存的医疗保健模式中,一个能在这些领域中不断学习更多知识的病理医生。

    A pathologist who has the skills to consult in these areas at the broader systems level , and in the various extant healthcare delivery models .

  10. 在医生进入病房前宣布病理医生的最后诊断前,我的朋友已经意识到他父亲疾病的严重性。

    In the hours before the doctors came to the hospital room to deliver the pathologists'final report , my friend knew the gravity of his father 's case .

  11. 然后将切下来的组织送病理科,病理医生将检查被切除组织的最外层所有面,看它是不是被健康组织包裹。

    He then sends what he has excised to a laboratory , where technicians sample all around the outside of the extracted mass to see if it is encapsulated by healthy tissue .

  12. 通过实验表明使用这套辅助诊断系统能更清晰、更直观的表述上述方法的有效性,从而为病理医生提供了一个比较好的辅助工具。

    Experiments show that using this CAD system can be more clear , more direct . It can represent that the method is so effective that the pathologist can use the auxiliary tool for better research .

  13. 基于此许多临床医生向病理医生寻求帮助,希望通过分析肝穿标本的病理特征能够给于他们更明确的诊断及治疗方向。

    Based on this many clinicians seeked help to pathology doctor and hoped that through analyzing the pathology characteristic of the liver ' specimen to be able to give them more explicit diagnosis and guide the treatment direction .

  14. 外阴硬化性苔癣的早期诊断和治疗对于妇科医生、皮肤科医生、病理科医生和儿科医生都是一种挑战,需要多学科间的协作以深入研究。

    The early diagnosis and treatment for VLS is a challenge for gynaecologists , dermatologists , pathologists and pediatricians .

  15. 目的研究作为教学基地的综合医院如何做好培养病理进修医生的教学工作。

    Objective To study how to accomplish the mission teaching pathological trainees in the base level general hospitals as the teaching bases .

  16. 只懂疾病的医生比起既懂人的心理又懂病理机体的医生来说是相形见绌。

    The doctor who knows only disease is at a disadvantage alongside the doctor who knows at least as much about people as he does about pathological organisms .

  17. 病理描述学医生对可能影响某一历史人物或团体的疾病的追溯研究。

    The retrospective study , often by a physician , of the possible influence and effects of disease on the life and work of a historical personage or group .

  18. 先分别由肾内科和病理科高级职称医生背对背诊断,最后结合临床统一诊断。

    These samples were diagnosed in double blind methods by senior professor in pathological and renal medicine respectively , and then were reached a coincidence diagnosis combined with clinical characters finally .

  19. 计算机辅助的肿瘤病理诊断与分析是提高病理医生工作效率的主要手段。

    Tumor pathology diagnosis and analysis by computer is the main means which can improve the efficiency of pathology doctors .

  20. 结论肝脏炎性假瘤极为少见,临床上常与其它的肿瘤相混淆,确诊只能依靠病理检查,因此其临床病理要点对于临床及病理医生来说都具有重要价值。

    Therefore , its clinicopathological features are of special value for clinical and pathological doctors .

  21. 病理技术的规范与否,制片质量的好坏很大程度上影响病理医生作出正确的病理诊断。

    Standard pathology technique and production quality would affect exactitude of pathological diagnosis .

  22. 一个在解剖病理学的临床实践中有甄别、解释、交流疾病发展进程的病理医生。

    A pathologist who has the skills to recognize , interpret , and communicate pathologic processes in the clinical practice of anatomic pathology .

  23. 随着病理诊断的重要作用日益凸显和工作量的剧增,当前国内医院病理科普遍面临着病理医生严重短缺的现状,培养优秀的病理医师尤为急迫。

    As the role of pathological diagnosis becomes more important and the dramatic increase in workload , the hospitals in China generally face a situation of serious shortage of pathologists at these days , and training experienced pathologists is particularly urgent .

  24. 在互联网技术的快速发展和医院信息化建设的大背景下,数字病理切片的应用使得临床病理试教的方式与过程得到了改善,从而为有效地加速培养病理医生提供了良好条件。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology and the informatization of hospitals , the use of digital slides makes the clinical pathology processing better , and effectively accelerate training pathologist ?