
  1. 它和马克思的哲学革命有何本质关联?

    What is the essential association with Marx ' sphilosophy revolution ?

  2. 论自由时间视域中的马克思的哲学的自由观

    On Freedom Concept of Marxist Philosophy from the Horizon of Free Time

  3. 马克思的哲学观决定了他的教育观。

    Marx 's viewpoint of philosophy determined his educational one .

  4. 马克思的哲学革命及其实质的二重维度

    The Essence and Double - folded Dimensions of Marx 's Philosophical Revolution

  5. 如何理解马克思的哲学?

    And how to understand Marx ′ s philosophy ?

  6. 超越哲学同质性神话&从哲学形态转变的视角看马克思的哲学革命

    A Study of Marx 's Philosophy Revolution From the Perspective of Philosophical Morphology

  7. 用马克思的哲学功能观指导哲学教学

    Use Marxist Philosophic Function To Conduct Philosophy Teaching

  8. 马克思的哲学观是在对现实生活世界的多重批判中体现出来的。

    The philosophic view of Marx is reflected from his multiple critique of reality .

  9. 历史唯物主义与马克思的哲学革命

    Historical Materialism and Marx 's Philosophical Revolution

  10. 马克思的哲学革命探析

    The Analysis on Marx 's Philosophy Revolution

  11. 在此意义上,马克思的哲学依然是时代精神的精华。

    In a sense , Marx 's philosophy still is the essence of times spirits .

  12. 马克思的哲学观和哲学的终结

    Marxian Views on Philosophy and Its End

  13. 马克思的哲学来源是黑格尔哲学;韦伯的哲学来源是新康德主义。

    Marx 's philosophical origin is of Hegel 's philosophy , weber 's is of New Kantism ;

  14. 马克思的哲学中,艺术活动始终是人类自由生存的典范状态。

    In Marx 's philosophy , artistic activity is always the typical state of human existence of freedom .

  15. 从“生活决定意识”看马克思的哲学革命的性质

    Read the essentiality of marx 's philosophical revolution in the thesis " consciousness is determined by life "

  16. 如何理解马克思的哲学革命的根本性质的问题关系到马克思学说的基本意义。

    The essence of Marx 's revolution of philosophy is related to the fundamental meaning of Marx 's theory .

  17. 马克思的哲学变革实际上是对传统哲学本体论思维范式的否定和超越。

    In fact , the philosophy transformation of Marx is to the thinking model of traditional philosophy denial and surmounting .

  18. 就具体内容而言,卢卡奇的重新理解在很多方面走进了马克思的哲学历史观。

    In terms of the contents of his theory , Lukacs 're-interpretation is in Marx 's conception in many respects .

  19. 马克思的哲学、经济学和政治学之关键就是浪漫派命令,即使人成为宇宙诗人,即创造者。

    Marxian philosophy , economics and politics are the romanticist orders to make man become a cosmic poet , i.e. creator .

  20. 马克思的哲学实质上就是关于人类社会发展的一个完整的学说体系,是哲学与人类学结合的典范。

    The essence of Marxist philosophy is an integrated theoretical system about mankind , an example of integration of philosophy and anthropology .

  21. 本文考察了这些理解的困境,认为它们都没能把握住马克思的哲学理念,不能概括马克思哲学的特质。

    This paper suggests that these interpretations fail to grasp the philosophic idea of Marx or to summarize the nature of Marx'philosophy .

  22. 马克思的哲学时空观可以分为辩证的自然时空观和社会时空观两个部分。

    The space-time notion of Marxist philosophy can be divided into two parts : dialectical natural space-time notion and social space-time notion .

  23. 马克思的哲学唯物主义,不仅是对社会历史生活的科学分析,更是对社会生活过程的批判。

    Philosophical materialism by Marx is not only scientific analysis of social historical life , but also criticism of the course of social life .

  24. 跳出现行的学科分类的思考方式,才能深切地理解马克思的哲学革命,理解马克思的关于人类解放的学说。

    Only when we transcend the subject-category thinking mode , can we understand the philosophical revolution of Marx and his theory of human liberation .

  25. 马克思的哲学革命反对把主客体关系作为哲学基本问题;

    The essential point of the Marxist philosophical revolution is opposed to taking the relationship between the subject and the object as the fundamental problem ;

  26. 时间问题是马克思的哲学中一个非常重要的问题,对它的讨论有着非常重要的理论和现实意义。

    The question of Time is a very important question in the thoughts of Marx and talking about it has important theoretic and realistic meanings .

  27. 恩格斯以哲学著述和立场宣示两种形式向世人申明,他的哲学观点与马克思的哲学思想之间没有任何意见不一致,哲学整体和具体观点两个层面的情况都是如此。

    Engels showed the world through his philosophical writings and unfolding his standpoint that there was no disagreement between his philosophical views and Marx 's , whether in whole or in part .

  28. 马克思的哲学革命的本质之处就是以现实的个人、以现实的个人的感性对象性活动呈现出先验自我的现实根基。

    The essence of Marx 's philosophical revolution lies in that it presents the real ground of " transcendental ego " through practical individual and the sensible and objective activity of practical individual .

  29. 马克思的哲学革命不是辩证法和唯物主义的简单结合,而是对费尔巴哈的辩证唯物主义的继承和超越,是以实践为核心的新唯物主义。

    Marx 's philosophical revolution is not a simple combination of metaphysics and materialism , but an inheritance and transcendence of Feuerbach 's dialectical materialism , a new materialism assuming practice as the core .

  30. 在马克思的哲学历史观中,历史规律被理解为人类从历史实在中抽象出来的结果,它应该隶属于理论世界,并有着因抽象而造成的因果必然性或决定论的特征。

    Marxist Philosophy holds that historical law is abstracted from the history reality . It should belonging to the theoretical world and possessing the Characteristic of causal necessity or determinism on account of abstract .