
  • 网络Nepenthes rajah
  1. 文莱的科学家们在一份报告中指出,他们最终发现为什么马来王猪笼草(一种美丽的猪笼草)是世界上最大的猪笼草之一!

    On a report , the scientists in Brunei have finally discovered why one pitcher beauty , the Nepenthes rajah is one of the biggest in the world !

  2. 经过对马来王猪笼草内部物质的检查,他们发现了刚刚排泄的粪便,接着很快便查出它的主人就是住在旁边的树鼩。

    Upon examining the inside contents of the Nepenthes rajah , they discovered a freshly delivered fecal matter and soon found out that its owner is the resident tree shrew who lived nearby .

  3. 虽然它的嘴大得足以吞下一整只树鼩,但是在这么多年的研究中,研究人员却从未在马来王猪笼草中找到一具树鼩尸体,这令他们十分困惑。

    Though its mouth could very well swallow a whole tree shrew , the researchers were confused that throughout the years of their study , they were not able to find even a single dead individual inside .