
dǎo fú
  • beating down;lodge;lodging of crops;stalk leaning of rice
倒伏 [dǎo fú]
  • [lodge;lodging of crops;stalk leaning of rice] 倾斜或铺倒在地。尤用以指草或谷物

  • 荞麦往往在晚秋时倒伏

倒伏[dǎo fú]
  1. 大豆产量和产量构成因子及倒伏性的QTL分析

    QTL Analysis of Yield , Yield Components , and Lodging in Soybean

  2. 水稻茎秆抗倒伏性状的QTL定位研究

    Mapping Quantitative Traits Loci for the Lodging Resistance of Culm in Rice

  3. 暴风雨后,庄稼全倒伏了。

    Crops all got flattened after the storm .

  4. DC复合生长调节剂对玉米主要农艺性状的影响及抗倒伏作用研究

    Study on Effects of PC Compound Plant Growth-regulator on Main Agronomy Characters and Lodging Resistance in Maize

  5. 水稻Ds插入易倒伏突变体的形态和生理鉴定

    Morphological and physiological identification of a Ds-tagged lodging mutant in rice

  6. 大豆倒伏性及其相关性状的QTL分析

    QTL Analysis of Lodging and Related Traits in Soybean

  7. 提出了报高PP纤维的模量和回弹率以及地毯的耐倒伏性的新途径。

    The new way to improve modulus and resilience of PP fiber and lodging-resistant property of PP carpet yarn is suggested .

  8. 水、旱条件下水稻茎秆主要抗倒伏性状的QTL分析

    QTL Analysis for Lodging Resistance in Rice Using a DH Population Under Lowland and Upland Ecosystems

  9. 造成减产的主要原因是倒伏显著降低了结荚花序数/枝条及荚果数/结荚花序(P0.05)。

    The reason of seed yield decreased by lodging was that lodging reduced racemes per stem and pods per raceme significantly ( P0.05 ) .

  10. PTT汽车内饰经编拉绒织物抗倒伏性能研究

    The Lodging Resistance Performance Research of the Automobile Interior Decoration Warp Knitting Fleece Fabric with PTT Fiber

  11. 玉米抗倒伏性状的研究&一般配合力效应(GCA)及其在育种上的应用

    The GCA of the Lodging Resistance Traits of Maize and Its Utilization in Breeding

  12. GA3+PP(333)处理能缩短植株的下部节间长度,增强植株抗倒伏能力。

    In treatment GA_3 + PP_ ( 333 ), the length of the first and secondary internodes were reduced , thus the resistance to lodge was improved .

  13. 笔者从作物茎秆的化学成分与形态结构、力学原理和QTL定位等方面对抗倒伏的评价方法进行了总结:纤维素和木质素的含量多少与倒伏有紧密的联系;

    The paper concluded evaluation methods of lodging resistance from chemical composition ? microstructure ? mechanics mechanism and QTLs mapping in crops .

  14. 最后运用SAS软件对RT、RC、W、H与倒伏量进行回归分析,找出了它们之间的定量关系式。

    Finally , the correlation of RT , RC , W , H and the looseness is investigated by regression analysis with SAS software , and some quantitative relationship is found .

  15. 而12th系列的小黑麦植株高大,易倒伏,穗大粒多,子粒瘦瘪。

    The plants of the 12th series of triticales are high and easy to lodge , with big spikes and many grains but thin grains .

  16. B9都能抑制水仙的营养生长,使株高矮化,叶片挺拔,防止倒伏;

    Both S3307 and B9 can inhibit the vegetative growth of Narcissus tazetta var.

  17. 在本论文中我们讨论了PBT绒类织物的生产工艺,染色以及后整理工艺,并且重点对绒类织物毛绒的抗倒伏性能作了详细的分析。

    In this thesis , we discuss the knitting , dyeing and finishing technology of the PBT pile fabric and we pay some emphasis on the lodging resistance .

  18. 导入后的当代大豆成荚率为30%~40%,其后代(D1~D4)主要在株高、生育期、叶色、抗病抗倒伏性和产量等性状上出现变异。

    Variations were observed in offsprings ( D1-D4 ) in stem height , growth duration , leaf color , disease resistance , lodging resistance and yield .

  19. 在较高的密度条件下,与FFP相比,FFP-H的倒伏指数减少3.03%,OPT-H减少9.42%(P0.05)。

    Compared with FFP , the lodging index of FFP-H and OPT-H separately reduced 3.03 % and 9.42 % in the high density conditions .

  20. 其次,利用倒伏后冠层光谱反射率在可见光波段的相对增幅高于近红外波段的特点,利用实测数据分析和建立了归一化差异植被指数NDVI随倒伏角度的增加而降低的规律及模型。

    Secondly , because the relative increase of spectral reflectance in visible bands is larger than in near infrared bands , the significant negative correlation model between lodging angle and NDVI was built by statistical analysis .

  21. BSSS是一个适应性较好的外来群体,对改造和提高西南地区玉米地方品种的抗倒伏性和产量具有较好的效果。

    BSSS adapted exotic population could be used to effectively improve the lodging-resistance and yielding of local varieties from Southwest China .

  22. 由于矮秆作物可以抗倒伏和有利于同化物有效地分配到籽粒中,所以矮秆性状在育种学上是非常重要的农艺性状之一(Francesco,2003)。

    Dwarfing crops can resist lodging and assign assimilation products to seeds much effectively , and therefore , dwarfing trait is one of the important agronomic characters ( Francesco et al . , 2003 ) .

  23. 在非倒伏条件下,研究了不同氮肥运筹和植物生长调节剂(PGR)处理对小麦分蘖,株高及其构成和幼穗发育的影响。

    The influence of N application methods and spraying plant growth regulaters ( PGRs ) on tillering , plant height and length of basic internodes , and ear development was studied under no lodging condition .

  24. 盆栽矮牵牛施用PP333能有效地抑制营养生长,矮化株型,枝叶紧凑,开花部位集中,防止倒伏,明显地提高了观赏价值。

    Paclobutrazol ( PP 333 ) can effectively inhibit the nutrition growth of Petunia hybrida Vilm . , dwarf the plant types , compact their branches , centralize their blooming parts and prevent drowning , so that their ornamental value is marvellously increased .

  25. 综合成株期抗菌核病和抗倒伏的测验结果,从DH-A和DH-B两个群体中筛选得到3个抗菌核病且抗倒伏的品系。

    Combining the results of the resistant test to Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum and lodging for DH-A and DH-B populations in mature plant stage , three DH lines with both the Sclerotinia stem rot resistance and the lodging-resistance were selected out .

  26. 小麦形态性状与倒伏的相关分析

    The Correlation Analysis of the Stem Traits and Lodging in Wheat

  27. 栽培大豆中的双隐性蔓生倒伏现象

    Double recessive loci controlled viny and lodging habit in cultivated soybean

  28. 作物茎秆抗倒伏的力学研究

    A study on the mechanism of lodging resistance of crop stem

  29. 大豆种质的倒伏性调查及其相关农艺性状分析

    Analysis of lodging and some related agronomic characters in Soybean Germplasm

  30. 倒伏是水稻生产中的一个严重问题。

    Lodging is one of the serious problems in rice production .