
  • 网络switching
  1. 基于多Agent的倒闸操作票生成系统

    System of Making Switching Operation Sheet Based on Multi-Agent System

  2. 倒闸操作全面安全管理(TSC)可行性研究

    The Study on the Total Safety Control Feasibility of Switching Operation

  3. 基于规则系统Jess的电力倒闸操作仿真系统应用研究

    Application of rule - based system Jess in electrical switching operation simulation

  4. 通过对哈三B厂发生的3起220kV电压互感器(以下称PT)烧损事故的分析,指出了PT烧损的原因,提出了今后在母线倒闸操作中应采取的防范措施。

    Points out the causes for the three burn outs of 220 kV voltage transformers at Harbin No. 3 Power Plant B and suggests preventive actions to be taken while the bus bar switch is reversed in the future .

  5. 单片机控制的倒闸操作系统的设计与实现

    Design and Application of A Power-switch Operating System Controlled by Microcomputer

  6. 三峡电站电气倒闸智能操作票系统

    Application of Intelligent Ticket System in Plants of Three Gorges Cascade

  7. 500kV3/2开关接线方式倒闸操作

    Switch Changing Operation for 500 kV 3 / 2 Connection Mode

  8. 一种新型配电网倒闸操作票生成及防误系统

    Switch operation ticket generation and misoperation prevention system for distribution network

  9. 变电站倒闸操作安全措施控制表的应用

    Application of Safe - control Form in Substation Switch Changing Operation

  10. 元认知理论在倒闸操作模拟培训中的应用

    Application of Metacognition Theory in the Intelligent Training System of Switching Operation

  11. 电力综合实验室电气倒闸误操作检测方法的研究

    Research on the Detecting Method for Electric Operational Errors in Integrated Lab

  12. 智能变电站、发电厂倒闸操作及培训专家系统

    Intelligent Expert System for the Operation and Training of Substations and Plants

  13. 给出了倒闸装置的硬件原理框图及主要硬件构成。

    The major constituent hardware of the devices is detailed .

  14. 大型火电厂电气倒闸操作防误专家系统

    Anti maloperation Expert System for Electric Switching in Large Thermal Power Plant

  15. 专家系统在编写变电站倒闸操作票中的应用

    The Application of the Expert System to Writing Operation Command Tickets of Substation

  16. 牵引变电所倒闸操作引起谐振过电压原因及对策

    Countermeasure and Reason for Category Railway-substation Operating Resonant Overvoltage

  17. 顺序控制在变电站倒闸操作中的应用

    Application of the Sequential Control on Substation Switching Operation

  18. 电力系统变电站计算机倒闸操作票系统

    Realizing the System of Computer-operation Ticket for Switch-change in Substation of Electrical System

  19. 变电站倒闸操作票智能生成系统的开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Intelligence Turns into System of Substation Operation Tickets

  20. 倒闸操作票是为完成某一特定操作任务填写的、关于变电设备操作步骤的文档资料;

    Operation ticket is the document about a certain operation order in substation ;

  21. 变电站倒闸操作票仿真系统通用性设计与研究

    Design and research of commonality of simulation system for operation order in substations

  22. 基于专家系统的电气倒闸操作票系统的研究

    Research on Creating Electrical Switching Sequences System Based on Expert System for Substation

  23. 变电站电气倒闸操作模拟仿真培训系统

    The training simulation system for electrical switching operation

  24. 配电网倒闸操作票专家系统

    An Operation Scheduling Expert System of Distribution Network

  25. 通用型电气倒闸操作票系统的研制

    Development of general electric switching operation order system

  26. 多站倒闸操作票自动生成系统

    An Automatic Operation Order Generation System for Multi-Substations

  27. 介绍了为哈尔滨配电所开发的自动倒闸操作票生成系统。

    The automatic generation system of operation scheduling developed for Harbin distribution substation is introduced .

  28. 发供电企业倒闸作业误操作事故原因及对策

    Accident Cause of Inverting Valve by Mistake in Power Generation and Supply Enterprise and Countermeasure

  29. 电气倒闸操作及误操作分析

    Analysis of electric operation and operational errors

  30. 电力系统倒闸操作票是电力生产运行管理系统的重要工作之一。

    Command Order Sheet is an important work for power system 's production and operation .