
hǎi tánɡ shù
  • cherry-apple tree;poon
  1. 他坐在一棵海棠树下,喝着柠檬汁。

    He sat in the shade of a crab apple tree , sipping lemonade .

  2. 声音来自坦德拉姆先生,他正站在他家的落地窗下,同样在望着花园对面的那棵日本海棠树。

    There , in the shadow of his French window , stood Mr. Tandram , also looking forth across the Gardens at the little quince tree .

  3. 不管怎么说,它的奋力一跃使它看到了更加广阔的世界。如今,它心满意足地回到了它那美丽的玻璃房子里,在那棵灯笼海棠树的庇护下,它最终会长成一只威风凛凛的青蛙。

    He had made his leap , he had seen the great world , and was content to stay in his pretty glass house under the big fuchsia tree until he attained the dignity of froghood .

  4. 湖北海棠实生树童区与成年区形态学和细胞学比较研究

    Morphological and cytological comparison between juvenile and adult zone leaves of Malus hupehensis