
  • 网络dried jellyfish slices
  1. 即食海蜇丝生产新工艺

    A Novel Production Process of the Instant Sea Blubber Silk

  2. 即食海蜇丝加工技术及其调味配方的研究

    Studies on the processing technology and formula of ready-to-eat jellyfish

  3. “人造海蜇丝”尝起来、闻起来都没有味道,不易扯断,质地类似透明胶带。

    Artificial jellyfish is tasteless with no smell and is tough to tear and has a texture similar to sellotape .

  4. 警方透露,“人造海蜇丝”是由化学品混合制成的,其中铝元素含量较高。

    Police said the fake jellyfish had been made by mixing chemicals , adding that checks showed high levels of aluminium .

  5. 2014年11月,同样是湖州警方,抓获了出售假海蜇丝的三名个体户,据悉,这些“人造海蜇丝”也是用类似的化学原料制成的。

    In November 2014 , Huzhou police , again , caught three individuals selling fake jellyfish made from a similar chemical mixture .

  6. 警方补充说道,生产这种假海蜇丝每年能获利17万元(折合2.61万美元)。

    The syndicates made more than 170000 yuan ( $ 26100 ) in profits in a year of production , they added .

  7. 中国东部警方日前查获了两个“人造海蜇丝”黑作坊,据调查,约有10多吨假海蜇丝已经流入了当地的农贸市场。

    Police in eastern China have raided two fake jellyfish workshops , saying more than 10 tonnes is thought to have made its way into local food markets .

  8. 警方发现,“人造海蜇丝”中铝的含量“严重超标”,高达800mg/KG,是中国法定标准的8倍。

    Officers say they found " excessive levels " of aluminium in the fake jellyfish - up to 800mg / kg , which is eight times of China 's own legal limit .

  9. 负责本次调查的浙江省湖州市警方表示,他们最先在某农贸市场里一位姓袁的老板的店铺中发现在制作和销售“人造海蜇丝”。

    Huzhou municipal police in Zhejiang province , which is leading the investigation said they first found a workshop run by a Mr Yuan , who made and sold the fake jellyfish at a farmer 's market .

  10. 据湖州市警方在微信上发布的一份声明称,袁某告诉调查人员,他是将三种化学原料--海藻酸钠、无水氯化钙、硫酸铝铵混合制成假海蜇丝。

    Mr Yuan told the investigators he made the jellyfish by mixing three chemicals - alginic acid , ammonium alum and calcium chloride anhydrous - according to an official release ( in Chinese ) by Huzhou police on social media platform WeChat .

  11. 尤其是在夏天,海蜇被切成丝,加上其他佐料制成一道凉菜,非常受欢迎。

    Especially popular in the summer , jellyfish skin is sliced and served like a salad with various dressings .