- 网络dried jellyfish slices

A Novel Production Process of the Instant Sea Blubber Silk
Studies on the processing technology and formula of ready-to-eat jellyfish
Artificial jellyfish is tasteless with no smell and is tough to tear and has a texture similar to sellotape .
Police said the fake jellyfish had been made by mixing chemicals , adding that checks showed high levels of aluminium .
In November 2014 , Huzhou police , again , caught three individuals selling fake jellyfish made from a similar chemical mixture .
The syndicates made more than 170000 yuan ( $ 26100 ) in profits in a year of production , they added .
Police in eastern China have raided two fake jellyfish workshops , saying more than 10 tonnes is thought to have made its way into local food markets .
Officers say they found " excessive levels " of aluminium in the fake jellyfish - up to 800mg / kg , which is eight times of China 's own legal limit .
Huzhou municipal police in Zhejiang province , which is leading the investigation said they first found a workshop run by a Mr Yuan , who made and sold the fake jellyfish at a farmer 's market .
Mr Yuan told the investigators he made the jellyfish by mixing three chemicals - alginic acid , ammonium alum and calcium chloride anhydrous - according to an official release ( in Chinese ) by Huzhou police on social media platform WeChat .
Especially popular in the summer , jellyfish skin is sliced and served like a salad with various dressings .