
dào xù
  • flashback;narrate from the end;cutback;state from the end
倒叙 [dào xù]
  • [cutback;state from the end;flashback] 作品的一种叙述方法:把后发生的关键情节或结果提前叙述介绍,然后回过来按时间顺序叙述发生在先的情节

倒叙[dào xù]
  1. 故事是以倒叙手法向读者讲述的。

    The reader is told the story in flashback .

  2. 作者在这里安插了一段倒叙。

    At this point the writer puts in [ inserts ] a flashback .

  3. 通过一系列倒叙展现出了导致谋杀的各个情节。

    The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks .

  4. 埃米斯以倒叙的方式讲述了这个故事,从这个男人死去的时候开始讲起。

    Amis tells the story in reverse , from the moment the man dies

  5. 通过巧妙运用倒叙手法,伊夫的故事慢慢呈现出来。

    Gradually , with an intelligent use of flashbacks , Yves ' story unravels .

  6. 剧本倒叙了老英雄的童年。

    The script cuts back to the old hero 's childhood .

  7. 电影倒叙了以前的情景,使我们了解了她的理由。

    The film cut back to the earlier scene so that we understood her reasons .

  8. 《Hello》MV24小时浏览量打破了泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)之前在知名视频平台Vevo的纪录,MV单日浏览量高达2770万次。MV中,27岁的歌手悲伤地凝视窗外,检查她的翻盖手机,同时倒叙她与阳光前任的恋情。

    The song 's haunting music video , which broke Taylor Swift 's previous Vevo viewing record by receiving 27.7 million views in 24 hours , sees the 27-year-old singer staring sadly out a window and checking her flip phone , while having flashbacks of her smiling ex during their relationship .

  9. 他童年的故事是用倒叙法来表现的。

    The events of his boyhood are shown in a flashback .

  10. 在叙事技巧上,采用倒叙的手法;

    On the narrative skill , the flashback method was adopted .

  11. 简历就是按时间顺序倒叙我的职业经历,不是吗?

    It 's just my career history in reverse order isn 't it ?

  12. 那部对集中营进行倒叙的。

    The one with flashbacks to the concentration camp .

  13. 影片在倒叙中暗示,泰德自二战以来的十年间,所遭受的精神创伤。

    Flashbacks suggest Teddy 's traumas in the decade since World War II .

  14. 故事是以倒叙的形式讲述的。

    The story is told mainly through flashbacks .

  15. 酿成谋杀案的各个环节是通过一系列倒叙手法来表现的

    The event that lead up to the murder is show in a series of flashback

  16. 或许有人正在来一个倒叙。

    Maybe somebody 's having a flashback .

  17. 可以说,论文的整体结构是一种倒叙关系,也即是先有实例分析作为论据,最后得出文章的论点。

    It can be said that the whole structure of the article is a flashbacks one .

  18. 作品大量运用了讲故事和插叙、倒叙的叙述手法。

    The narrative approach widely used in her novels is storytelling and flashback and narration interposed .

  19. 无论顺叙或倒叙都可以,但记得在简历中保持一致。

    Both chronological and reverse chronological are acceptable but stick with the same throughout your CV .

  20. 时间倒错是作家一种重要的叙事话语和叙事策略,它主要有倒叙和预叙两种形式。

    The chronological disorder is an important narrative discourse and strategy which mainly refers to analepsis and prolepsis .

  21. 叙事模式出现了限制叙事、第一人称叙事和倒叙等;

    On the narrative patterns , the limited narration , first person narration and flashback came into being ;

  22. 格雷姆:电影以倒叙法,述说一个老人临终躺卧床上,回顾自己一生。

    Graham : It was about an old man on his deathbed looking back on his life in flashback .

  23. 非线性的时间表现为过去和现在并置在一起,内部倒叙和预叙的运用。

    Non-linear time is reflected by the coexistence of past and present , the appliance of internal analepsis and prolepsis .

  24. 他童年的故事是用倒叙法来表现的。这部电影采用了逆序的叙事手法。

    The events of his boyhood are shown in a flashback . the movie narrates the story in reverse order .

  25. 第四部分叙事技巧分别从小说当中的意象,象征,插图及小说使用的倒叙叙事结构几方面分析其叙事技巧的使用。

    Part Four Narrative techniques introduces the functions of some techniques such as image , symbols , illustrations and flashback .

  26. 这一倒叙式机杼并非如通常所认为的是独创,而有着文学史渊源。

    This narration mode of flashback is not an original creation people usually think but has its historical origins of Literature .

  27. 作者在叙述赫微香的故事时,既紧凑又周详,用的是倒叙手法。

    The author describes the Miss Habersham He 's story , both compact and they are comprehensive , using a flashback approach .

  28. 《英国病人》以倒叙的形式讲述了一名考古勘探者20世纪30年代和40年代初期在埃及的经历。

    The English Patient tells the story in flashback of an archaeological explorer 's experiences in Egypt in the 1930s and early 1940s .

  29. 同样,古老记忆的概念是一个再现的主题,用倒叙的手法在现实中复生。

    Similarly , the concept of old memories are a recurring theme , with flashbacks and past actions having repercussions to the present .

  30. 很多人以倒叙的方式介绍自己的经历,先讲最近的经历,再逐个往前推。

    Many people use reverse chronological order when listing dates ; that is , start with the most recent date first and work backwards .