
  • 网络narrative method
  1. 德国表现主义戏剧的叙述方法

    Narrative Method of German Expressionist Drama

  2. 艺术特质的市民化,主要从小说体制、语言形式、叙述方法、艺术特色等方面加以说明。

    Sixth , the citizenry style of art features . It is explained by the system , language form , narrative method , the art features etc.

  3. 可能他的意思只是说,我的叙述方法,比马可和Q或者其他什么更好。

    He 's probably just saying that , the way I tell this is better than the way that Mark or Q or some other sources tell it .

  4. 在1990s后期,HBO率先开拓了一种智慧的耐心的叙述方法,因模糊的结尾及在道德摇摆的人物而闻名,“黑道家族”式既是一个缩影。

    In the late1990s HBO pioneered an intelligent , patient style of storytelling that gloried in loose ends and morally ambiguous characters , a style " The Sopranos " came to epitomise .

  5. 在高层次上探索新的舞台叙述方法&谈王晓鹰的导演艺术

    In Pursuit of New , Higher-level Dramatic Narrative Techniques : Wang Xiaoying 's Art of Directing

  6. 约瑟夫·康拉德的叙述方法

    Joseph Conrad 's Narrative Methods

  7. 把从抽象上升到具体仅看作是理论体系的叙述方法或把它仅看作是思维方法的观点都是片面的。

    It is one-sided viewpoint to regard descriptive method and thinking method as theoretical systems from abstraction to concrete .

  8. 本章主要讨论的是形象思维作为一种叙述方法在资本论中的表现。

    This chapter is to deal with the embodiment of imagery thinking in Capital as a way of presentation .

  9. 在本书中,我们将重点讨论马克思研究方法和叙述方法的逻辑和抽象的方面;

    We will focus on the logical and abstract aspects of Marx 's way of inquiry and presentation in this book .

  10. 文章力争从叙述方法、作品的幽默风格及其双向的教育导引功能对之进行探讨,从而肯定了作品所展示的儿童世界的独特合理性。

    He used distinctive method of description to display the child ren 's innocence and delight in his stories with humorous style .

  11. 《国富论》内在体系中的交换价值理论&从研究方法到叙述方法

    The Theory of Exchange value within the context of THE WEALTH OF NATION : from Method of Research to Method of Presentation

  12. 这种叙述方法,在主要利用概念、判断、推理之外,还利用感性形象的各种方式来进行。

    Apart from the chief means of concepts , judgment and reasoning , various types of perceptual images are employed in the presentation .

  13. 德国表现主义反传统的叙述方法可以说直接影响了布莱希特叙述剧的创立。

    It can be said that the anti-hero narration in the German Expressionism has a reflect effect on the establishment of the Brahiter Narrative Drama .

  14. 《星球大战》引起了电影制作各个方面的革命,提高了特效要求、创造性地使用场景,还有科幻式的叙述方法。

    Star Wars revolutionized filmmaking in uncountable ways , raising the bar for special effects , creative use of practical sets , and sci-fi storytelling .

  15. 我们很快就要看到,在《资本论》中,叙述方法除了马克思特有的辩证方法之外,它还有极大的艺术特色。

    We will soon discover that in addition to Marx 's peculiar dialectical methods , the way of presentation in Capital has its own striking artistic characteristics .

  16. 敞开与遮蔽:文学史叙述方法及其限度&以洪子诚著《中国当代文学史》为中心

    OPEN WIDE AND CLOSE OVER : NARRATIVE METHOD AND ITS LIMITS OF LITERARY HISTORY : Focus on A History of Contemporary Chinese Literature Written by Hong Zi-cheng

  17. 在当代的美国文坛,乔纳森·弗兰岑是不能不提到的一个名字。他作品中多种叙述方法的应用使得他在文学界显得与众不同。

    Jonathan Franzen is a notable figure in the contemporary American literary field . His application of many writing techniques makes him far more distinctive than other contemporary writers .

  18. 初中历史新课改的教材依旧是通史体例,知识体系系统性不强,基础知识大量减少,叙述方法比较简单,语言通俗易懂,直观性、趣味性较强。

    New reform of middle school history textbooks is still global history . Systematicness is not strong . Basic knowledge is substantially reduced . The narrative method is relatively simple .

  19. 在这部小说里,托尼·莫里森打破以往小说的叙述方法,大量地采用倒叙、意识流等写作技巧和碎片式的叙事模式纵向地再现了历史,抨击了阴魂不散的奴隶制度。

    In this novel , Toni Morrison re-presents history and attacks the haunting slavery with massive flashback , stream of consciousness and fragment-like narrative pattern instead of the narrative method she applied previously .

  20. 这种叙述方法从作品中某个角色的观察和认识出发,关心生活中真正的经验和感悟,并在人物刻画上从外部情节描写转向人物的精神世界。

    Thus , the representation of the novel , with the real life experience and vision as its focus , is shifted from the external description to the inner world of the characters .

  21. 从影片的形式来看,戏曲、话本、诗词、国画中的叙述方法、结构形式和艺术技巧等仍然是电影民族化创作借鉴的对象。

    From the perspective of movie form , narration method , structural form and artistic technique etc. of opera , screenplay , poem and national painting are still reference target for nationalization literary creation of movie .

  22. 本文并以生产力二重性质理论作为重建的马克思主义劳动价值论的理论基础和现代演绎的叙述方法作为它的现代拓展的方法基础,提供较为充分而有力的证明。

    With the duality of productive force theory as the base in restructuring Marxist labor value theory , and the descriptive methodology of contemporary deduction as its modern development method base , this paper provides comparatively abundant and forceful proof .

  23. 摘要威廉?福克纳在作品中使用了立体交叉结构,具体表现在:意识流方法、多视角叙述方法、转述的方法、多情节线,以及整个创作的立体交叉结构。

    William Faulkner adopts three-dimensional and intersected structures in his works , namely , the streams of consciousness , multiple narrative perspectives , indirect narration , multiple plots , and the structures of his whole works being three-dimensional and intersected .

  24. 继而采用典型案例的叙述方法对循环经济园区国内外的实践进行了介绍并归纳出其发展特点,同时采用比较分析的方法探讨了我国循环经济园区发展的基础、现状和前景;

    Fourthly , it introduces the domestic and international practices of the CEPs and sums up their respective development characteristics , and points out the foundation , current situation and prospect of the CEPs in our country by adopting to the method of comparative analysis .

  25. 所以,小说的这种叙事方式对于我们运用文学伦理的批评方法进行阐释也是极为重要的,论文的第三章就是对梦境这一叙述方法的伦理意义做出的阐释。

    In dreams , the hero and heroine wander in different identities ; therefore , this narrative of the novel is also very important for us to use the methods of ethical literary criticism to interpret the fiction . The third chapter of the paper will discuss this point .

  26. 本文着重介绍脉冲式K2Cr2O7示踪原理、实验装置与步骤,并举实例叙述测试方法的过程。

    In this paper , the principle of pulse-type K_2Cr_2O_7 tracing method , the test device and experimental steps are described , and the test Processes are illustrated with a practical example .

  27. 本文叙述这种方法的原理和实验情况。

    This paper relates the principles and experimental results of this method .

  28. 这部小说采用了第一人称叙述的方法。

    This novel uses the first person in narration .

  29. 实例表明:按本文叙述的方法确定加工精度可降低加工成本。

    The example of how to do shows the method stated can decrease manufacturing cost .

  30. 首先,介绍该方法的基本思想,并且以连续和离散两种形式分别叙述该方法的基本原理。

    Firstly , we introduced the base thought of the backstepping method with continuous and discrete form .